Why Is My Betta Fish Changing Its Color? [And What To Do About It!]

Betta fishes are one of the cutest, domestic fishes for an aquarium. I personally love them. 

I had seen them occasionally at a friend’s place, I definitely had to get one for myself (and I did). I loved my betta fish so much, I named it after my brother jack.

I know it sounds Cringe and all, but who cares. 

Long story short, I noticed something after a while on my Betta fish. 

Subsequent to gazing at it for quite a while, I concluded that this wasn’t the fish I bought, because why was my previously red fish turning blue????

After days of careful observance, I realized the fish was changing its colour by its self. Surely, that was not something i expected to see and i had no clue about why it’s going on.

I did some proper investigations and vet visitation, and here are some reasons why betta fish changes color;

Stress among a number of other things which I will touch down in this article can be the reason your betta fish is changing color. I mean, I feel blue when I’m really sad and stressed out from so much work. So if human beings can change colors when they are stressed, how much a harmless betta fish?

Scientific research have shown also that there might be other causes resulting to the color changes in betta fishes, and these may include; age factor, illness or sickness.

 Is It Normal For Bettas Fish To Change Color?

This is a very regular question and the answer is very big YES.

In as much as, there are other negative things that can affect or cause a betta fish to change its color. It is also very normal for a betta fish to change its color and under a normal condition; it shouldn’t be something to be worried about.

The slightest change in its environment can cause a betta fish to change its colour.

Why Are Betta Fish So Colorful?

We have earlier established that betta fishes are very beautiful and colourful. 

The tone and scale example of betta fish is reliant upon their hereditary qualities, but at the same time it’s affected by their eating routine and the climate wherein they live. 

The hereditary qualities includes the marble gene, this enables or causes the betta fish to change its color. This is totally not harmful to the fish. 

The pigmentation change is what causes the betta fish to be colorful. Over the years the betta fish have been raised because of its arbitrary pigmentation changes and are among the most colourful freshwater fish.

It is definitely a beautiful sight for your home. 

Why Do Betta Fish Get Darker

It is a known fact that betta fish can change color, from its original colo to a lighter or brighter color. But why do they  get darker and why?

After two and a half years of owning a beta fish, it started getting darker. I was worried for a minute but I asked for help , gladly I got an explanation. I learned why the turned darker and what to do about it.

Betta fish becomes dark as they mature. That is fundamentally appeared in their balances, which gradually become hazier as they develop. Nonetheless, natural variables might turn bettas dark also. These incorporate unseemly water conditions, stress, and contaminations, like dark spot illness.

However, the betta fish may possess a marble gene of dark pigmentation , which will cause it become darker in coloration after a period of time.

Not also to forget that poor water conditions can affect the health and well being of the betta fish.

Medical attention should be sort for if the betta fish shows any sign of sickness, as it can be affected by its common parasite diplopstomiasis or fluke disease (also known as black spot disease) 

What Causes Beta Fish to Change Colors?

There are different causes why a betta fish could change its colour. 

Betta fish can naturally change its color on its own, however there are other reasons which causes a change in color

Possession of the marble gene is one of them.  If the betta fish possess the marble gene or also known as the jumping gene, it will have the ability to change from the original color to another. Note that this change in color is not harmful to the health of the fish.

Stress can somewhat can be a contributing factor or cause in the color change in a betta fish.

 Betta fish can feel stressed as well. Some owners have a misinterpretation about the betta fish, and they accept that betta fish cannot be stressed or tired. 

Obscure to them, the dazzling splendid tones showed by the betta fish they had quite recently bought might be “stress or hustling stripes.”

“Stress or dashing stripes”, are splendid flat stripes showed along the betta fish’s sides demonstrating extreme pressure. Contingent upon the event of the pressure factors, these stripes might show up and vanish at spans.

 Stress stripes can likewise demonstrate that a betta fish is being harassed locally tank.

Breeding stripes; breeding stripes are splendid vertical stripes showed along the two sides of female betta fish. Breeding stripes are not so splendid as stress stripes, and ought not be confused with pressure stripes. The female betta fish shows rearing stripes across her body to demonstrate she is prepared to mate.

