My House Smells Like Kitty Litter And I Don’t Have a Cat

There is nothing as disgusting as having to deal with a kitty litter smell in your house when you don’t even have a cat. The good thing is that you can easily trace the source of the smell and even get rid of the smell.

Your house could be smelling like a litter box because the former owners of the house you are currently staying in had cats. Yes, that could simply be the reason. And you should also know that when wood floors and walls come into contact with any moisture, it will spread odors of cats from the past. 

Another reason why your house could be smelling like a litter box might be because of wet carpets or even flooding. 

What could also make your house smell like kitty litter? Your house could have a mold problem especially black mold. Ornamental boxwood is a normal landscaping shrub that could make your house smell like kitty litter. 

There are many other things you would learn about kitty litter if you read this article till the end. So, stay relaxed and be ready to give your house the pleasant smell it needs. 

How do I know if my house smells weird?

There should be a normal way your house smell that doesn’t seem weird. When that smell is no longer there, you should know. 

But nose blindness or sensory adaptation could make you get used to your house smell that you may not be able to detect when it begins to smell weird. 

There are ways you can know if your house smells weird. Check them out.

1. Compare the smell in your house to that of your friends’ houses.

You should frequently compare the smell of your house with that of your friend. If five of your friends’ houses smell better than yours, it shows that your house smells weird. 

Or you could even compare the smell of your house with that of a hotel around you. If the smell of the hotel is sweeter than that of your house, that is one way you know if your house smells weird. 

2. Compare the smell of your house with the things you have in your house or the activities you carry out in your house.

This is another effective way of knowing if your house smells weird. If you don’t keep dead rats in your house, then your house should not carry the smell of dead rats. 

Your house should smell like the things you keep in your house. If you have to keep essential oils in your house, then your house should carry the smell of those essentials. 

So, you can know if your house smells weird when it begins to smell different from the things you keep in your house or the activities you carry out around your house. 

How do I find the source of my house smell?

Are you perceiving a quite unpleasant odor in your house and it’s making you feel uncomfortable? Do you know that you can find the source of your house smell? Yes, it’s very possible. Sometimes, a true friend of yours may visit you and point it out to you. Some other friends may not even point it out to you, so they don’t make you feel bad.

Do you want to find the source of your house smell? I will tell you. Relax and read the tips I specially wrote for you to discover the source of your house smell.

3. Ask your close friend.

Does it sound weird to you? I know it may sound kind of weird asking your friend how your house smells. But it’s something you can do if you are nose blind.

You should ask a true friend of yours instead of some random stranger, so you don’t get embarrassed if it turns out that your house truly smells weird.

Don’t be shy to ask your close friends when next they come to visit to tell you how your house smells. 

It’s not enough to just ask just one friend. You can ask like three of them. With the honest responses, your friends give you, you can easily trace the source of your house smell and properly fix it.

4. Go on a holiday with all the doors in your house closed

Another way you can find the source of your house smell is by closing all the doors and windows in your house tightly before going for a holiday. 

Ensure that no one gets access to your house while you are away, so it doesn’t tamper with what you intend to do. 

Usually, your house smell increases when your doors and windows are closed tightly. This way, when you come back, you can easily trace the source of your house smell when you return from your holiday. 

So, make sure you carefully detect the first smell you perceive immediately you return from your holiday. 

5. Do away with your air fresheners for a while.

Most times, you may find it quite difficult to find the source of your house smell if you consistently spray air freshener in your house, it has a way of suppressing your house smell. Instead of trying to suppress your house smell with your air freshener, is it not better you deal with the source of the smell for once? 

So, do away with your air freshener for a while and perceive the smell of your house and handle it properly.

6. Use your strong sense of smell.

You can also utilize your strong sense of smell in finding the source of your house’s smell. Who says you can’t? You can.

Just move around your smell and try to perceive the smell coming from your kitchen, toilet, your pet’s litter box, your sink, or each of the rooms in your house.

If you take your time to smell everywhere in your house, you can easily find the source of your house smell.

What are you still waiting for? Go use these tips I just highlighted to find the source of your house smell and deal with using the tips I will share about how to get rid of your house smell.

Your house deserves to smell nice every time. Don’t make your house a place where your family and friends find difficult to visit because of the disgusting smell that greets their nose whenever they visit you.

How do I get rid of the cat litter smell in my house?

If you’ve noticed that your house carries a cat litter smell and you are wondering how best to get rid of it, I will give you useful tips on how to get rid of that smell.

Check out the tips below if you have a cat as a pet in your house and you want to learn how to get rid of that cat litter smell in your house.

