Dogs pee for a number of reasons and when faced in different situations.
A short story:
I had been away for a couple of months, roughly about 3 months. My dog hadn’t seen me since then, so I wanted to pay a surprise visit.
One thing about my dog, he can perceive my presence from quite a distance. If I ever get missing, my dog has to be part of the search party. I got home and was greeted by my overly excited dog. How could he not be excited, he hadn’t seen me for 3 months.
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However, this was when I noticed a small puddle of pee close to my shoe. My dog had peed himself out of excitement. As much as I missed my dog and was happy to see him too, I was also worried that my dog was peeing from excitement.
I heard stories of people’s dogs peeing when they were scared of excited, but I had never really seen it happen first and until that day. So, I went researching, on how to stop my dog from peeing when too excited or even scared.
You’ll be interested in knowing my findings.
The best way to stop your puppy or dog from peeing out of excitement or fear is to teach your dog how to relax. I had to implement this in my dog so he eventually stopped peeing himself when he sees me again after a while.
Why Do My Puppy Pee When Excited or Scared?
It’s a quick guess from the term “peeing when excited or scared” it basically means that when your puppy is excited, they end up peeing. And when they get scared, they pee too.
Peeing out of excitement is most frequently seen in cheerful, hyper, youthful canines that might not have full bladder control. Canines much of the time grow out of this type of peeing as they mature and sincerely quiet down.
This still doesn’t guarantee that your older dogs won’t pee put of excitement when they see you. The terrible news is they won’t lose the propensity short-term. These are the canines that pee while playing, when you return home, or when new individuals visit. Persistence and understanding will go quite far toward teaching your dog to not pee when they are excited or scared.
But regardless, it is quite important to know the series of changes your puppy goes through between 6 months to 1 year.
When Will My Puppy Outgrow Peeing When Excited or Scared?
While most canines grow out of profound peeing, fear peeing can be tracked down in canines, all things considered. It’s more normal among youthful female canines, pups, canines that have been over and over (and frequently brutally) reprimanded, and canines that have been kept in a reliant circumstance (in a sanctuary or pet hotel).
This kind of peeing frequently happens when some occasion makes the canine give a compliant sign as they pee a modest quantity. Accommodating signs can fluctuate enormously contingent upon your canine and their character.
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In the event that your little dog pees when energized or excited, it may very well be typical as they are as yet finding out about things. As a matter of fact, doggies that are scarcely a year old are generally the ones that show energy pee, yet they as a rule grow out of this from the get-go. Notwithstanding, it might likewise happen in grown-up canines, particularly those that have recently been taken on or just need training.
Canine energy pee might be a consequence of inadvertently building up the way of behaving. For instance, while you now and again can’t resist the urge to show energy while saying hello to your canine, an excess of fervor could support your canine’s way of behaving. Little dog energized pee may likewise occur because of a decline in your canine’s urethral sphincter capability or potentially a hereditary inclination, be sure to check with a vet if you suspect this.

How To Prevent My Puppy From Peeing When Excited or Scared?
There are a number of things you can do to stop your puppy from peeing when excited or scared.
Teach your dog how to calm down
Not all canines have the intuition or want to unwind all alone and may require some assistance from their people. For canines that struggle with settling down, they can be shown how to unwind with short, day to day instructional meetings. Ensure that your hire a professional dog trainer if you don’t know how to do this.
Having your canine play out a way of behaving that is a complete opposite of getting them too energized or excited can likewise help. A model is to have your canine rests with their head/neck expanded. This helps move your canine out of the invigorated mentality and into a more loose, task-driven mindset.
Go on walks with your puppy frequently
Taking your canine for regular strolls will urge your canine to pee in nature as opposed to in your family room. On the off chance that they have an unfilled bladder, they have less pee to deliver when they become excessively invigorated.
Starting at four years old months, a canine can typically hold their bladder 1 hour for each long stretch old enough, in addition to 1. In this way, a 6-month-old little guy ought to have the option to hold their bladder for as long as 7 hours. Yet, a few canines might have to go out more frequently than that, and that is entirely OK. You will need to take your canine out more often than this to lessen the energy pee too.
Reduce your dog’s excitability levels
Treating the sensitivity is significant to treating energy peeing. Lessening your canine’s energy level with steady, everyday work-out and day to day mental feeling can likewise assist with diminishing excitement peeing. A drained dog will not have sufficient energy to get adequately invigorated to pee on your floor.
Exercises, for example, playing get, doing spryness preparing, bouncing obstacles, or running with you are extraordinary ways of getting out a portion of that edgy energy.
While it is reasonable that you could lash out or be baffled by incessant invigorated peeing, don’t utilize discipline to attempt to address the issue of fervor peeing
Teach your dog to not get triggered always
You’ll have to recognize the circumstances that trigger your canine. Then in those circumstances, begin making more modest developments and rewarding your canine with treats for not peeing.
For instance, in the event that your canine pees when you go after their restraint, start by moving your hand a couple inches away from your body and reward them for not responding. When your canine serenely acknowledges little developments, continuously progress to bigger ones.
Keep rewarding your canine when they don’t respond or pee because of the trigger developments. Over the long run, you can stir up to having the option to contact and deal with your canine’s restraint with zero trace of pee on the floor.
I also learned that separation anxiety could be the reason why your dog pees out of excitement whenever you return home from work. This can lead to a series of behavioral changes if not looked into on time.