Dogo Argentino is a big dog with a big heart. If you are the lucky owner of one of these beautiful pups, you may be wondering if they can stay outside in the cold.
A Dogo Argentino is a special breed of dog that needs specific living conditions. It’s also a breed that has been banned in some countries.
It’s the middle of winter and I had just taken my new Dogo Argentino puppy outside to the backyard. I turned around for a second and looked back out into the yard. My puppy is now rolling around in the snow, having the time of his life.
Are you considering buying a Dogo Argentino? If so, here are some of the most common questions I get asked about my Dogo Argentino:
If your Dogo Argentino can safely stay outdoors,
When the temperatures drop, you may be wondering if your Dogo Argentino can safely stay outdoors.
The answer is, “it depends.” If you’re the proud owner of a Dogo Argentino, you know that these energetic, loving, and loyal dogs are not just for show—they are real working dogs. That means that, in many cases, they are actually trained to work in colder climates. But as a dog owner and lover, you also know that each dog is different—so what works for one Dogo Argentino may not necessarily work for another.
In general, though, Dogo Argentinos are pretty resilient when it comes to cold weather. They have an impressive fur coat (and sometimes even have double coats) that helps to keep them warm in the winter months, and they are also very active dogs who tend to stay active even when the cold is keeping others inside. But there are still some things to watch out for when your Dogo Argentino stays outdoors in cold weather:
If your dog is shivering or seems confused or disoriented when he/she is outside in the cold, it’s time to take him/her indoors immediately.
-Make sure your dog has access to plenty of freshwaters.
Body Temperature Sustainment
Dogo Argentinos have thick coats and are generally healthy dogs. This means that your Dogo Argentino may be able to handle colder temperatures more easily than other breeds. If your dog has health problems, it could make it more difficult for them.
Questions to ask yourself
If you’re wondering whether or not it’s okay to leave your Dogo Argentino outside when it’s cold, here are some questions I asked myself for my dogo:
What’s the temperature? If it’s below freezing, there’s no way I’m leaving my pup outside. Dogs can experience frostbite and other injuries when exposed to freezing temperatures for too long. And even if you put them in a kennel or doghouse, they’ll be at risk for hypothermia if they can’t stay warm enough. It’s best to keep them inside with you during these times.
How big is my dog? As a general rule of thumb, bigger dogs can handle colder temperatures better than smaller ones since their bodies retain heat better. For instance, a large dog like an Alaskan Malam would
Here are some things you need to know about caring for your dog, Argentino:
- Dogo Argentinos have sensitive skin.
- They have a high metabolism rate, which means that they need a lot of food every day.
- They are prone to ear infections because their ears are not covered like other dogs’ ears are.
- They don’t like being left alone for long periods of time or being isolated from other dogs their size or bigger than they are (they will become aggressive).
- Their coat is made up of both short and long fur, which helps keep them warm during cold weather conditions, but when it gets too hot out, they will shed heavily, which will leave you with a mess on your hands-literally!
Here are some ways you can help your Dogo Argentino stay happy in the cold:
Invest in a sweater or coat!
- Keep your Dogo Argentino inside during extreme weather conditions.
- Make sure the house is warm enough for your Dogo Argentino to sleep peacefully.
Ask your vet if they have any other recommendations!
When Dogs Get Frostbite:
If you keep your dog outside for too long in the cold and snow, they can develop frostbite on their paws or other extremities. At first, if you touch their skin, it will feel hard and waxy. Then the skin will turn black or grey, and eventually slough off. If there’s been tissue damage (which is common), you’ll see ulcers on their feet or toes after the initial scabbing has healed.

Temperament of the Dogo Argentino
Dogo Argentinos are loyal and affectionate dogs with a strong desire to please their owners. They are energetic and love to play. They respond well to consistency, structure, routine, and repetition in training. Once they get to know you and adjust, they can be wonderful family pets if properly trained.
Dogo Argentinos love staying active and spending time outdoors. They are high-energy dogs that need plenty of exercises, which can make them an ideal companion for hiking or hunting trips. They also make excellent guard dogs who will bark at anyone who approaches your yard or house.
Finally, it’s important to remember that wind chill can make even mild temperatures feel much colder than they actually are. If you’re unsure whether or not it’s too cold for your Dogo Argentino to stay outside in the cold, then you should not make your dog stay out for long.
If you do choose to keep your Dogo Argentino outside during the winter months, it is important that you make sure he has plenty of water available at all times. The cold air can dehydrate him quickly if he isn’t careful about drinking enough water each day. Keep an eye out for signs of dehydration such as dry skin or tongue flapping, which could indicate that he needs some water immediately!