Generally, cats eat the food put in from of them without much hesitation. On the other hand, some cats do not show much zeal for certain foods. It is concerning when the cat does not show interest in his food, turns his nose, and walks away. When a cat doesn’t eat enough, he must rely on their fat deposit for energy.
Before the stored fat is used for energy, the liver must process it. This breaking down process requires an adequate supply of oxygen. With rapid weight loss in a cat when he stops eating, protein supplies are exhausted, and the liver becomes overwhelmed by the fats. This results in a harmful condition known as lipidosis, which leads to liver failure. Here are some reasons why cats refuse to eat and what to do to get the cat get the nutrition he needs.
Why Is It A Problem If The Cat Stops Eating?
If the cat is not feeling well, it may stop eating because something is stuck in the stomach or intestines. The cat might also not like the food you are offering. The cat refusing to eat can be a symptom of a disease or a problem that causes pain or discomfort. Regardless, it is a major concern if the cat stops eating.
If the cat is obese and has stopped eating, hepatic lipidosis can develop if he goes without food for a few days. The disease is often referred to as fatty liver disease or fatty liver syndrome and can be fatal.
Health Issues That Cause a Cat to Stop Eating
Respiratory disease
Respiratory problems can affect the cat’s sense of smell or the ability to breathe, which leads to loss of appetite. Upper respiratory diseases clog the cat’s nose and eyes with discharge, resulting in temporary loss or restriction of eyesight and smell. Lower tract infection affects the cat’s lungs causing it to have difficulty in breathing.
These respiratory issues can be cleared with antibiotics. Regardless of the severity of the respiratory issue, if the disease keeps the cat from being able o smell his food, he may decide not to eat.
Digestive system disease
Digestive problems like stomach, intestine, pancreas or other parts may cause the cat to stop eating. The cat can also be vomiting and have abdominal pain combined with other digestive issues. Usually, a decrease in the cat’s appetite will be one of the first signs of a digestive system problem. Causes of digestive issues include acid flux, tumors, parasites, irritable bowel disease, and an imbalance of intestinal bacteria.
Foreign bodies
Some cats like to eat stuff they should not ingest or develop hairballs that can become stuck in the intestines or stomach. A foreign body stuck in the cat is referred to as an obstruction. The obstruction will not let food pass through the digestive tract, and therefore the cat may vomit and stop eating. Some foreign bodies can pass through the cat’s system, causing some cats to vomit and diarrhea but lack appetite.
Dental disease
Painful teeth and gums can cause the cat to stop eating. Cats often fracture their teeth and develop lesions on their teeth. They can also develop inflamed gums, form a dental abscess, and have dental issues that cause mouth pain. However, dental issues are difficult to diagnose in cats, and the vet may need to sedate or anesthetize the pet to evaluate the problem.
Why Is My Cat Not Eating?
Cats are creatures of habit and typically resist change, especially food-related plans. If you have recently changed the cat’s food, he may be stubbornly refusing to try out the new flavor. The cat won’t go too long without eating, so he will cave eventually, but if he does not, think of other reasons why he is not eating.
The cat can be stubborn if he is not happy with his surroundings. He may go on a short hunger strike in response to changes and environmental stressors such as having guests in the house. If that is the case, there is no need for much concern as the furry cat will get back to eating in no time. Other environmental factors include moving to a new home, adding a new pet or baby in the house affect the cat’s eating habits.
Recent vaccination
Did the cat recently lose appetite after vaccination? If so, the cat is reacting to the vaccination shots by not eating. Although vaccines save lives for millions of animals, they come with their fair share of side effects. They include loss of appetite, a common side effect that is luckily temporary and mild.
Travel and unfamiliar surroundings
Just like humans, many cats are creatures of habit. A change in a routine can result in a loss of appetite. Besides, some animals suffer from motion sickness when traveling either by car or plane, leading to nausea and refusal to eat.
Pickiness or Psychological issues
If the vet has determined that the cat is not physically sick, he could suffer from anxiety or depression. Changes in the household can be upsetting to sensitive cats, and sometimes new people or changes in familiar schedules affect the cat’s emotional well-being. The cat could also be a picky eater. Cats generally take time to adjust to new foods, so that a recent diet change can be a reason.

What to Do About Picky Eaters
Make sure the cat is healthy
Make sure the cat is in good general health. If he has been a good eater then suddenly develops a reduced appetite, there is something to be concerned about, especially if he is obese. If the cat has recently gotten thin or develops vomiting or diarrhea, it is time to visit the vet. Once the cat has been treated, his appetite should quickly return.
Identify cat food preferences and bad habits
If the cat does not have any health concerns, he might have acquired some bad habits. Feeding the cat extra treats, for example, tastier and more interesting than the normal diet, can cause a picky behavior over time if various people in the house that give the cat extra treats or some special food during the day can lead to serious issues like obesity.
