Do Dog Eyebrow Whiskers Grow Back? 

Dogs, like their feline companions, have whiskers, but in the case of dogs, whiskers play an important role in making their lives easier. The majority of dog owners do not realize the role of those whiskers and simply treat them as cosmetic additions. However, a dog’s whiskers serve more purposes than just giving them a puffy, cute appearance. 

If you recently trimmed your dog’s highly functional whiskers, do not worry. No matter how frequently or how short you trim them, whiskers always grow back. However, you cannot trim them occasionally because they regrow. On their face, dogs have various types of whiskers, ranging from over the eyes to the chin. You are temporarily halting their functions by removing them. Let’s talk about the significance of your dog’s whiskers in this article and the reasons you shouldn’t consider trimming them.

Why does my dog have eyebrow whiskers?

Dogs have whiskers for a number of reasons, chief among them being the ability to navigate, avoid getting their heads stuck, guard their eyes, and so forth. Your dogs can find balance in their daily lives and make things easier for themselves by using the whiskers near their mouths, cheeks, chins, and eyes. 

The whiskers above the eyes, which are commonly mistaken for eyebrows, are known as supraorbital whiskers. In fact, the term “supraorbital” means “located above the orbit of the eye, wherein humans the eyebrows are located.” Dog owners frequently mistake these whiskers for eyelashes and may begin to curl them up slightly to give their dog a cuddly appearance.

For your dogs, supraorbital whiskers serve one very important purpose: they shield their eyes from impending danger. Dogs’ eyebrow whiskers are not made to prevent sweat and water from getting into their eyes like human eyebrows are. Instead, it serves as a protective shield for your dog’s eyes and sets off a reflex when one of their eyes is in danger. 

There is a good chance that your dog’s eyes could get injured while running or playing. There’s a chance that you could unintentionally poke your dog’s eyes while you’re just hanging out. Dogs, therefore, have whiskers that resemble eyelashes covering their eyes to protect them from these circumstances.

Most new dog owners don’t know why their dogs have whiskers, so they start grooming them right away to make them look cuter. However, other whiskers do play a crucial role in their survival, just like eyebrow whiskers do. It’s never a good idea to remove those whiskers.

Do dogs lose their eyebrow whiskers?

The short answer is yes, but if your dog’s long, thick strand of whiskers fell down, you shouldn’t be concerned. In the dog’s world, this is actually quite common. Dogs occasionally lose a few whiskers here and there. Given the significance of whiskers for dogs, if you are a new pet owner, you might be alarmed to find a few whisker strands on the floor or on the bed. You need not worry about anything, though, as long as the sum is small.

When sick or injured, a dog’s whiskers fall out in large quantities. You might need to take your canine companion to the vet if you saw a lot of whiskers on the floor. A few strands, though, shouldn’t worry you. In comparison to other hair strands, dog whiskers are quite thick and long. In order to serve as a survival tool and effectively aid dogs in their navigation, they are longer and thicker. These heavy, lengthy strands do eventually fall to the ground so that new ones can take their place.

When your dog sheds some whiskers, you will notice the new ones regrowing within a few days. Whiskers always grow back. Your dogs won’t be able to balance well or play their survival game if they don’t have whiskers. Focus on keeping them healthy and refrain from trimming or removing them for cosmetic reasons. A healthy dog with well-grown, thick whiskers will be both attractive and healthy.

Can you cut a dog’s eyebrow whiskers?

It’s likely that you’ve seen plenty of dogs in reality shows with adorable makeup, their whiskers trimmed, and their hair combed, and you’ve wondered whether it’s okay to do the same for your dog. The short answer is that you can trim your dog’s brow hair, but you can’t get rid of it entirely. The majority of dog owners occasionally trim their dog’s whiskers, whether intentionally or unintentionally, because they grow longer and thicker. Due to the fact that cutting a small portion of a dog’s whiskers has no significant impact on their functions, this has no negative effects on dogs.