7. Get rid of their waste.

If you keep a cat as a pet, then you must be ready to see that get rid of the waste they excrete. You can get rid of the waste by cleaning their boxes at least once a day and preferably twice a day. 

Doing this will prevent your cat from eating their feces, this way they will stay healthy and happy. If you have asthma or your cat has asthma, you should keep a low-dust litter, so it doesn’t affect your health in any way.

Some cats tend to urinate of defecate outside their litter boxes if they get too full, and I am sure you don’t want that to happen to you so, you don’t go around your house scooping your cat’s feces

Frequently scooping the waste of your cat, is one way you can get rid of cat litter smell in your house.

8. Keep your cat’s space area well-ventilated.

Don’t be among the people who just keep their cat’s boxes in an enclosed space that is not properly ventilated. Keeping your cat in an enclosed space only ends up giving your house a stinky odor that you and your cat would not be comfortable with. 

Do well to make sure your cat’s space is well-ventilated so, you don’t have to deal with regularly looking for ways of getting rid of cat litter smell. 

Proper ventilation is not only good for you as a human, but it is also good for your cat.

9. Sprinkle baking soda

If after scooping your cat’s feces and you still notice that its space still has an offensive odor, before adding fresh litter, sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on the bottom of the box. Baking soda will remove the offensive odor and it won’t irritate your cat’s sensitive nose and lungs. 

Don’t try to use your body perfumes instead of baking soda, it may upset your cat’s nose and make it detest staying in its litter box.

10. Consider washing your cat’s litter box thoroughly.

Scooping your cat’s litter box every day is not enough, once in a month, you should consider emptying the litter from your cat’s box and washing the box thoroughly. While washing ensures you wear gloves, so you don’t get yourself infected from urine or fecal pathogens.

What should you use to wash your cat’s litter box? Soap and water. Use a mild soap. If you use harsh soap, the chemicals contained in it can make your cat avoid staying in its box after you clean it. 

After washing, ensure you dry your cat’s litter box before you put in fresh litter.

11. Replace your cat’s litter box

You should try to replace your cat’s litter box at least once a year. Over time, as your cat keeps scratching their litter box, it could create a breeding space for bacteria and this will cause their litter box to always smell. That is why you should try replacing their litter box annually. 

When replacing your cat’s litter box, let it be as low as possible so your cat can easily go in and out. And then the box should be as long as your cat from the tips of its nose to the tip of its extended tail. 

What smells like urine but isn’t?

It is said that women have a stronger sense of smell than men. And as you grow older your sense of smell reduces. So, the likelihood of you perceiving something like urine that isn’t there increases as a result of that. 

You could also be perceiving urine that isn’t there if you have sustained a head injury in the past or you have been constantly exposed to environmental pollutants. Your poor health status could also be another reason.

Talking to a health practitioner could help when you start to smell urine that isn’t there. I’m sure their diagnosis and prescription would help you a lot.

How to make your house smell nice.

The smell of your house is the first thing a visitor notices about your house. That is why you should always put in the effort to make your house smell its best, so you end up making yourself and your visitors feel less comfortable.

There are easy ways you can make your house smell nice. Check them out.

1. Use essential oils in your air filters.

There are many essential oils out there that you can use in your house to make it smell so nice. 

Add few drops of essential oils in your air filter when next your notice your house smells bad. And enjoy the sweet scent your house will have afterward. 

Essential oils can help you focus, relax, sleep well and they also even have healing properties in them.

2. Clean your garbage can.

Try to always keep your garbage can clean. Don’t allow it to get stinky before you clean it. 

You can put old orange or lemon peels in your garbage can to make it smell nice. 

3. Sprinkle baking soda on your carpets.

Baking soda is so powerful. It can help a sorb bad smell and give your house a nice smell. 

If you have a carpet, sprinkle baking soda on it regularly so, your carpets can smell nice. Leave the baking soda to remain on your carpets for 15 minutes before using a vacuum on it and enjoy the pleasant odor from your carpet. 

4. Clean your drains.

When you notice a bad smell from your kitchen and bathroom drains, ensure you look for a way of removing any blockage.

If it is something you cannot handle, get a professional plumber to come to check the drains of your house.


With all the detailed tips I outlined above, I am sure you now know how to find the source of your house smell and how to get rid of cat litter smell in your house. 

If you practice those tips, be sure to fall in love with your house smell. Visitors would love to visit you because they are assured of the sweet smell that your house welcomes them with. 

Remember, your house should always smell nice. It’s very good for your health.