Why Does My Chicken Keep One Eye Closed?

Ever wondered how chickens are able to spot the tiniest bread crumb in the midst of sand as well as other edible interesting things they find? 

This is because chickens have excellent vision during the day. It’s also one of the reasons their owners tend to feed them during the day. They are more active and agile during the day and will most likely eat better because they can see what they are eating. 

On the contrary, you’d think that a creature that has excellent vision during the day is bound to have an even better one when the sun sets, but this is not the case for chicken I’m afraid. Chickens have terrible eye sight during the night. They can barely see anything. I’m guessing this is one of the reasons why they go back to their shelter early enough before the sun sets completely. They are also very inactive at night and would most likely spend their night sleeping. 

Moving forward, if you are wondering why your chicken keeps one eye closed, even during the day, chances are you chicken has contracted an eye infection. 

Chickens hardly ever gets eye issues. At the point when your chickens really do experience the ill effects of an eye disease, however, their capacity to carry out their everyday lives is truly hindered. Birds depend on their sight to track down food and water, vie for social position and find settling locales. A few kinds of chicken eye disease can advance to turn out to be intense.

An illustration of on one chicken eye issue is Avian Pox. A viral illness that influences numerous chickens and can influence and be spread by wild bird populaces. Blistery sores are frequently around the eyes causing expanding with debilitation of sight and visual deficiency in serious cases.

What causes a chickens eye to be closed?

There are many viral and bacterial causes of one eye closed problems in chickens. In fact, it can also be as a result of predator attacks and fights among chickens. 

On a ranch, mishaps can occur. Additionally, creatures have a progressive system frequently alluded to as a dominance hierarchy. More often than not, it can be worked out rather calmly. Some of the time wounds happen from the chicken way of behaving. Rooster chickens in the initial years like to demonstrate predominance over the hens by more than once mating. They show strength over different chickens by prodding each other with the long spikes on the rear of their legs. I’m certain you can envision the sort of injury that can result from a poorly positioned prod. It can bring about chicken eye issues or any kind of prod wound. This is enough to cause a one eye issue in your chicken. 

It could also be that your chicken is sick and you might want to be on the lookout for some symptoms such as anemia, loss of weight, inability or reluctance to eat, poor growth, Inactivity. The ideal thing to do is to seek out a vet for help. 

Common Eye Problems for Chickens

Chickens just like humans might experience common eye problems. It also happens easily because of how their eyes are situated on the head. Some of these eye problems may include; 

  • Conjunctivitis: this is caused by the inflammation of the conjunctiva tissue in the eye. It goes side by side with respiratory issues as well. 
  • Cornea injury: injury located in this area is very painful, more reason why your chicken will close its eye, to relieve itself from pain. 
  • Marek’s disease: this can also be called grey eye. It happens when the iris turns grey. You can also identify this disease by an irregularly shaped pupil. 
  • Cataract: this might occur as a result of old age in the chicken or genetics. Anything short of that may be as a result of avian encephalomyelitis infection as a chick. 
  • Cancerous tumors

There are various other one eye infection or eyes in general when it comes to chickens. However the above listed are mostly always the case with chickens and can be handled easily if noticed on time. 

How do you treat a chicken with a closed eye?

A veterinary ophthalmologist, an expert who just glances at creature eyes the entire day, is the first point of contact for cutting edge care of an inconvenient eye issue in a pet chicken or your chickens in general. It’s difficult to find an eye vet in many towns, yet any little creature veterinarian will actually want to allude you to the nearest veterinary ophthalmologist.

However, you can still carry out a few things to aid the chicken’s eye sight. 

  • Look at the impacted chicken. What seems, by all accounts, to be an eye contamination could really be a physical issue from another chicken, or a result of different circumstances, similar to a respiratory disease.
  • Clean the impacted region. In the event that the eye is spilling release or has become dirty, utilize a delicate, clammy fabric to clean the region around it.
  • Be delicate – the eyes are exceptionally sensitive. Try not to utilize cleanser or sanitizers, which can cause agony and eye harm.
  • Set up a portion of prescription. Fill a plastic needle (without a needle) with an avian anti-infection as indicated by the bundle directions, or the guidelines given to you by your vet.
  • Clean your chicken’s face assuming fundamental and rehash dosing as per your vet or drug’s directions. Screen the chicken to ensure the disease clears up.


The good thing about chickens is that they don’t usually give trouble even when they are sick, so you can easily take care of them without them flying around. 

Keep in mind that this only happens when you are a familiar face. 

Chickens additionally fall ill and require treatment. Assuming your chicken is frail and latent with shut eyes, this is an indication that it’s experiencing some sort of infection.

Try not to panic, with proper care everything should be back to normal.