When Do Rhodesian Puppies Need Their First Haircut?

A lot of people who aren’t familiar with the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed ask me, “When do Rhodesian puppies need their first haircut?”

Rhodesian puppies have very soft, fine coats that usually do not need much grooming when they’re young. As long as you keep up with the brushing, you can wait until your pup is six months old to take them in for their first professional haircut.

Here’s the answer, according to me: Well, yes and no.

Why shouldn’t you cut the Rhodesian puppy’s hair?

So, you just got a Rhodesian puppy (aka a Rhodesian ridgeback), and you’re wondering when to get its first haircut. Well, I’m here to tell you that you shouldn’t. Let me explain why.

Rhodesian puppies are born with a ridge of hair that grows in the opposite direction of their other hair. This ridge is super thick and coarse, and it’s actually there to protect them. Little Rhodesians can become sunburned or sun poisoned if that ridge is not present.

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I know that a lot of people think dogs need haircuts. But I’m here to tell you that the only reason dog owners think that is because they have been brainwashed by the dog-grooming industry. It’s a big business! And when you realize it, you’ll see how much money there is to be made from clipping and beautifying our furry friends.

Do you know what else?

A lot of those dog groomers are not even licensed. This means any kind of grooming can be done with no oversight whatsoever. Can you imagine if your hairdresser wasn’t licensed? Would you let them just go to town on your hair? Hell no!

If you love your Rhodesian Ridgeback, then I urge you to keep them far away from dog groomers. If they get their fur cut too short, they might catch a cold or suffer from sunburns. In fact, I’ve heard it can even cause hypothermia or frostbite!

Why should you cut the Rhodesian puppy’s hair?

Most Rhodesian dogs do need their first haircut before they are anywhere near a year old, but it’s not due to hair loss; it’s because there isn’t enough hair on their heads yet to allow the groomer to cut without getting some on their faces or around their ears. Rhodesian dogs are born with very short hair, especially around the neck area.

However, taking your dog to the groomer may be necessary if your dog has what is known as a “furniture” coat (which means that they are more likely to develop hair on their face and legs). Unless they trim the furnishings, it will appear like your pooch has some real mutton chops going on, which is not what you want.

Keep this in mind:

One thing you should know is that the first haircut can cause some anxiety in puppies, especially if they’re already sensitive to strangers or loud noises like clippers. It’s best not to make any sudden movements while clipping your pet’s hair so as not to startle them into biting someone else. In addition, try keeping them away from other dogs during this time period, because even though Rhodesians are generally friendly, there have been reports of puppies biting humans out of fear or excitement when meeting new people.

I recently had a sweet Rhodesian puppy that needed his first haircut. It was awkward because every single time we go to the groomer, he cries.

It’s so hard to get him there, but it’s really important for him to have a good haircut because he doesn’t have hair on his face, and that’s why he looks like a baby when matted up.

Rhodesian puppies are generally one of the most difficult dogs to groom at any age. Their hair can be so dense that it often needs to be teased apart before being cut.

Because of this, it is important for owners to learn how to properly groom their puppy’s hair prior to their first haircut. 

The following tips will help you do just that:

  1. Always use a specialized pet brush for brushing your Rhodesian puppy’s hair. Please do not use a comb or your fingers! The bristles on these brushes are designed specifically for removing dead skin cells from your pet’s coat without damaging it in any way.
  2. Brush gently but thoroughly-don’t just push down on one side of the head or body; rather make sure all areas of the coat are being evenly brushed out from root to tip.
  3. You’ll want to start at the base of your dog’s neck and slowly work your way up toward its ears while applying gentle pressure.

Steps to follow for a healthy, beautiful Rhodesian puppy

Rhodesian puppies are the perfect mix of cuteness and energy. They have shaggy fur that makes them look like tiny pups. These are the steps I followed for a healthy, beautiful Rhodesian puppy:

The first step was to ask me what my puppy likes to eat. If he loves apples or chicken, then make sure he gets enough of those foods in his diet. You’ll want to give him an apple or two every day, and twice a week, including some chicken or eggs as well. Once a week, lavish him with treats that include liver or chicken liver.

As for toys, I use the same principle as when feeding my Rhodesian puppy a variety of foods. He’ll love playing with whatever toy I give him, so don’t be afraid to throw out any old thing if it’s your puppy’s favorite.

There are lots of ways to groom your Rhodesian puppy, but we recommend getting into the habit of bathing him at least once every month. In fact, many breeders recommend it more often than that: daily brushing and bathing will keep him looking and smelling great. You can also use a bath shampoo on his coat to help keep it clean between baths. The more you wash your dog, the less he needs to “blow” or “blow-dry” himself. If you’re not sure how often to bathe him, just check with your breeder or veterinarian for guidance. 


So how do you know when your Rhodesian needs a trim? When the hair looks unhealthy or starts matting. If your dog’s coat is looking dull and lifeless and brushing isn’t helping, it might be time for a haircut. Or if your dog has been hanging out in the mud a lot lately and her hair has started tangling into knots that can’t be brushed out, it’s probably time for a trim as well.