Why Does My Bearded Dragon Puff up Like a Balloon When I Go Near Him?

Bearded dragons are an excellent pet to have. Except there are some tips that you should be aware of. Be in the know about what ticks them off. Some like to be held while others don’t like the idea of physical affection. What does it mean when your bearded dragon puffs up like a balloon? Let’s find out the possible reasons in this article.

Puffing Up is Normal

Let’s start with the facts. When a bearded dragon puffs up it is normal. They look like Mrs. Puff from Spongebob, right? Well, maybe not just like here. Unlike Mrs. Puff who is under a lot of stress, you’ll be happy to know that when a bearded dragon puffs up it means that they are in a happy state of mind. 

Anyway, when a bearded dragon puffs up it’s an indication that it’s shedding from its skin. Bearded dragons of all ages do this. Even babies. They also do it to bask efficiently in surface area. Or because they are not comfortable with their environment yet. 

Excited to See You

Once bearded dragons are accustomed to you, puffing up is a sign that they are happy to see you. This behavior may transpire when a bearded dragon is doing an activity they enjoy. Whether it’s playtime or mealtime, they are happy. Bearded dragons are just showing off to let you know that they’re comfortable. They are expressing their love toward you, the pet parent!

Shedding Process of a Bearded Dragon

Younger bearded dragons shed way more than older ones. They shed because they are growing up. They outgrow their skin. Bearded dragon’s skin is a contrasting structure to human skin that does not shed. 

Bearded dragons shed the most from 0 to 24 weeks. Expect shedding to occur at least twice a month at the beginning of this age range. Then it will move to once every other month near the end. Their rate of growth starts to slow as a result, so they won’t shed as much. After a year, the rate of shedding reduces. It will only happen a few times per year.

There are a few subtle changes in their behavior. Their activity level might drop a bit. Their diet may decrease. Bearded dragons might also become more resistant to physical contact, even if they’re customary to it. They’re reacting this way because being touched or picked up causes them discomfort.

Shedding Their Skin

Like dogs and cats, bearded dragons shed their skin. Research everything there is to know about bearded dragons when getting once. Know when shedding season is. Be aware of what you have to do when your bearded dragon does shed. 

Bearded dragons puff up to loosen skin. But not every bearded dragon puffs up when shedding. Keep an eye on their skin if it looks dull or waxy. Take note of which areas of the body they puff up. 

They’re stressed

To fend off predators, a bearded dragon puffs up to look threatening. It’s their way of appearing aggressive. Aside from puffing up, their beard may turn black. They use puffing up as a defense mechanism. All animals across the entire animal kingdom have their way of defense. Cats arch their backs while dogs bare their teeth and growl.

Avoid them when they are stressed. As much as you want to try to make them feel better, handling them is not going to make them feel better. Avoid them for a bit, so they don’t mistake you for a predator. 

The stress of Another Animal

Do you have another animal living in the house? Oftentimes, bearded dragons don’t like to be around other pets. Keep one end of the house to the bearded dragon and let the other pet roam around in different sections of the house. Bearded dragons feel threatened by larger animals and puff up. 

Stressed by You

Bearded dragons are not used to physical contact yet. They puff up if they see you getting too close to them. So, it’s a good idea to slowly introduce them to physical affection. 

Increase their comfort level when you are handling them. Start by laying your hand inside the cage. Hold it in there for a couple of minutes. It may take several tries, but eventually, they should gradually become acclimated to your scent and proximity.

Once your bearded dragon enables you to move your hand closer to him, place it underneath their body. Support the legs and tail at all times. If they puff up, understand that they do not wish to be held. However, if they let you hold them keep them in a firm but gentle hold.

They Don’t Feel Safe

Because they are still new to this new environment, bearded dragons don’t feel safe yet. They puff up to scare their prey. They are challenging predators for food. They want to appear larger.

Territorial Behavior

By nature, bearded dragons are territorial. Typically, they don’t like to share space with other bearded dragons of the same sex or size.

There is a chance that two males or two females may puff for a challenge. Males may also do the same to a female. Sometimes it is not gender but also rank in age.

It’s a great idea to give your bearded dragons separate cages, so as not to battle off with one another. However, if they must share a cage, make sure the tank is large enough to give each animal sufficient space to feel comfortable.

Could Be Yawning

When bearded dragons puff up they open they will open mouths wide. That’s reminiscent of the way humans yawn. That’s what they could be doing. 

Check the Bath Water

Determine all the reasons why your bearded dragon is puffing up. Sometimes it’s their bathwater. If you didn’t know now, it’s important to bathe your bearded dragon. If you don’t, that smell around the house is not too pleasant. 