Be cautious when trying to trim your dog’s brow whiskers because the area is very delicate and exposed. To trim the whiskers, you don’t necessarily need to use sharp scissors. Since most dogs don’t sit still while being groomed, scissors frequently result in quick accidents where the user gets their eyes poked. Trimmers are a good idea, provided they are used properly. Keep the whiskers as they are and only remove a small portion of them, just enough to maintain the cuteness of your dogs.

Should you cut a dog’s eyebrow whiskers?

Cutting your dog’s brow whiskers is not really necessary. You can either take your dogs to a pet salon for grooming or do it yourself if their long, thick whiskers are obstructing their vision. If there is a portion of the whiskers that is a hindrance, you can trim that portion and leave the rest alone. You can trim your dog’s whiskers to match if you want to alter their appearance and add a little more cuteness.

When they remain for a long time and become sufficiently thick, whiskers will serve many purposes for your dogs. Your dogs might occasionally shed a few whiskers, but as long as it’s nothing serious, you shouldn’t think about shaving them. If your dogs’ long, thick whiskers make them happy, let them be and have fun with them.

Do dogs’ eyebrow whiskers grow back?

Yes, they most certainly will. You don’t need to worry if your dog’s whiskers will grow back long and thick after being trimmed. Dogs’ whiskers grow back just like cats’, and they do so more quickly than cats do. The hair will grow on its own, so you won’t need to see a veterinarian or take any new cosmetic steps to encourage it. Your furry friends will quickly regain their balance and resume their enjoyable routine. 

Only when you completely remove them by clipping them off should you be concerned. The well-being of your pets is significantly impacted by completely shaving their whiskers. The first is that they will be hurt, and the second is that the whiskers might never regrow. Your dog’s behavior will undoubtedly become out of balance if the whiskers are cut off at the root, and they won’t be able to pay attention to most activities. 

There is no need to be concerned if only a small portion is cut; they will regrow. 

How long does it take eyebrow whiskers to grow back?

Your dog’s dog’s eyebrow whiskers will regrow in two to four weeks. It might take longer for some breeds. Your dog’s whiskers will grow back in the following few days, whether you only clipped a small section or a longer one, so there is no need for concern. However, avoid trimming them off as soon as they begin to grow because doing so might irritate your dogs and make it challenging for them to maintain balance. 

Additionally, avoid completely shaving them off or clipping them off at the roots because doing so will harm your dog’s health as well as stop the growth of new whiskers. Your dog’s whiskers are an important component. If you believe that your dog’s appearance is being harmed by the long, thick whiskers, you can trim it a little and then wait for it to grow.

Dog breeds with long eyebrow whiskers

Most dogs do have whiskers over their eyes, along with whiskers on their cheeks, chin, and sides of their mouth. It might seem that, unlike cats, dogs don’t require or use whiskers. On a dog’s face, however, there are whiskers for a variety of reasons, not just one. The whiskers are essential for triggering their reflex and assisting them in responding quickly, from navigation to defense. In addition, they play a vital role in cosmetic needs. While some owners do trim these whiskers, pet experts and veterinarians frequently advise against it as being a good idea.

If you compare different breeds, some do have longer brow whiskers. The list of breeds with long, thick whiskers is as follows:

  • Labrador Retriever
  • Gordon Setter
  • Rottweiler
  • Bernese Mountain Dog
  • German Shepherd
  • Doberman

If you own a dog of the aforementioned breed, be careful not to harm them or interfere with their way of life by shaving off their whiskers. Over time, you will develop an affection for your furry companions with long whiskers. You won’t consider shaving them off at that point, preferring to keep the highly functional whiskers.


Dogs have a special relationship with their whiskers, which they use to navigate the scent of food, avoid injury, detect impending danger, etc. Do not solely concentrate on appearances when growing and grooming your canine companions, and do not remove hairs you find unattractive. 

Spend some time learning about the roles played by each part of your dog before moving forward with grooming options. It’s never a good idea to remove a dog’s facial whiskers because the consequences will be severe. However, if you have already removed the whiskers, do not worry; they will return.

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