How to Clean Dogs Mouth after Eating Dead Animal- Follow These Easy Methods!

Your dog cuddles up with you on the couch; he is delighted to see you! But when he leans close, his breath knocks you out! If the dog has eaten a dead animal, you may want to clean his mouth. The gums, jaws, and tongue harbor dirt, bacteria, and smell awful. 

There are several ways to clean the dog’s mouth, including regular teeth brushing, manually wiping the dog’s mouth, and giving the dog mouthwashes or dental treats that will disinfect, clean, and dislodge smelly debris. The dog’s saliva naturally neutralizes bacteria and carries it away, so using natural defense by providing items to chew is adequate. 

Dog’s perspective

However, if the dog has mouthed a filthy item like dead animals, the saliva is not adequate to clean the dog’s mouth. You may need to wipe the dog’s mouth but be careful not to shove the hand into the dog’s mouth. The dog may badly react even defensively and may gag. Taking smaller items like a toothbrush or gauze is effective. 

How to clean the dog’s mouth after eating dead animals

  • Choose the right time.

The most crucial step is finding the right time to clean the dog’s mouth. Cleaning should not be done when the dog has had many exercises and is hyper and crazy. When you are preparing to brush the teeth, start slowly and do not do it forcefully. An important tip is not to hold the dogs by the muzzle and if the dog starts getting agitated, step back right away. 

Get the right Dog Toothbrush and toothpaste.

The toothbrush should have soft bristles. If you do not have a dog toothbrush, you can use the kid’s toothbrush. The finger can also do the job. Dogs need special toothpaste since human toothpaste has Xylitol, fluoride sodium, and sulfate, which is very poisonous to the dog if he swallows it. Dog’s toothpaste has special enzymes that break down all the bad stuff in the mouth. They come in dog-friendly options like poultry and beef. 

  • Get the right position for brushing the dog’s teeth.

The next step is to take your position. The dog should be comfortable and not in a standing position or having them between your legs. Try to kneel or sit beside them to make them feel safe and make them get used to having something in their gums. 

  • Start brushing the teeth.

Brush the dog’s teeth by applying little pressure so they can get the feel of it 3-5 times. Let the dog taste the toothpaste, sniff it, and lick it. He needs to allow the dog to get familiar with the paste before using the toothbrush. Lift his lip to expose the gums and teeth and start brushing gently in the canines’ then thrift to the molars.

Brush in a circular motion to enable the bristles to massage the gum line. Move to the upper molars in a circular motion as the upper molars create and build up more tartar. 

  • Praise your dog

Dogs love being rewarded. Reward him with a treat for being a good boy and praise them. It will help for the next time you want to brush. 

Dog’s Dental Tools

To properly equip yourself with the right dental tools, you will need a finger toothbrush and a dog toothbrush. A finger toothbrush is a great gentle tool to train the dog to know how tooth brushing feels. You can use a soft cloth wrapped around the finger instead. A finger brush is a soft toothbrush that fits over the tip of the finger. Rub the finger over the surface of the dog’s teeth and around the gum line in a gentle back and forth, circular motion. 

Give the dog a lot of praise by having handy treats for allowing you to fuss with their mouth. Brushing their teeth is not natural for dogs. By praising them with treats, they get used to the brushing sensation. Once they get comfortable, you can graduate to using the dog toothbrush. 

Using a dog toothbrush can be a daunting task, mostly if you have not done it before. To brush, put some toothpaste on the bristles of the toothbrush and clean in small circular motions. Place the brush at a 45-degree angle to the dog’s mouth and lift their lips as necessary to ensure you get to the sides of each tooth. Remember to reach the back teeth and the little nubbins in the front on the lower and upper teeth. 

Ways to clean a dog’s teeth without brushing

Dog dental wipes

Dog dental wipes are easier to clean a dog’s teeth compared to brushing. Dogs get uncomfortable with foreign objects in their mouths, but it is essentially your finger with wipes. This makes it less unfamiliar and confusing to the dog. Dental wipes can be bought from the vet, physical or online stores. 


  • Easy to use
  • Dogs can tolerate fingers.
  • Tasty and neutral flavors
  • Not messy


  • Expensive for daily use


Besides being healthy and tasty for the dog, chewing bones is useful for their dental health. When a dog nibbles on a real meat bone, tartar and plaque are scraped off while chewing. This is a 100% natural process and one of the simplest ways if cleaning a dog’s mouth. 

There are precautions to look out for when using bones as a method of cleaning. It would be best if you did not give your dog cooked bones. Cook bones can crack, splinter, and cause cuts, blockages, and other dental problems to the dog. Uncooked bones are always the safest option. It would be best if you also were cautious not to spread germs with the meat bones. Always wash your hands after handling a dog meat bone. 

Additionally, try to control your dog from chewing a specific area so you can sanitize after he has finished chewing. Dog meat bones can be bought online and at pet stores. They can also be purchased at local butchers or meat processing shops. 


  • Helps clean plaque and tartar
  • Long-lasting 
  • Natural and healthy


  • Potential splinting and choking problems
  • Can be difficult to source

Food supplements

There are a variety of different dog supplements that are specifically designed for softening and removing plaque. They include plaque off the powder, which is derived from particular kinds of seaweed. Other food supplements use enzymes and other ingredients to soften and remove plaque. Most cleaning supplements are given daily and can be added to the dog’s food. The food supplements can be found on Amazon or Chewy, or pet stores. 


