Why Is My Female Dog Obsessed With My Boyfriend? [What’s the deal?]

You look after your dog well. You feed her, bathe her, walk her, and ensure that she has everything she requires to have a happy life. So, why does your dog hug everyone except you? You also might have another question running in your mind “Why is it that my female dog obsessed with my boyfriend?”  There are numerous reasons for these and none of which are personal. Below are some of the reasons that I’ve managed to list!!

The source of love

Dogs connect individuals to the things they bring to the relationship table. Food is, of course, a valuable commodity. As a result, many dogs form bonds with the people who feed them and care for them. However, not all dogs appreciate the same things.

Some dogs adore toys and form strong bonds with the people who play with them or bring them new toys to play with. Other dogs yearn for attention and form bonds with the person who loves to spend it on them. If your dog is attached to another person, that person may just provide a benefit that the dog values greatly.

While dogs bond when they form positive associations, they can also from negative ones. If you’re always scolding the dog to get off the couch, he can identify you with problems and lean towards those who invite him up for a cuddle.

Early connections are crucial

Your dog’s associations with you and your family are important, but so are any relationships she may have formed before meeting you. Puppies should be socialised between the ages of six months and birth. The events of this period in the puppy’s life can have a lasting impact.

For example, dogs who spend a lot of time with women during this crucial period may always prefer women to men. If a person wearing a baseball hat scares the puppy during this time, he may develop a fear of people wearing hats in the future. This means that if your dog develops a stronger attachment with someone other than you, it’s likely due to early life experiences that have nothing to do with you.

The nose knows it all!

To detect and analyse scents, humans have 5 million nerve cells in their nostrils, but dogs have up to 300 million. This allows canines to detect tiny scents that no human can detect. Even if you smell fine to other people, your dog may prefer the scent of someone else over yours.

You probably won’t be able to do anything to make yourself seem more inviting to your dog unless you line your pockets with bacon. If your dog would rather sniff someone else’s butt, don’t take it personally.

Depends on the character

Dogs, like people, have distinct characteristics. How successfully you and your dog bond may be determined by how similar or dissimilar your personalities are. Shy, quiet canines are more likely to form bonds with a calm person than with someone who is constantly on the move. Active and outgoing dogs, on the other hand, may prefer an active person who is always up for a game of fetch or a trip in the woods.

A dog tends to build a bond with a single human

Any dog can choose one human to be the centre of their universe, but particular breeds are known for picking a favourite. The German Shepherd, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Great Dane, and Pit Bull are among these breeds. Because these breeds are prone to becoming overly attached to a single person, it’s critical to socialise them frequently.

If you have a one-person breed in your home, you’ll need to spend time with him and work with him through training and play. If the dog and other family members do not create a bond, he may develop separation anxiety and become difficult to handle when his favourite person leaves the house. Even if you are never picked, your dog can still love and respect you.

Now, this brings us to the next questions. Do female dogs prefer male owners? Is it normal for a dog to be obsessed with someone?

Do female dogs prefer male owners?

Dogs, regardless of gender, appreciate the humans in their lives. However, certain female dogs may have a better chance with male people in terms of forming strong emotional bonds with their owners. Similarly, when it comes to male dog and female owner relationships, this can be true as well.

Bond Between The Female Dogs and Male Owners

Female dogs have deeper ties with male humans than with female ones. This could be due to some behavioural features that are shared by both genders, in both people and dogs. A male canine may have a more calm attitude toward female canines’ often demanding tendencies.  Despite all of this, many happy female canines consider many female humans to be their “favourite people on earth” as well.

Is it normal for a dog to be obsessed with someone?

Your puppy following you around everywhere is adorable at least during the initial stages! But it’s unusual when your dog appears to be fully preoccupied with you and your place. You could be concerned about his actions!

Your dog is entitled to show you affection. However, affection can sometimes cross the line into obsession. If you’re wondering why your dog is so obsessed with you, here are four possible answers.

1. Boredom

Boredom can lead to a variety of behavioural issues in dogs. Boredom causes some dogs to act out and chew up your house. Boredom may cause other dogs to bark or howl continuously. It can also cause some dogs to become overly attached to their owners.

2. He’s looking for something

Dogs are extremely intelligent. Your dog understands that you are the only one who can provide him with what he desires. And if he really wants something, he might try to obtain it from you by being completely obsessed.

It’s possible he wants food or simply to play with you. When he tries to obtain something by becoming a Sticky dog, it can be aggravating!

3. Characteristics of Breeds

Humans have bred particular dogs to have specific features for thousands of years. Yes, some dogs are bred to be natively more attached to their owners than others!

Golden Retrievers, for example, develop strong bonds with their owners. This bond might quickly become obsessive. While it is entirely possible to help your dog overcome his attachment, you should take into account his breed. Some dog breeds are simply more obsessed with their owners than others!

4. Anxiety about Separation

Separation anxiety in dogs may be very severe, making it difficult for both you and your dog to get through the day. If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, he may develop a strong attachment to you. When he observes your “leaving cues,” his problems are more likely to erupt.


Companionship is one of the primary reasons people get dogs today. However, there will be challenges in terms of a dog getting obsessed with you or your partner. If your dog is particularly obsessive, the first step is to determine the source of the behavior and try to know the reason if possible. After that, you can employ the strategies above to help your dog overcome his obsession and go back to living your life!