When bathing bearded dragons, have the water at their shoulder length. If the water is too deep, the bearded dragon will puff up in an attempt to float. Bearded dragons have an instinctive fear of drowning. So make sure that the bathwater is at a level that they are comfortable with. 

Relieving Pressure in Ears

Have you ever noticed how everything sounds foggy? Another reason why bearded dragons are puffing up is that they are trying to pop their ears. 

Attracting a Mate

If your bearded dragon puffs up around another bearded dragon of the opposite sex, the behavior is mating related. Don’t be surprised if they inflate to impress a toy that they confuse with to be a mate. 

Although male and female bearded dragons puff up to the opposite sex, it’s more common for the male to displays this behavior. They are attracting the female to let her know he’s ready to mate. The male is showing the female that he’s dominant by puffing up. It is to make his intentions clear. 

As for females, they may puff up. Or, instead of puffing up, she’ll bob her head or wave her arms. Bearded dragons don’t experience mating season at a specific time of the year. However, they do prepare themselves after a period where they have been sleeping for long hours. 

Hear That Stomach Grumbling

Enough research has not been conducted yet on whether bearded dragons puff up during or after a meal. However, there are a couple of theories as to why there might be a connection.

Bearded dragons are making room in their stomachs so it can eat more. In the wild, bearded dragons fight for their food, which may sometimes be difficult to find. They need to eat enough so that they have enough before finding their next meal.

If you see a similarity between your bearded dragon puffing up and mealtime, give them a smaller portion for the next meal. It’s also wise to observe if they puff up. After you’ve had an opportunity to see if these contrasts feed the rest of their regular portion a few minutes later.

How Can I Help Them?

As the pet owner, there is a lot that you can do to help them. Make them feel comfortable in their new environment. Try to understand what is making them stressed. If it is you then give them space. It’s a good idea to bond with your bearded dragon but don’t go too overboard. Take things nice and slowly. 

Provide Them with the Right Habitat

Most bearded dragons who were born in the wild are not used to their new setting as a pet. So, copy their environment. Choose the right type of enclosure that is comforting to them. Bearded dragons spend most of their time in cages anyway. Give them a glass tank that is large enough (2 feet or more) to let them move around. 

Set up lights and a heater in the tank. Because bearded dragons are native to the desert, heated environments make them feel more at home. Spread out a newspaper in their enclosure for better hygiene. Go all out and add some comforting decor to their cage. Plants make a lovely addition to the habitat.

Take Them Out of a Specific Area

If there is a specific area or object in a room that your bearded dragon does not take a liking to, take them away. Respect their wishes. Objects that may appear harmless to you may act as a predator to them. Examples of objects are clothing, toys, or other various items.

Feed Regularly

Put a water dish and another dish for food in the enclosure. They need to stay hydrated. Bearded dragons don’t eat what you eat. Their diet consists of fruits, vegetables, and dry foods. Make sure that each bowl is not heavy so they won’t tip over if they ever put weight on them. 

Make Time for Bonding

Bearded dragons deserve social interactions. For some, they have only been around their kind. They need to get used to being around humans. So, when you have time sit by their cage and talk to them. Hearing the sound of your voice gets them used to you. After some time get them out of the cage and show them around the rest of the house.

Play around with them. Yes, we understand that they’re not dogs, but bearded dragons do like to play. Try offering a treat out of your hand. Over time, they will feel much safer in their new home environment. 

The first month with your bearded dragon should be dedicated to spending at least 30 minutes a day with them. That means every day. Be compatible with time spent with your bearded dragon. Eventually, they will recognize you as a friend. 

Helping in Shedding Process

Shedding season is not the time to get annoyed. Instead of angrily cleaning the skin they shed off from their cage, there are more helpful things that you can do. While the shedding process is handled by your pet, step in, and give a hand to the process. 

You should not help your bearded dragon shed. By ripping off their skin for them it gives the bearded dragon the wrong message. Their skin will come off in its own time. 

Make them comfortable. Set up their habit properly so that they have enough room to move. You can also bathe them. Put a shedding formula in the bathtub. For the most part, step back and let them do their job. Bearded dragons know what they are doing. 

Puffing Up is a Way of Communication

Bearded dragons have their way of communication. You need to know what they want. Follow all the steps in this article to see what it is that your bearded dragon needs. When a bearded dragon has puffed up its beard, it’s trying to tell you something. As the owner, it’s your job to figure out what the problem is.