How to Tell If a Snake Is Sleeping or Dead

A snake who is not moving around and acting normally, eating less, and inactive could indicate a severe issue. Like all other living animals, snakes require sleep to rest and restore themselves. Often, snake owners cannot tell if the snake is dead or sleeping since using the snake’s closed eyes is not an indication enough.

Instead, there are signs to look out for to determine if the snake is sleeping to prevent unintentional disruption of his sleep. A dead snake usually limply hangs from the hands when held and does not react when touched or held. If you are not certain if the snake is dead, it is best to check with the vet to confirm. Before then, do not bury the snake or get rid of it as he may still be alive.

Do snakes Hibernate?

Snakes hibernating can sometimes become active to keep themselves warm. The snake will also react when touched or picked up and wrap themselves around the hand. Similarly, sleeping snakes will look startles when woken up, while dead snakes do not move at all and are cold. Additionally, snakes go through brumation, a process similar to hibernation.

Brumation is the time when the snakes are not very active, usually during winter. Snakes are cold-blooded animals and therefore need to conserve more energy during the winter season. By slowing down their activities, their energy use reduces. They will still move during this period, but not as usual. So, if the snake is not moving, it does not necessarily mean he is dead; he could be going through a period of inactivity.

How to Tell If a Snake Is Hibernating

When a snake wants to brumate or hibernate, it will go into hiding for safety purposes and be there for an extended period. For the most part of the day, it will lie still and not move. When it moves, it will be a slow and sluggish movement. The snake will not want to eat during this period as it needs warmth to digest the food. If the snake does not find a warm place, the gut bacteria cannot break down the food.

If the undigested food stays in the intestinal tract for a long time, it gets rotten. This can cause regurgitation. The trigger to brumation is usually low temperatures. When the temperatures go low, the snake stops becoming very active. The majority of snake tanks need to be around 80 and 90 degrees depending on the snake species. Frequently check the temperature of the snake tank to identify what is causing the snake to be inactive. Warmth is equally essential for the health of the snake.

How to Tell If a Snake Is Sleeping

It is often difficult to tell how long a snake sleeps since sleeping is a hunting behavior. Out in the wild, snakes are commonly referred to as ambush hunters since they sit still as they wait for the prey to pass them. They can be still for days, but one cannot tell how long they slept and how long they were hunting.

Some common ways to tell if the snake is sleeping include when touched, the snake appears startled when approached, it allows one to get closer, and when picked up, it looks confused. Snakes sleep with their eyes open as they do not have eyelids to close their eyes. They cannot blink either, so there are other clues to tell if the snake is sleeping. The clues include;

Snake breed

The different breed of the snake partly shows when the snake goes to sleep. Some snakes are active at specific times of the day and sleep at particular times. Diurnal snakes that are most active during the day include racers, patch-nosed snakes, and Sipos. On the contrary, snakes like broad-headed and nigh snakes stay up mostly at night and sleep during day time.

On the other hand, some snakes, like rat snakes, vary in their sleeping routines depending on the year’s season and time. This makes it hard to know when a snake can sleep. Using the sleeping patterns to tell if the snake is asleep is not a full proof way, but it gives a rough idea about the snake’s nature and sleeping patterns.

Seasonal effects

The type of season plays a significant role in the sleeping habits of snakes. The majority of the snakes spend up to 16 hours per day sleeping. During the winter period, the snakes can sleep for up to 20 hours a day.

Post-feeding nap

Once a snake has eaten, he may be sleepy as compared to its usual routine. Eating a big meal can make the snake drowsy and sleep for 20 hours immediately after feeding.

Sleeping position

When the snake is awake or asleep, he looks pretty much the shape of a regular snake, except there are few clues that tell the difference. A sleeping snake often stays in one position for several hours, similar to when he is hunting. Additionally, when asleep, the snake’s tongue does not flicker, and the snake does not react when the top of his cage is opened.

How to Tell If a Snake Is Dying

Unusual movement and posture

If the snake cannot naturally move and get into position when placed on their backs, it could indicate the fatal inclusion body disease. Snakes with this condition often stare upwards for longer than regular times. If the snake cannot move at all, it is best to check with the vet immediately.

Breathing problems

If the snake is breathing with his mouth open and looks like he is struggling to breathe, it indicates a severe respiratory infection. It could also mean that the snake has a mouth rot often caused by parasitic infections. If the snake is wheezing, gurgling, or gasping, he needs immediate medical attention.


Dehydration is a common sign with numerous serious health issues. To determine if the snake is dehydrated, take a look at the condition of the eyes. A snake in good condition should have bright and clear eyes, while a dehydrated one has cloudy and sunken eyes. There can also be a stuck shed in a dehydrated snake, meaning that the skin could not completely shed on its own. Also, a dehydrated snake usually has unusual stringy saliva.

The Bottom Line

A hibernating or sleeping snake will always be responsive when someone moves close or picks him. If the snake is sleeping, be careful when handling him as disturbing him can make him startled and bite in response. Conversely, if the snake is cold and unresponsive when you move close or pick him, he may be dead. It is best always to consult a vet if you are unsure of the state of the snake.