  • Easy to use
  • Doesn’t require inserting hands
  • Natural and healthy option


  • Expensive
  • Some dogs don’t like the taste.

Dog Chews

Just like bones, dog chews are a tasty and healthy way to clean the dog’s teeth without brushing. Dog chews include Himalayan chews, bully sticks, beef tendons, and split Elk Antlers. They are made from natural, simple ingredients that are not consumed too quickly. Besides helping clean teeth, the chews are great tools to help the dog overcome chewing problems, like chewing on the sofa and shoes. They can also be used to keep the dog busy and distracted when needed. 

Biting and chewing is essential for the dog’s mouth, mind, and teeth. It is a naturally healthy and desirable behavior for the dog, provided they are chewing the right thing. The dogs can be taught proper chewing behavior through consistency and redirection. Dog chews can be bought from online stores. 


  • Help overcome destructive chewing behaviors.
  • Healthy and tasty
  • Easy to use


  • Some dogs chew too aggressively.
  • Some dogs don’t like chewing.

Sprays and Gels

Sprays and gels are an instant way to clean the dog’s teeth and mouth. The spray is applied directly to the dog’s mouth or used, rubbed gently around the teeth and gums. This means that you have to train the dog to be comfortable with spraying. Sprays are a bit easier than gels because of easy application. The ingredients work to soften the tartar and plaque. Gels can be used while brushing. 


  • Useful for controlling the lousy breath
  • Diverse options available
  • Natural ingredients


  • Some dogs don’t love the taste.
  • Expensive for continual use

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is widely known for solving almost any issue, including a dog’s dental health and breath. Coconut oil is a general additive to food and helps break down tartar in the dog’s teeth. Coconut oil contains acids that kill bacteria and fungus that removes nasty objects in the dog’s mouth. Dogs additionally love the nutty taste. 

The coconut oil can be applied to the toothbrush or finger. A bone can be soaked in the oil and left to dry before serving to the dog. It can also be mixed with food and helps with bad breath. 


  • Natural and healthy solution
  • Less expensive
  • Dogs enjoy the taste.


  • If used too much, it can cause diarrhea.
  • High in calories

Chew Toys

Dog chew toys are great for getting the dog to self-clean the teeth. The chews are designed with nubs and grooves that create interest and a massaging feeling when gnawed on. The constant chewing and gnawing help scrape off plaque and keep the dog’s mouth free of tartar. 

The massaging action scrubs the food bits and the film plaque off the dog’s teeth and stimulates beneficial blood flow to the gums. The all-natural chew toy is designed to clean the dog’s teeth and comes in different sizes with dog-safe peppermint scent to freshen the dog’s breath. 


  • Easy to use
  • Helps to teach proper chewing behavior
  • Keeps the dog busy


  • Destroyed easily
  • No nutritional benefit

Dental Treats

Dental treats such as Greenies are the original germ-buster dog dental treats. They are made with specific grooves and ridges that scrape off tartar and plaque. When the dog chews on them, their teeth sink into the chews and scrape off the dirt. Besides, dogs love the taste of most dental treats. 


  • Easy to use
  • Tasty for the dogs
  • Effective in removing tartar and plaque


  • Expensive
  • Contains extra calories

Water additives

One of the best non-brushing solutions for dogs is the use of water additives. Water add-ins is a liquid that is added to the dog’s daily bowl of water. The water contains enzymes that help in breaking down tartar and plaque. It can be bought online on Amazon or Chewy. 


  • Simple to use
  • Not messy
  • Relatively natural


  • Expensive for daily use
  • Some contain undesirable chemicals.

Healthy Fruits, Vegetables, and Treats

Healthy fruits are the best simple way to clean the mouth of a dog. Whether it is carrots, watermelon, or sweet potatoes, they carry numerous benefits for cleaning the dog’s teeth and mouth. Just like humans, the more natural the dog food is, the healthier the dog becomes. Certain vegetables like carrots can be frozen to make the dog chew on them. 


  • Natural and healthy
  • Often inexpensive 
  • Have vitamins and nutrients


  • Some fruits are not safe. 
  • Some dogs don’t love their taste.

Cautions and considerations when cleaning

  • Do not use human toothpaste or mouthwash as it can be toxic for dogs.
  • Do not gag the dog by inserting a considerable cloth or fingers or the toothbrush too far into the mouth.
  • Work confidently and slowly to make the dog comfortable with having his teeth brushed, or mouth wiped
  • Check for inflamed, red gums or rotten, broken teeth that need professional care.

The Bottom Line

A dog eating dead animals is gross but brushing, and keeping up with the dog’s teeth eliminates the foul smell. Although the dog has natural processes that help in leaning the mouth, sometimes he needs additional help. This mostly happens when the dog is smelly or when he is covered in some harmful substance.

The dog’s teeth can be cleaned directly by wrapping a cloth around your finger and gently and consistently wiping the mouth and teeth. You can use salt water, baking soda, or coconut oil and ointment. Be careful not to scare the dog away. 

Alternatively, you can add gentle do’s water additives to the dog’s water or increase his natural saliva production by giving him something to chew. Brushing the dog’s gums and lips helps to keep his mouth fresh and healthy.