Should I Let My Cat Eat If She Wants?

“Should I let my human eat if she wants?” – Wondering if my cat would look this up on her internet! Humans can eat whenever they want and no one questions. So why this question for cats? Isn’t it also reasonable to allow them to eat at any time?

The answer would be a straight ‘no’. This holds good even for humans. It is not recommended that I, my cat, or any other living being eat whenever they desire. This can lead to obesity and encourage binge eating, both of which are harmful to one’s health.

Read on to know more!

Is It Healthy to Free-Feed Your Cat?

Feeding a cat can be a difficult task. Our feline companions can be finicky eaters and have peculiar feeding habits at times. 

Are you free-feeding your cat? It refers to the habit of filling a cat’s food bowl and allowing her to eat whenever she wants. Then I will refill the bowl when it’s empty. This could be a problem. My cat may overeat if her food bowl is always full which can result in obesity and diabetes.

Better ways to feed my cat would be to measure her food and have numerous regular meal times per day. I would also recommend consulting a veterinarian about how much food a cat needs according to her body.

It doesn’t have to be difficult to feed your cat. We can construct a fairly acceptable food plan for cats by understanding a few basics and traits.

How Can I Feed My Cat?

Cats are creatures who stick to their routines. This attribute, I believe, can be fully utilized by setting and sticking to a regular feeding schedule. A pattern of feeding an adult cat at regular intervals provides security and predictability. Meals become the day’s central event, around which other activities are centered.

A feeding pattern makes it easier to make a necessary meal modification. When your cat is accustomed to eating at regular times throughout the day, her body learns to await food at certain times. 

Hunger is powerful motivation! Transitioning to a new dish will typically be easy and effortless if the scenario is to increase hunger followed by meals at regular intervals.

Cats have a simple digestive system. This implies that food from the stomach will flow into the small intestine and the stomach will empty within a few hours.

And when the stomach is empty, your cat will be hungry! But this process takes time. Thus, I believe, your cat will benefit from at least two meals every day. Feeding my cat only once a day will be like me having only one meal a day!

If I make a habit of feeding my cat at a regular interval, she will actually wait for the food. In fact, her body will respond to certain stimuli and get properly measured food regularly. 

It’s not a good idea to have the bowl full and allow my cat to eat whenever she wants. This can also result in the formation of a bad binge eating habit. 

This type of feeding will not meet my cat’s nutritional requirements. She may eat a lot or very little at times. As a result, the nutrients will vary to some extent.

When cats feed at regular intervals, they develop a strong habit. It’s simple to tell if my cat ate all of the food from a meal at a glance. If little or all of the food is left behind, it is a clear indication that something is not right and that it is time to see a veterinarian.

Should You Free-Feed Kittens?

Do you also have little kittens? Do you free-feed them to not mess with their health? You are in fact messing up their health if you do this! 

Ad libitum or ‘free choice’ feeding refers to feeding a kitten as much as it can consume at once. I do not advise this because it can lead to adolescent obesity and increased binge eating. 

It can also set the groundwork for orthopedic issues and diabetes. Overeating at a single meal can induce stomach pain and bloating, which slows digestion.

Do Cats Keep Coming Back for Meals Frequently? 

I’ve seen many cats coming back frequently to have food, but in a small quantity. And the pet parents actually feed them whenever they come. 

This is a bad habit to get into. However, if they continue to do so, I recommend that you measure out a day’s worth of food and offer it to them at regular intervals.

This ensures that they get the right amount of food at the right time, even if it is frequently. The most important thing is to stick to daily serving size.

I would suggest that you choose regular times to build a helpful routine. However, only dry food should be free-fed. Wet food is not suitable to be left out always. 

Also, ensure to clean their bowls if the food is left for many days!


Should You Give Treats to Your Cat Whenever They Want It?

Although cat treats are little, they are high in calories. Excess calories can also lead to weight gain and obesity. Cats, like people, can develop a taste for snacks and may choose to forego their own diet in favor of the pleasures they enjoy. As a result, limit the number of times you give your cat snacks.

I would suggest you make her work for the treat by throwing it across the room, rather than giving your cat treats whenever asked for. It can also be a fun game by putting it in a food puzzle. 

Other Ways to Ensure the Right Amount of Intake 

Another way to think about is the use of food toys. There are a variety of food toys available, ranging from rolling food toys to stationary food toys. 

Rolling food toys just drop out a morsel of food every now and then, allowing only a pre-determined size of food. Stationary food toys force the cat to work for the food. They can be simple exercises, but highly effective. 

Food toys are nearly as fascinating for me and my family members as they are for my cat! They entertain the people altogether. 

For more information about the feeding habits of my cat, my veterinarian is still the best source of nutritional advice. They can answer questions like what kind of food to feed, how much to feed, and how often to feed. 

Final Thoughts

If you are one of those overly generous cat parents that feed their cat all the time like I once was, then you should reconsider. Free-feeding your cat can cause obesity, diabetes, and other health issues. So, it is better to stick to a routine of regular intervals.