Pine cones or conifer cones are found on pine trees. Pine trees are mostly found in Mexico, California, and Arizona. They are usually woody fruits that include scales and bracts which are arranged around a central axis.
Pine cones help in keeping the pine tree seed safe. These cones help the seeds from freezing in the winter season. But are they toxic to cats?
Note that pine cones are not toxic to cats, but they can cause blockage in their food pipe. Pine trees or pine cones are mildly toxic to cats and they should be avoided as and when it is possible.
However, I’ll talk about it in detail in this article so, stay hooked!
Why Do Cats Like Pine Trees?
Pine trees are generally decorated as Christmas trees on the occasion of Christ’s Birth or Christmas.
This ritual is practiced by many people but not all of them know that a pine tree can cause immense harm to the little furry feline.
Many people decorate these trees without knowing about their repercussions. If a cat is exposed to a pine tree or the fruit of the pine tree, i.e. the pine cone then it can be harmful.
Exposure to sap or pine leaves can cause the little feline some very common digestive issues. It can also increase the chances of a major physical injury.
Although researchers have not yet been able to identify the exact cause behind a pine cone’s toxicity towards a cat.
They’ve pointed out in the past that pine needles and saps can significantly harm cats. Cats like pine trees due to many reasons.
Pine trees are long enough and their height entices the cats. Cats love to climb into everything they find in their surroundings.
These two elements are known to be the most common and the most dangerous health hazards for a cat. Cats can easily chew onto needles.
The cat may even ingest the sap while it grooms itself, in case the sap gets stuck in the feline’s hair. Hence, you need to be cautious when dealing with these things.
As far as the question of why cats like pine trees, researchers have come to the conclusion that cats find the Christmas trees to be very exciting.
The first reason for a cat’s love for a pine tree comes because someone has brought a new element into their territory. Cats also love to investigate new things.
The pine tree has outdoor smells and bark to scratch hence it becomes a new element of a cat’s interest and investigation.
The things that people hang on a Christmas tree to beautify its appearance add to the new element and it thus becomes a gigantic toy for the little feline.
Cats like to play with those dangling ornaments and it becomes a game for them. Pine trees also act as a perch for your furry friends. Cats love to climb pine trees.
Cats love to climb up on everything because they descended from a tree-climbing carnivore- Proailurus. It looks like the impulse hasn’t worn off since then.
However, any cat person who wishes to set up a pine tree at their house should ensure that they hang the ornaments at the very top.
The cats could get tangled in cords and wires hence, you should ensure that the tree isn’t surrounded by wires that could entangle the little creature and make it fall.
Why Is My Cat Eating Pine Cone?
Pine cones have a mild flavor and they are believed to contain proteins, Vitamin K, magnesium, and thiamine (B1).
Pine cones or pine conifers are excellent sources of phosphorus, manganese, and zinc too. The pineal gland, that is present in the brain is named after pines due to its shape.
Cats love to eat pine cones as they have a mild flavor and these conifer cones also contain fibers that help to curb an upset stomach.
Cats even love pine cones because of their hard and scaly structure, they often toss them around from side to side like a toy. Pine cones can cause harm to a cat’s health.
Although pine cones are very nutritious and can help to maintain a balanced diet for the little feline they have a drawback. They can cause blockage.
Pine cones are hard to swallow, especially for a cat and they can turn toxic as they have the potential to cause blockage in a cat’s food pipe.
Hence, you should avoid feeding pine cones to a cat, even if you wish to then serve them in bits and pieces so that the feline can swallow the fruit conveniently.
Are Pine Cones Poisonous to Pets?
Pine cones or conifer cones aren’t toxic to pets, dogs, and cats alike. However, they can be difficult to swallow and can also cause a blockage in their food pipes.
Pine cones can even cause gastrointestinal issues and constipation. This could even lead to surgery. So, you should ensure that your cats do not play with pine cones.
So, as an answer to the question of whether pine cones are poisonous to pets, I found that these fruits aren’t exactly poisonous but can prove to be extremely toxic.
Can My Cat Play With Pine Cones?
Pine trees can harm the cats excessively and cause them serious liver problems and these issues can even turn out to be fatal.
Pine cones or conifer cones are scaly and include bracts that can harm your little furry friend. They are woody fruits and cats are mischievous creatures who like to toy with them.
Cats are most likely to play with a pine cone disregarding the scales attached to the fruit which can injure them heavily and brutally.
Cats treat this fruit as a toy and often bring them to their mum and dad to ask them to play with it. You should ensure that the cat does not get hurt in the process.
Try to keep a pine tree and the pine cones as far as possible from the little feline ensuring that the cat does not injure itself or get wounded.
What Happens if a Cat Eats Pine?
A Pine tree can be hazardous to a cat’s health because it contains sharp needles which can harm a kitten, including both its internal and external organs.
People usually put up a Christmas tree in their homes to celebrate the festival. However, people who pet cats should remain alert and careful.
Pine trees contain sharp needles and saps which a cat can ingest and harm itself in the process. The cat could even poison itself, hence, you must keep a check.
You should immediately consult a veterinarian if you see any signs of poisoning in your cat. You must medicate the cat as soon as possible.
A Pine is a very dangerous tree, its needles, fruits, and even the seeds are harmful to your furry friend. If a cat consumes a Pine then it could lead to liver damage or death.
If you still wish to bring a Pine tree into your house then just make sure that the cat does not wither here and there and go near the tree at any time.
Pine needles are the most dangerous part of a Pine tree. These needles can be ingested and have the potential to puncture a cat’s intestines.
A cat’s health gets affected in profound ways if it consumes a pine needle, a pine fruit, or even a pine seed.
Hence, a cat’s parents should ensure that the cat lives in a safe and sound environment.
Why Does My Cat Bring Me Pine Cones?
Pine cones are treated like toys by animals like cats and dogs alike. These animals toss the pine cones here and there and often bring them to their parents.
They consider these woody fruits to be some kind of toy and bring them to their parents to convince them to play with them when they get bored of everything.
Cats often carry leaves and twigs with them because of their rough textures, colors, and the way that they move in. They assume that these elements are cat toys.

They bring such things to their parents because they wish to share their joy and the thing with them. They show how happy they are to have found it.
But, ensure that your cat does not carry a pine cone daily as pines are dangerous fruits for a cat and they can cause liver damage and many other fatal issues.
If a cat brings pine cones to its parents it also implies that the cat is extremely bored and wishes to play with you. Make sure that you play with your cat to curb its boredom!
Ensure that the cat has enough toys to play with so that it does not run after leaves, twigs, pine cones or things similar to these to make them their toy.
To conclude, we can infer that yes, pine cones are toxic to the little fluffy felines. Pine cones are woody fruits, with scales and bracts attached to them. They can harm a cat and wound the feline badly.
If cats ingest pine cones, seeds, or pine needles then the cat could get fatal liver problems or they might even die. Hence, cat owners should ensure that their cat eats the appropriate food.
Pine Cones are rich in Vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, and many more nutrients but they can cause blockage in a cat’s throat if given carelessly. I hope that this article helped you to know more about pines and the number of dangers they hold for a feline.