Some cats hold out until they are given food that is tastier than dry food. You need to change and stop reinforcing the bad habit. Human foods and excessive treats cause weight gain and do not provide a balanced diet. Cats are grazers, and putting down small amounts of food several times a day helps. This promotes his appetite and teaches the cat that the food is the only meal he will be getting every day.
Define the cat food choices and feeding methods
Check the cat food to ensure it is not spoiled or expired. This can be a reason why the cat no longer likes his food. Make sure that the food you are offering the cat is safe, nutritious, and consistent. Do not keep changing the brand of the cat food as it can upset his digestive system. If you do not want to explore different brands or flavors, gradually switch and mix some old and new food until the cat gets used to the new food on its own. A new flavor can be sufficient to stimulate his appetite.
If the cat has completely declined the dry food, canned food is a great alternative. There are few tricks to use, such as mixing a little portion of canned food and dry food to boost the flavor. Canned food can be warmed in a microwave, or use warm water or chicken broth over the dry food to warm it and add extra aroma.
Keep the cat’s dishes and bowls clean
Hygiene is vital when handling cat foods. It is important to keep the dishes and bowls clean, especially if the cat eats raw or canned food, as it can start growing in scraps and cause illness. A cat not eating might hate the smell of the dishes or food. Cats are impulsively driven to avoid consuming bad-smelling meat. If you use plastic dishes, replace them with ceramic or metal as they are easier to clean.
Stay positive and patient
The cat could be reacting to your behavioral cues during meals. He may be enjoying the extra attention you give when he does not eat, which reinforces bad behavior. Stay out of the room when the cat is eating to him a quiet, safe space to eat alone away from distractions. Offer the food for a short period of time, and then take it away. This teaches him to eat regularly by providing a comfortable routine.
Above all, be patient with the cat and closely watch him for any signs of sickness. Work with the vet during this time if you are concerned about his general health-proper time management, self-disciple, and consistency helps a lot for a finicky eater.
Food Issues That Cause a Cat To Stop Eating
Food flavor– cats are very particular. Some will eat one type of flavor for months or years, and then suddenly refuse to eat it. This is usually purely preference, but some food processors change ingredients and flavors without package notifications. The cat will notice the difference and decline the food.
Food shape and texture– the cat can be choosy to some shapes and textures of food. Some cats like round shapes, others like triangle shapes, while others only eat crunchy dry food or wet food.
Food spoilage– if you give the cat spoiled or expired food, he may not eat it completely. Ensure the expiration date on the food package or sniff the food to see if it smells not good. Cat food easily becomes stale or bad. Fats and vitamins erode if the food is not properly stored.
It is advisable to keep the cat food in its original bag as it has a special barrier that keeps the food fresh for longer. Keep the bag in a cool, moisture-free environment.
Food recall– if the cat has suddenly stopped eating his normal food, find out if there is a recall on that particular brand and flavor. It is also a good reason to keep the cat’s food in the original bag so you can be sure of the bar code. Sometimes, cats can sense that something is wrong with the food and refuse to eat.
How to Get Your Cat to Eat
Depending on why the cat has stopped eating, you may be able to entice the cat to eat again. The fastest way to find out if the cat has a medical issue is by getting him checked by the vet. Other solutions include;
- If the cat has an upper respiratory illness that makes him congested and unable to smell the food, help the cat clear his nasal passages. Take the cat to a steamy bathroom or put saline drops in his nostrils. This breaks up the nasal discharge and helps the cat breathe easily to smell the food again.
- Squeeze the cat’s wet food to entice it to eat again. Heat cold, wet food or tuna for a few seconds in the microwave. Besides, you can offer the cat canned kitten food to increase his appetite.
- Try out using different flavors, textures, or shapes of food you are using to feed the cat.
- Make the cat food from scratch. Some cats prefer home-made recipes made from fresh ingredients.
- Check to see if the food’s flavor has been changed in terms of ingredients and preparation formula. This information can be listed in the package as a new and improved flavor.
- Get your cat a dose of vitamin B12. This vitamin is often depleted with cats having digestive issues. They are found in the forms of injections and oral prescriptions administered by vets. The vitamin is harmless, water-soluble, and can potentially improve the cat’s appetite.
The Bottom Line
Whether the cat is sick, picky, or anxious, a complete refusal of food has devastating effects. Even if you try to make the cat eat a doctor-prescribed diet, don’t starve the cat into beating certain kinds of food. Experts recommend rotating the cat’s diet among various brands two to four times a year. This practice helps to reduce pickiness and minimizes the development of food allergies and intestinal problems.