Why Is My Cat So Fat After Being Spayed? [Explained]

Apart from the yowling sessions at night, and the inconvenient marking of territory through urine, your cat can go through a number of changes after being spayed or neutered. You might notice that your feline friend has become calmer, and much happier after the surgery. 

Another difference you may note is that your cat might have gained some weight post-surgery and become more cuddly. The main reason why cats gain so much weight after being spayed is that they lose the activity drive they have during their heat – which causes them to exercise less. 

Continue reading this article to understand why your cat has become fat after surgery and what you can do to prevent it from becoming obese. 

Why Did My Cat Gain Weight After Spaying?

Heat is a very difficult period of time for your cat. It causes certain imbalances in the body which makes these creatures aggressive, restless, and easily annoyed. In search of a mate, cats can travel long distances every day and even go astray from their homes. A very common reason for cat disappearances is heat season. 

Since they are always on the lookout for a potential partner, cats get a lot of physical activity during their heats. Once spayed, the feelings that were causing tension in your cat to disappear, and your pet becomes much calmer. This also means that they stay at home more and do not get enough exercise to keep them fit. 

Hence, it is common to see cats gain weight post-surgery – though the reason behind this is not them, but their owners and feeding habits. Adjusting the amount of food you give – like lessening the meal size (since they will not be getting a lot of activity all day) can easily prevent your cat from gaining extra fat. 

How To Prevent Cat From Becoming Fat After Spaying?

Most of the weight gain that happens to cats occurs due to the fact that they stop doing the aggressive physical activity which their bodies force them to do during their heat. This means that your cat did not gain weight by themselves, but that the routine you follow for them can be fat-inducing. Here are a few ways to prevent this.

  1. Do Not Free Feed Them

Cat owners are extremely weak for their cats. One look of desperation and we are ready to pour in another bowl of cat food for these felines. Make sure you are not free-feeding them – especially when it is not time for a meal. Your cat may act hungry and sit dramatically next to a bowl, but give food only during feeding time. 

  1. Give Plenty of Play Time

Although you might not be able to give your cat the same rough exercise it got during its heat, make sure that you play with your cats a lot to compensate for physical activity. You can even consider taking your cat on a walk if your pet is outdoor and leash friendly. 

  1. Bring In Cat Toys

Cats are very independent creatures that are also very low maintenance. They do not need a lot of attention most of the time, so it is possible to give them physical exercise by just bringing in some cat toys. A good cat tunnel or tree would keep your pet entertained for lengths of time. 

  1. Do Not Feed People Food

As pet owners, it is natural to want to share your food with your cat. However, make sure you hold off treats and human food like biscuits, meats, and snacks away from your feline for some time. Small amounts of food are fine, but if you are trying to help your cat lose weight, make sure you cut these items off their diet.

  1. Choose A High-Protein Cat Food

Make sure that the food you are feeding your cat is high in protein. The nutrient is great for giving energy to your pet, and it will bring him the vigor it needs to start getting active as well. Normally, wet food has more protein than dry ones, so you might want to switch your cat’s food to that. 

Is It Harmful For A Cat To Be Fat?

Yes, even though the classic image of a cat is fat and lethargic, it is not healthy for cats to be extremely fat or obese. Unfortunately, it is a common occurrence, and a study has even shown that 5-10% of cats can be considered overweight, while 40% are in the obese category. 

Just like humans, an overwhelming amount of fat can be harmful to the longevity of a cat’s health. Obesity can cause and increase the risks of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and even the effects on the joints in the bones. 

Is It Important To Get A Cat Spayed?

Yes, it is important to get a cat spayed – especially in the case of indoor-outdoor cats. 

A lot of pet owners shy away from neutering as they believe it is a cruel and unnatural surgery. This is a myth because spaying has many benefits – for your cat as well as ethically too. 

From my personal experience, cats have the potential to give birth to at least 5 litters a year. This can be very heavy on a female feline’s body, and leave several damages – especially over the years. Male cats in heat are known to cause a ruckus by their yowling and their tendency to get into fights.

It is also not a phenomenon they can help as it is their bodies that put them through this every few months. A lot of my cats have gone missing during heat season in their search for a mate. My male cats have also come home often with bruised and beaten bodies. 

Hence, spaying and neutering are very important for the sake of your cat’s health and safety. 

Final Thoughts

Although some owners may not prefer fat cats, neutering and spaying are very important parts of pet care and upbringing. They are as important as your pet’s vaccinations and dietary habits – so it’s necessary to get them done, even if your cat may gain weight. 

We hope this article has been useful in helping you understand your cat’s behavioral changes and the importance of spaying felines. 

Related Questions

  1. When Should I Spay My Female Cat?

Normally, it is ideal to spay or neuter a cat before they reach 5 months of age. 

  1. Does A Cat’s Personality Change After Spaying?

No, it is a common myth, but cats do not change the way they are after they go through a spaying surgery.