Why Do Cats Like to Lay on Plastic Bags? A Handy Guide & Video

Cats are interesting creatures, aren’t they? They purr, snuggle up with you, and oftentimes they’ll lay on plastic bags? Why is that? Is it based on the feel of plastic bags? We’re just going to have to take an in-depth look into why cats lay on plastic bags. Here is a handy guide on why cats lay on plastic bags. 

A Fan of the Smell

Cats have super senses. They have better senses than any human. For some, cats like to lay on plastic bags because of an interesting smell. The chemicals from a plastic bag attract a cat. Bags are used to bring home groceries from the store. Oftentimes, the scent is what causes them to stick around. 

Makes Them Feel Safe

There are many reasons why cats lay on plastic bags. Cats love to sit on plastic bags for a variety of reasons. The sensation of sitting on a plastic bag makes a cat feel safe. The bag makes them feel warm. And comforted. With the way the plastic bag is encompassing their body, it makes them feel like they are getting a comforting hug.

Cats Like Small Spaces

Cats like to be independent. Which is why they like to curl up in small spaces. The safety and security of the bag help them get away from the noise of the household for a bit. 

A Way of Hunting

Cats are natural predators. Because they are so carefully hidden in a plastic bag, their predators will not see them. Now that they are hidden in a smaller space, they feel more in control and alert. 

Enjoy the Noises

Have you ever heard plastic bags make those cool crinkly noises? You know the saying. Curiosity killed the cat. Well, that’s a little dark, but cats are curious creatures. The noise of the plastic bag draws the cat to the bag. But that does not mean it likes the sound. Humans and cats are different, we already know that. But, cats are not fully aware of what all sounds are.

When they’re sitting on the plastic bag it’s not making a sound. However, with just one movement, it makes a horrid noise that makes the cat run into the next room. Cats don’t like loud noises. That’s why your cat is never in the room when you are using the vacuum cleaner. Because cats don’t understand what this noise is from the bag, they’ll run off for safety. 

Is There a Reason Why Cats Lick Plastic Bags?

Have you ever noticed that your cat is licking the plastic bag rather than sitting on it? Here are a few theories on why your car is doing that and what you can do. 

Licking the Taste

Just like how cats are a fan of the smell of plastic bags, they are trying to get a taste of all the food that was previously in this bag. However, they don’t realize that the plastic bag does not contain food. 

Did you know that some plastic bags are made from animal fat? That’s something else that attracts cats. Before you leave the bag out in the open, make sure that there is nothing on the bag that could be bad for your cat. 

Corn Starch

Plastic shopping bags are being manufactured with biodegradable materials that contain corn starch. Some cats are attracted to the ambiance of corn starch.

Enjoy the Texture

Cats like the smooth texture of plastic bags. Along with the temperature of the plastic, too. Plastic bags pick up the temperature in the room.


Some plastics compromise chemicals that may imitate pheromones or other attractants.  Cats licking plastic could be an extension of the flehmen reaction. This means that the cat’s upper lip curls back and holds this position for several seconds. 

Dental or Medical Issues

However, a cat laying on a plastic bag is not always a good sign. There may be a formidable medical reason as to why they are doing it. If you notice that your cat is not acting how they normally act, take them to the vet just to be sure. 

Licking Plastic is a Compulsive Disorder

As veterinarians have called it, cats that lick or chew on plastic bags have a compulsive disorder. Pay close attention to when cats are licking the bags. If it occurs more frequently than not, then a visit to the vet is necessary. 

Your Cat is Feeling Anxious

We all have little ticks that note when we are nervous. For a cat, biting on plastic bags is a cue that they are feeling anxious. Cats try to get rid of their anxiety by biting on bags. While it is something that calms them down, you shouldn’t let them do this. Cats could ruin their teeth.

Have your veterinarian look into what could be causing your cat to have anxiety. It’s always good for your cat to have a check-up to make sure that everything is okay. Try another way to help relieve your cat of their anxiety. Help them get more exercise, spend more time with them, or distract them with a toy. 

Give Your Cat More Nutrition

Boost your cat’s nutrition. Never let your cat eat the bag that it is laying on. And make sure that your cat is only eating what you are feeding them. Cat’s like to scrounge up snacks of which they are not supposed to be putting into their stomachs. 

The Cat is Bored

Every cat needs to remain active. Another reason why your cat is laying on a plastic bag or licking it is that they don’t have enough to do. That’s where you come in. All pet owners should have a designated time in the day where they spend some time with their cat. 

Despite how they are independent, they need companionship and attention. When leaving your cat alone for the day make sure that they have a toy (catnip, puzzle feeders, or a window) to occupy their time.

Dangers of Plastic Bags

Plastic bags can harm your cat. For one example, that bag could tangle around their head and suffocate them. Don’t let your cat play with just this bag. Make sure that they have other toys to distract them. 

Cats like to play on the inside of a plastic bag. Don’t let your cat do that. The inside of a bag is dangerous because your cat could get stuck and could very well suffocate. Cut the handles off the bag to prevent further choking hazards. Make sure that plastic bags are not in the vicinity whenever you leave the house. 

Chewing on a plastic bag could make them choke. Because they are biting on it, they could swallow plastic elements by mistake. Throw the bags into the trash and put a lid on it so the cat won’t get into the garbage. That’s a terrible habit to pick up. 

Is Plastic Toxic?

We are glad that you asked this question because it is very important for all pet owners. Most plastic is non-toxic. If your cat happens to swallow plastic, don’t freak out immediately. It’s dangerous if a cat swallows a larger piece of plastic material and not one little piece. 

However, eating plastic could create a blockage in their intestines. Then, it acquires your cat to have surgery to have the plastic bits removed. 

What Type of Plastic Is It?

Take note of what sort of plastic it is that your cat is eating. Is it the bag that you had the bleach in? Remember, it is your duty to take care of your cat. Don’t let them get into a bag that you left around. Bleach is toxic for animals along with other cleaning products. 

Can I Stop My Cat from Licking? 

For cat owners who want to stop their cats from licking plastic bags, here’s what to do. 

  • Recycle Plastic Bags

At this point, we hope that you are aware that you should recycle a plastic bag and not throw it out into the garbage. Anyway, that is for a different article entirely. To prevent your cat from laying on a plastic bag, just recycle it. Or if you want to keep plastic bags for future needs, store them in a safe area, like a cabinet, so your cat cannot locate them.

  • Stop Getting Plastic Bags

Instead, use paper bags. Switch to reusable bags instead of using flimsy plastic bags. It also helps the environment immensely if you switch out plastic bags. Go to the store and find bags that work better for you and are safer for your cat. 

  • Spraying the Plastic Bag

Another way to get your cat to stop licking the bag is to spray something against the plastic. Nothing that may be toxic, just a spray that will repent the cat from laying on the bag. Some companies offer different products to prevent cats from chewing or licking on plastic material.