How Long Can Bearded Dragons Go Without Insects? [On Average]

Food is fundamental for a Bearded Dragon to both develop and keep an elevated degree of wellbeing and health so it’s critical to know how long bearded Dragon can do without food. There might be times where my Bearded Dragon does not eat for a while and I become stressed over the circumstance.

So how long can Bearded Dragons do without food or insects as the case may be? 

It is undesirable for a child or adolescent Bearded Dragon to go over 24 hours without food as they are in a quick condition of development. Grown-up Bearded Dragons can do without nourishment for about a month in the event that they have an adequate number of fat stores however this isn’t suggested and they ought to be taken care of day to day. Grown-ups can likewise go as long as 4 months without insects by decision in the event that they are in brumation (this is the reptile variant of hibernation)

Bearded Dragons are the same as some other species on earth with regards to food, they need it, Food is certainly not a discretionary piece of a Bearded Dragons life, they either eat or bite the dust, it’s actually basic. Bearded Dragons need nourishment for essentially the very reasons that we people do, to develop, keep our organs sound, keep our eyes and skin sound thus considerably more. 

Food is required consistently to keep my Bearded Dragons body in a decent sound state. Numerous different websites and outlets discuss this and the impacts it can have on the strength of a bearded Dragon.

On the off chance that they go various days without food, they will be going various days without fundamental proteins, fats, nutrients and different supplements they should be solid. At the onset point of this post, I said that it’s workable for a grown-up Bearded Dragon to go as long as about a month without food if the circumstances are correct and they have an adequate number of fat stores, nonetheless, this is positively NOT suggested.

You should continuously give your Dragon a fair eating routine consistently regardless of whether they could endure longer without eating.

Daily eating or a detailed eating routine for young bearded dragons is very important. 

Motivations behind Why a Bearded Dragon Might Refuse Food?

There could be various justifications for why a Bearded Dragon could reject food. This can be a stressing time for me as an owner.  However some of the time it’s a straightforward fix. We should investigate probably the most widely recognized justifications for why a Bearded Dragon might be rejecting food.


At the point when a Bearded Dragon gets stressed they will frequently lose their craving. This can result in it is possible that them eating less or declining to eat by any means. There are the primary justifications for why a Bearded Dragon can get stressed at home.

One more Bearded Dragon

I could never suggest lodging 2 Bearded Dragons in a similar tank. Notwithstanding, in the event that i do this, there is a high gamble that one of the Dragons will be prevailing over the other one. The Dragon that is less predominant will frequently experience the ill effects of pressure and lose their hunger. They can likewise experience the ill effects of other medical problems, for example, not being permitted to relax under the light so they can’t process their food. Most importantly lodging 2 Bearded Dragons together is never smart and can cause pressure, loss of hunger and the sky is the limit from there.

Different Pets

It’s additionally extremely considered normal that you have different pets in your home, for example, cats, rats and canines that they can without much of a stretch panic your Bearded Dragon and cause them stress. Regardless of how charming and cuddly these pets are to me and you, they are frequently viewed as hunters to Bearded Dragons and in the event that they need to impart a home to them it very well may be a seriously unnerving possibility.

Mistaken Temperature

On the off chance that i don’t have the right temperatures in my tank then this can undoubtedly make my Bearded Dragon not have any desire to eat. Recollect that a Bearded Dragon should be at its ideal internal heat level to help processing and without the right temperature in the tank then they won’t be prepared to eat their next dinner.

Here is a manual for the temperatures; 

Lolling Area 95°-100°F

Cool Spot 75°-80°F

Night 70°-75°F

Sickness Reducing Appetite

My Bearded Dragon could basically be sick. There is a great deal of justifications for why your Dragon could be rejecting food because of sickness.  Despite this fact, you ought to ensure that you have gone through the wide range of various potential reasons first as it’s not unexpected something basic.

Having said that, If I feel that there is something off-base and they aren’t their ordinary self then I begin to plan to see my Vet.

It’s in every case better to have my Dragon looked at in the event that I am in uncertain and hear the point of view of a certified Vet.


I really want to believe that this post answered you question and you presently comprehend how long a Bearded Dragon can do without food. 

The most compelling thing is to consistently take care of your Bearded Dragon by using the aides I have given you here.How much food and how frequently a day you feed your Dragon will rely to a great extent upon their age.The main time that your Bearded Dragon ought to do without food is during brumation. 

If they are declining food when not in brumation then you to find out what might be causing your bearded dragon distress or better still visit a Vet. 

One can never go wrong with proper advice and guidance from a professional Vet doctor. 
