Will Tea Tree Oil Hurt Fish? [Explained]

Sometimes, we’re worried about bacteria or parasite infestation in our aquarium tank that we begin to look for remedies to get rid of it. A long standing remedy is an essential oil harvested from Australian tea tree. It has shown 100% positive effect is getting rid of parasite in the aquarium. 

However, many aquarium owners are still yet to try it on their aquarium tank, with the fear that it will hurt the fish tank. Which brings is to the question “Will tea tree oil hurt fishes?” 

No, Tea tree oil will not hurt your aquarium fishes rather; they protect them from several kinds of parasites and bacterium infestations. 

Numerous sicknesses can influence the fish in your aquarium if you don’t take proper care of them. On account of sicknesses brought about by a contamination, bacteria or parasite, you can use characteristic item called tea tree oil, which has anti-infection properties, to assist with forestalling these diseases.

For instance, assuming you notice your fish have been battling or nipping at one another, or that one of your fish has a torn blade, you can take a stab at usingg tea tree oil to keep them solid. You can blend tea tree oil with the water, directly in your aquarium.

Can Tea tree oil be used to treat various fish ailments? 

Fishes are beautiful and unique creatures, because of this what may be beneficial to some fishes may be bad for some others. 

For instance, many individuals have tropical aquariums in their home that might have an assortment of fish, including a catfish. Assuming your fish get an outer parasite growth, even a few bacterial contaminations, one of the best medicines to utilize is potassium permanganate (whenever utilized appropriately.) But on the off chance that you have catfish in your aquarium, this treatment might possibly kill them.

Because of this, studies and researches were carried out to find a substance that would be beneficial for a greater percentage of fishes. Tea tree oil amongst various oils such as lavender oil, orange and citrus blend showed some positive effects in fish tanks. Tee tree oil especially, helped get rid of a lot of fish ailments as well. 

That being said, we can all agree that tea tree oil can be used and has proven effective to treat various fish ailments. It’s a good buy for a fish tank owner. 

How do I add tea tree oil to my aquarium tank? 

If there’s anything you want to avoid when using tea tree oil for your fish tank, it is to avoid pouring excess of it just because it is enough. A few drops for a large gallon of water is quite enough. 

I mean, if it can be harmful when used in excess on the skin for humans, how much more fishes. with that being said, here is the steps you need to follow when introducing tea tree oil into your aquarium tank. 

  • Buy a tea tree oil that contains basically a 30 percent level of Terpinen-4-old (the really dynamic fixing in tea tree oil). This level demonstrates how much antimicrobial ability the tea tree oil has. Likewise ensure how much cineole (a substance tracked down in numerous medicinal ointments) in the tea tree oil is 15% or less. Anything higher than 15% can make disturbance the fish’s scales.
  • Place 1/8 of a teaspoon of tea tree oil in the aquarium for each gallon of water in your fish tank.
  • Blend the tree tea oil around leisurely with a little fish net, until it is mixed with the aquarium water.
  • To assist with forestalling likely diseases, rehash Steps 2 and 3 once every day for three days.

Will tea tree oil clean the tank? 

The oil has strong antibacterial, antifungal, and calming properties that make it a fabulous normal cure and safe cleaner. That said, tea tree oil is unquestionably helpful for excellent cleaning, and emergency treatment

As a matter of fact, albeit tea tree oil can be really great for fish, they should be utilized with a lot of care There are three sorts of rejuvenating oils that you could attempt in your aquarium. Please note that they ought to just be utilized in glass aquariums as there can be a negative synthetic response with plastic. 

However, just because they have good cleaning properties doesn’t mean you should leave your aquarium tank without cleaning it as at when due. Doing so will only put your fishes and aquarium life as a whole at a risk of more bacterial and fungal infections. 

Are essential oils good for fishes? 

Presently, you might think the possibility of essential oils being great for fish is marginally odd, but if they are great for us, they should be really great for other living creatures. Furthermore, this isn’t simply a theory. Research has shown that adding natural balms to our aquarium can without a doubt improve the wellbeing and prosperity of our water companions.

Fish tanks, or aquariums, in the house, are presently a typical element from one side of the planet to the other. The advantages of watching fish swimming around have been demonstrated, through college studies, to encourage us; de-focusing on us and bringing down pulse.

Given the advantages to us of keeping fish, we also can reward them. Presently, this doesn’t imply that you ought to begin tipping your #1 oil into your aquarium freely. To be sure, it would be unfavorable for your fish if you somehow managed to do this. As a matter of fact, albeit rejuvenating oils can be great for fish, they should be utilized with a lot of care.

Final words

Nevertheless, it is important that you carry out your own research to find out exactly what suits you and your fish. 

You may not like Tea tree oil as a person, but there are still other great essential oils that are very beneficial to your aquarium tank. 