Not to forget, just like every living thing, the betta fish can age. As they grow older or the more the mature, they tend to change color. As the betta fish ages, its shading goes to dim, this is totally normal as nothing remains to be stressed about.

Betta fish fries are practically straightforward when they hatch. What’s more as they become older, their shading develops until their third year when it bit by bit blurs into shades of brown and dark.

White Betta Fish Turning Blue

When I got my betta fish , he was all red and somewhat transparent, all of a some sudden it changed colour to blue. Was I scared? Yes ,I was but this is nothing to worry about.

This can be due to their inherent marble genetic markers which is activated in their DNA as they  grow older. This is a very normal process.

White Betta Fish Turning Red

A betta fish turning from white to red might be as result of its marble gene activated in the DNA.

On the off chance that it’s been some time since you have done a water change, it is being signed by alkali in the water, they will get red streaks in their tails, there gills get aroused then they bite the dust. Ammonia is profoundly poisonous and this is on the grounds that they are swimming in their own pee.

Red Betta Fish Turning Grey

Is it sick or is it marbling? Marbling is a process by which the betta fish changes its color using a good sign. 

In the absence of showing good or healthy sign, the betta fish is said to be ill or sick, stressed and its living under poor water condition.

Stress can be a major color change for a betta fish. When stressed, the might seem healthy at first, because of the exhibition of color but don’t be deceived . 

Red Betta Fish Turning Blue

An extremely normal misstep, particularly with amateur fish managers, is taking care of some unacceptable sort of food. There is a great deal of choices accessible, so getting befuddled with regards to what food your fish might require is reasonable. Taking care of some unacceptable sort of food can make your fish be ravenous and focused.

 Most fish food makers list what types of fish their particular food is made for. Observe the one that states it is for a betta. Continuously make certain to take care of for right species. Food made for saltwater fish may not contain every one of the adequate supplements a betta fish may needs.

What To Do If a Betta Fish Is Changing Color?

Under normal circumstances ( that is if they are living a very healthy life) there is nothing you can do about the betta fish changing its color, because it’s a very natural  thing for them to do as they grow older or mature in age.

A betta fish should live in nothing less than in a one gallon of water tank, anything less can result to the betta fish being stressed, leading to a change in colour. This can affect the betta fish negatively. 

Ensure to maintain a healthy and clean water environment.  Normalize changing the water when they are due for change, do not keep water for too long. Water kept for too long can contain ammonia which is harmful to the betta fish causing appearance of stress stripes on them.

Malnourishment can also result in colour changes in betta fish, however adequate nutrition shouldn’t be overlooked or neglected.

Always seek vet attention.

What Is The Rarest Betta Fish Color?

I think all colors found in a betta fish are really pretty, but the rarest of them all is the albino betta. 

It’s really difficult to find this in any local store, some people even think they don’t really exist or must have gone into extinct. 

Unlike the white bettas, have pink or red eyes. they are almost transperant as you could literally see some of their organs through their skin. 

I’ve never seen an albino betta before, but I’ll definitely love to see one if given the chance to. 

How Do I Make a Betta Fish Colorful?

If you asked me this about a year ago, I’d definitely not have the right answer for you. 

However, I did come up with a few research, because while my betta fish was going through stress and showing off some really cool blue colors, people kept asking me what I did to change its color. 

So if you’re looking to get your betta fish looking pumped and colorful, the trick is good food, don’t stare too much, and definitely and a good living environment for your fish. 

It really doesn’t take much to get your betta fish to be colorful. 

Final words

Color changes in betta fishes happen to almost 98% of all betta fishes currently alive. Unless they are dying it’s really nothing to be worries about. 

Will you be scared for a second or probably throughout the whole period? Yyes

But the key to actually solving the problem is finding its root cause in the first place. 

Mine was as a result of stress and environmental change. Why did your betta fish change color? 

Do take your time to share your experiences!

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