Can Clownfish Live In Freshwater?

Fishes are beautiful creatures. I for one is low-key obsessed with fishes. I really don’t mind having many aquariums in my house, as far as it contains beautiful fishes. 

Now, many of our fishes die off immediately we get them or after a few days mainly because we’re ignorant of the type of fish we got. Or we fail to ask questions on how to take care of the fishes we buy. 

The first time I got a crown fish, I ignorantly put it in fresh water. My tiny beautiful fish died of before the dawn of the next day. 

If you’re looking to get a clown fish, it is important that you know that clown fishes are strictly salt water fishes. Clownfish can’t get by in fresh water, principally because of the fact that they are familiar with hypertonic circumstances found in saltwater. 

You can find clown fishes mainly in Indo West Pacific, the eastern Indian Ocean including Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Thailand, Malaysia, northwest Australia, etc to mention but a few. Their kidneys and gills are not made to deal with freshwater. This really intends that assuming you put a clownfish in freshwater; it would bite the dust in no time.

Can you put a clownfish in freshwater?

Unless you just want to have your fish for a few minutes and then watch it die, NO you cannot and shouldn’t put your clownfish in freshwater. 

Clownfish are among the simplest saltwater fish to keep in an aquarium. They actually require more intricate consideration than most freshwater aquarium fish. In any case, their toughness makes them an ideal fish for somebody beginning with saltwater aquariums.

As long as you can provide them with a liberally measured tank of no less than 30 gallons (and a lot of spots to stow away), they ought to be fine. Clownfish likewise eat any fish food you have close by, including chips, live or frozen food sources.

While there a people who would tell us that any fish can be groomed to live in different conditions slowly with correct steps, it is left to us to understand that although clown fishes can survive in various conditions that are different from their supposed condition, FRESH WATER will literally end their lives. 

Let us not be deceived that we can groom our clown fish to grow into fresh water from a young age, it really doesn’t work that way. This is also applicable to other salt water fishes you might want to have in your aquarium or thank. 

Can clownfish live in tap water?

When you utilize tap water to fill a saltwater aquarium, your water changes, but it truly relies upon the area that you live in and how great that water is. Most water is protected enough to drink and wash in, so consequently, it must be ok for your aquarium occupants, and it typically is.

 A ton of times, there’s phosphorous, arsenic, and other green growth advancing supplements in the water that will bring about green growth blossoms. You’re attempting to help your aquarium by eliminating waste, yet you’re adding different types of waste or supplements that will advance green growth development.

In this case, I would constantly suggest utilizing sifted or filtered water, de-ionized separated water, or filtered water rather than utilizing regular tap water. Assuming you’re stuck and you’ve ran out of water and your tanks somewhat low, you can utilize bottle water. If you are left with no other choice, ensure that you make use of a dechlorinating agent to get rid of the chlorine in the tap water. 

What type of water do clownfish live in?

They are obviously salt water fishes.  And by salt water, I mean marine fishes. They require warm water, rather than cold, and they require a salt water creation that is like the sea.

On the off chance that you anticipate keeping clownfish, you want a tank no more modest than 30 gallons or 120 liters and the water quality ought to be extremely high and all around flowed. The temperature should be between 24˚C – 27˚C, the saltiness at 1.020 – 1.024 and the pH 8.0 – 8.4.

Clownfish will seldom coexist with other clownfish in a similar tank. Assuming you need multiple fishes, you ought to either; present them simultaneously and ensure that they have a lot of room, or acquaint a more modest clownfish with a more settled clownfish. 

Most fish can only live in water with a particular composition, and taking them out of their comfort zone will probably kill them. Always keep this information in mind when going for a clown fish or any other salt water fish in general. 

It will be a sad thing to watch a fish you were super excited to buy struggle for its life. 

How to freshwater dip clownfish?

Giving saltwater fishes a short freshwater plunge or shower is one of the most straightforward and fastest ways of diminishing and eliminating the populaces of a wide range of ich creatures, as well as accidents and lice that are parasitic on them.

Here are a few steps to take;

  • Fill a plastic compartment most of the way with a reasonable freshwater source. 
  • Add an alkali killing specialist to the treated water to avoid ammonia from building up. 
  • During treatment, keep the water circulated air through energetically.
  • Eliminate all of the fish from the defiled aquarium and spot them in freshwater. You can treat little gatherings all at once, changing the water after each gathering has been dealt with.


Clownfish can’t live in freshwater; it is absolutely impossible to get around it. Acquainting them with saltless tanks will take up their lives immediately. That is a result of assimilation and their normal living environment in nature. Try not to probe this.

But regardless they are really beautiful fishes and if you can handle a salt water tank, it is definitely an ideal fish to go for.