Why Do Turkeys Stomp Their Feet? [All You’ll Want to Know]

You probably just imagined a Turkey right now, trying to stop their feet- LOL, I did that too when my neighbor asked me this question. 

I never really gave careful observation of my Turkeys feet, except if I noticed an unusual working style, or if they hurt their feet. 

After, my neighbor asked me this question, I notice that Turkey really do stomp their feet while walking. Long story short, here’s what you should know about Turkeys:

Little muscles situated at the base of each quill’s feet empower the bird to move its feathers properly. Those muscles are associated with other tiny muscles inside the skin. While swaggering, the turkey gets the muscles that control feather position, making the body feathers stand erect.

This is partly one of the reasons why it seems like Turkeys stump their feet while they are walking. 

I also found out that Turkeys stomp their feet t mark their territories. This can be seen in scenarios where they are placed with other birds such as chickens and other domestic bird- because a Turkey cannot be marking its territory for me, in my house! The thought of it alone is hilarious. 

Let’s go into further details in the next sub heading. 

Reasons Why Turkeys Stomp Their Feet

Although they say birds are meant to fly, turkeys would prefer to stomp their feet all day long. Even if they could fly like other birds. 

The reasons why Turkeys stomp their feet are not really known. I like to consider it as their walking step and not give it so much thought since it could just be their way of life. 

It could also be their way of marking territory. From a few question asking and research, wild turkeys stomp their feet regularly in areas where they have marked as their territory. Especially in areas where other birds also reside. 

Where Do Turkeys Stomp Their Feet?

Usually around their loved ones. 

Fun fact, turkeys are extremely clingy animals. Especially the infant ones. They behave almost like puppies which is a bit weird to me because they are birds. 

Your infant turkeys will literally follow you everywhere you go, sometimes it’s difficult to put them to sleep because they obviously want to be around you all the time- you might have to rock it to sleep till they grow out of that habit. 

So apart from stomping at their territory, it’s also a sign of excitement especially their loved ones are around them or close by. 

How Do You Know When a Turkey Is Angry or Happy?

It is quite easy to know if your Turkey is angry or happy. 

Head tone can be a generally excellent sign of a turkey’s disposition. A swaggering tom’s head and neck will show the trademark red, white and blue, and the more invigorated he is the more serious the shadings.

 On the off chance that the tones blur to for the most part red, it’s an indication of one or the other dread or accommodation. Alternately, a radiant red head on a non-swaggering tom is an indication of certainty or hostility. You can in any case show restraint, especially on the off chance that there are different birds around. Assuming that head unexpectedly goes pale; your turkey is a bit relaxed. 

Some turkeys might be seen acting forcefully by pecking, following, or showing other scaring conduct towards individuals. Guys will puff out their quills, fan their tails, and “swagger their stuff” while eating and making different vocalizations. This is a sign that your turkey is angry or aggressive.  It can also be displayed when they are hungry. 

Can a Turkey Stomping Cause Damage?

Yes, sometimes it can cause damage. 

Stomping in Turkeys is almost equivalent to jumping for them, or matching with force. So if you have a little kid at home, you might want to keep them away from your turkeys till they are grown enough to manage them. 

They might want to play with your turkey (no matter how much you train a turkey, I still consider them wide animals. I mean, have you ever been chased by a turkey before? A very terrible experience) would flap their wings to get away or even resort to stomping on their faces or pecking at them with feet. 

This singular action can cause injuries to the child. Ensure to treat wounds properly if such an accident were to happen. 

Can You Stop a Turkey from Stomping Their Feet?

I’m not really sure this is possible, since it’s already a part of them. 

You might be able to train them to be as friendly as possible and also how to act around little children, but stomping their feet is how the walk. And trying to stop them from stomping their feet is almost like telling them not to walk anymore- doesn’t seem fair to me if you asked me. 

Final Words

Birds are great, turkeys especially; you’ll definitely grow to love your turkey even if you’re grooming it to be killed at thanksgiving. 

Most times, you might find it difficult to let go and end up going for an alternative dish. As much as turkeys are annoying as hell, they are also pretty adorable. 

I love Turkey meat, but if I grow a bond with one, I’m not sure I’ll be able to bring myself to kill it. 

When did you find out Turkeys stomp their feet? Let the community know your thoughts and opinion In the comment section below, we’ll definitely love to hear from you.