Is your bearded dragon surfing the glass every morning and you’re wondering what it is up to?
Certainly, your concern about your pet is legit. Bearded dragons don’t surf the glass just like that or randomly. There may be various reasons for such behavior. One superset of all the reasons is stress.
While stress can be the main reason, there are other reasons that you may find very silly but are true.
Let’s take a look at why a bearded dragon tries to climb over the glass and when should you be worried about it.
Why Does My Beardie Glass Surf Every Morning?
There may be tons of reasons why your beardie glass surfs. But if it happens every morning, I feel it is something to be concerned about. While some reasons may be too meager, others might be serious problems that you should look into.
Small Tank
Just like how you feel suffocated in a small room, your beardie might feel the same too. And to escape from that, they may try to climb over the glass to come out to the big spacious living.
They’re used to living in vast spaces and hence surf the glass to come out or try to push the glass away. As an active creature, your beardie loves to move around and climb. Once they’re bored in the tank, they try to come out which appears like they’re glass surfing.
Make sure you give them the space required, or else it will cause them stress.
Reflection of Themselves
Overprotective of their territories, your beardie might have seen itself in the reflection of the glass. If they see any other bearded dragon across the tank, they might try to jump over the glass trying to be defensive of their territory.
And similar situation might happen when they see a reflection of themselves on the glass, making them feel that they are attacking the other animal.
Change of Environment
Change of environment might disturb their peace of living in their habitat. If you’ve changed the tank or the place where the tank was kept, it might worry them.
They may feel they might be held in a trap or any surrounding that’s not theirs and will eventually try to get out. Or at least due to the fear will cling to the glass wall, looking like they’re glass surfing.
Hence, even if you change their place of living, I suggest you keep the ambiance similar to their previous habitat. This way they can be assured of a worry-free life.
An invisible barrier
A transparent material, glasses cannot usually be seen. I walked into a clear glass that I couldn’t notice and hurt myself before. And these beardies, being animals, might not know what glass is and hence find an invisible barrier in their path. In trying to overcome it, they might end up glass surfing.
When I’m hungry and cannot find anything to eat, I go out to buy something. Similarly, when your bearded dragon is extremely hungry and finds nothing to eat within the tank, they tend to climb the glass in search of food.
They may surf the glass to get your attention to feed them or play with them as they can be bored of the tank. I suggest you feed your pet regularly on time to avoid them developing such habits of glass surfing.
All these reasons being a major base for stress, I advise you to keep these factors in check to prevent them from surfing the glass.
How Do I Get My Bearded Dragon to Stop Glass Surfing?
The best way to stop your bearded dragon from glass surfing is to keep them satisfied in all aspects. The environment in which they live should be habitable with stuff they like. Make sure you give them places to hide or climb and move about, not giving them a chance to surf the glass.
Keep them fed well to stop them from climbing the glass out to look for food. I also suggest you pay attention to your bearded dragon, not making them feel lonely and out of place.
You need to ensure that the tank is kept in a properly ventilated area, that does not suffocate your bearded dragon. Try getting a bigger tank that can keep your bearded dragon and the decorations without being claustrophobic. Also, keep the tank clean so that it feels like staying in rather than running away from the tank.
But, if this problem persists, I recommend you to visit your vet for a check-up as they can guide you better with the best measures.

What If The Tank Has No Reflections?
Having no reflections in the tank is actually good for your bearded dragon. It may feel intimidated by seeing itself as another bearded dragon which can cause stress to them. With no reflections, your bearded dragon can move around peacefully.
However, having no reflections in the tank is not the only aid to stopping your bearded dragon from glass surfing. Even if the tank has no reflections, it might be stressed for a lot of other reasons mentioned previously in this article.
While a tank with no reflections is the best for your bearded dragon, I advise you to keep everything else in the environment appealing to it.
Bearded dragon surfing the glass is a common trait, like all their other weird activities. You need not be worried about it if it happens once in a while.
But, if your bearded dragon does this every morning, then it is something to look into. The reasons may be any of those mentioned previously, or something more. Ensure that you take note of it and help your little pet.
I hope this article clarified your concern about what to do and what not to do.
Related Questions
1. Bearded Dragon Glass Surfing After Pooping?
Poop stinks, and we all hate it. The same holds true with bearded dragons, who hate being in the same tank until it has been cleaned. Glass surfing is a way to exit the tank or to catch our attention so we can clean it right away.
2. Bearded Dragon Glass Surfing While Shedding?
Shedding causes a lot of irritation to your poor pet. It feels like scratching all over the body, and since it cannot do it with ease, it may use the tank glass as support. The tank glass may also be a little cooler which can give some comfort while your bearded dragon is shedding.
3. Bearded Dragon Glass Surfing After Brumation?
Bearded dragons can endure the harsh winters thanks to brumation. Early spring, about a month after the end of brumation, is when bearded dragon breeding behavior begins. And if your bearded dragon is surfing the glass after brumation, that can be an indication that it’s seeking a mate.