Do Ferrets Like to Cuddle [What Owners Will Want to Know]

The ferret is a domesticated polecat with either brown, white, black, or mixed fur colors. Male ferrets are usually bigger than female ferrets. A ferret is a small furry creature. It has a cone-shaped nose, long claws, a long tail, and a long pear-shaped body with short legs. Ferrets never try to bite you, even when you mistakenly step on them. Ferrets make great pets, but some countries don’t allow their citizens to keep ferrets as pets. Ferrets are nocturnal creatures, and they love to play. It would help if you didn’t let your ferret be alone in its cage all the time; this is because they might start exhibiting negative behaviors that you won’t be comfortable with. If you are the busy type that is always not at home, you shouldn’t keep a ferret as a pet. 

Just the same way most human beings like to cuddle, ferrets are social animals, and they want to cuddle too. If you start with your ferret with cuddling, they will get used to it. Ferrets love to interact with humans in whatever way; they try to mimic whatever they see you doing. They always lookout for ways of getting your attention. Once your ferret discovers that you love cuddling, they will also end up liking cuddles.

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If you want your ferret to feel comfortable, then you need to provide it with utmost care. Give it enough food with fresh water always. A ferret also needs a snug nest to sleep in and a litter box that requires daily cleaning. Provide your ferret with a ferret-proof room where it can play for at least an hour every day. If you must be away from your home for a weekend trip, provide your ferret with enough food and water that will last for the few days you will be away, but you should have someone that will help you check up on it to clean its litter box.

What Is The Temperament of a Ferret?

For ferret owners who want to know the temperament of their ferrets, we will tell you about it. Naturally, ferrets are friendly, curious, very active, and playful. You can quickly train your ferret to be anything you want it to be because they are fast learners. Ferrets have a mellow temperament; they are intelligent, mischievous, and predictable too. They are very great at hiding things, and they can easily crawl into a tight spot their bodies can fit into and hide. Because ferrets can easily creep into a hiding spot to hide, ferret-proofing your house can be pretty difficult. 

Ferrets are not noisemakers. You can freely remove them from their cage and allow them to explore different places in your house. Since ferrets love to play, you must give them toys to help them play well. Cardboard boxes, plastic tubes, and balls joined with strings are some toys your ferrets can play with. Try to keep small toys and objects with ropes on them out of the reach of ferrets that are still young. 

Ferrets also love to take naps often. And you may find it difficult waking them up from sleep. Ferrets also love being petted. As long as you raise them from a very young, they will not try to bite you. You can keep your ferret’s cage outside on sunny days so it can enjoy the fresh air and some sun. 

You can allow two or three ferrets to stay together, but you will need to provide them with a large cage so they can freely move around in it. If your ferret is still new in your house, you should not allow it to roam out of its cage for long hours without supervision. 

Another unique thing about the temperament of ferrets is that they are born with a healthy scent gland that they use as a self-defense mechanism. Ferrets also have a good sense of hearing. 

How Do Ferrets Show Affection? 

Ferrets show affection in various ways. Many ferrets show their affection by licking your body. Some of them also exhibit their affection by always being around you, and they also like it when you hold them. 

Some other ferrets portray affection by responding positively to belly rubs and soft scratches. You can keep your ferret on your chest region and allow it to rest there for a while before you keep it back in its cage. If your ferret tries to push your hands away from its body, it shows that it is becoming uncomfortable and wants to be left alone. 

Most ferrets show more affection as they grow older; they love to cuddle often and fall asleep on your lap.

Ferrets are different in the way they show their affection. While some may enjoy long hours of cuddling with you, some may enjoy cuddling with you for a few minutes and leave you for a while to play somewhere else around your home. 

Why Do Ferrets Like to Cuddle?

Ferrets like to cuddle because they love to play. They can play for close to four hours a day, and cuddling is one activity they engage in that helps them rest after the day’s activity. Ferrets also see cuddling as a period they use in relaxing before they sleep every day. 

If you always allow your ferrets to play and explore different areas in your house, they will always want to get cuddled after their playtime. 

Your ferret may also like to cuddle because it is old. Older ferrets tend to cuddle more than you get ones. 

Most ferrets love to cuddle with you for some minutes, but the exact reasons might not get them to cuddle with you all the time. While some ferrets will only love to cuddle with you when they are exhausted, some will only cuddle with you at any time because they are natural cuddlers. 

Why Does My Ferret Not Like to Cuddle?

You must understand that not all ferrets like to cuddle. If you love a ferret that likes to cuddle, then you will have to conduct a thorough search to find one. Some ferrets don’t want to cuddle when they are still young, but when they grow older, they start developing a liking for cuddling. 

If your ferret doesn’t like cuddling, don’t try to force it into it. There are simple ways you can get it to get accustomed to it. But it would help if you were patient with it. You will find out how to get your ferret to like cuddling in the next heading. 

How To Get Your Ferret To Like Cuddling More

You should not feel bad when you first bring your ferret home, and you find out that it does not like cuddling. When your ferret gets to a new environment, it needs some time to adapt to it. Most ferrets need some months to adjust before they get comfortable with cuddling from their owners. But some ferrets are different; it doesn’t take up to a month before they get used to cuddling. 

At first, ferrets do not see you as their owner, they see you as someone that entertains them, and that’s why you need to bond with them very well so they can get used to you. Interact with your ferret often, and spend time handling it. 

If you want to build a great relationship with your ferret, you need a lot of patience and time to do that before they can trust you. 

Don’t try to play with your ferret the same way you play with your cat. Your ferret may find it irritating if you try to stroke its whiskers. And any time it sees you, it tries to avoid you because it feels you don’t like it. 

So, how can you get your ferret to like cuddling more?

  1. Rubbing your ferret gently at the top of its head is fantastic. When you do that, avoid stroking its face. The nose of your ferret is susceptible, so avoid flicking it as a way of punishing it when it does something wrong. 
  1. When your ferret misbehaves, grab it but the scruff of its neck, keep it back into its cage, and lock the door. That way, your ferret understands its misbehavior, and it is a way you can bond with your ferret too. 
  1. Provide your ferret with plenty of exercises. Your ferret will quickly get frustrated and irritated if you don’t allow it to get at least four hours of training every day. Provide your ferret with a comfortable sleeping environment and ensure that it gets enough rest daily. If you provide it with all of these requirements, they will start seeing you as their owner, and over time cuddling with it won’t be a big deal.
  1. One quick way you can get your ferret to enjoy cuddling with you is by being liberal with your love for it. If you want your ferret to get accustomed to your attempt at cuddling, handle it often. You can begin by holding it for short periods every day, and then, you can increase the time as time goes on or until it starts to feel secure in your arms. 
  1. You can also get your ferret to like cuddling more by helping it get used to your scent. You can do this but taking some of the soft clothes you have worn before and placing them in your ferret’s cage so it can sleep on them. This will make your ferret get used to your scent and associate it with calm and rest.  

Most ferrets are cuddly creatures. You need to help them learn how to if they don’t show it initially. If you can bond with your ferret pet, it will be easier to show its affection towards you. 

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Eventually, your ferret may not become very good at cuddling. It would be best if you kept dedicating some minutes of your day to playing with it. Invest your time daily to bond with your ferret. 

Once you and your ferret develop a great bond, they will want to spend time cuddling with you, licking your eyelids, or kissing your face and running towards you so you can pick them up. 

How Do You Tell If Your Ferret Loves You?

Just the same way ferrets have different ways of showing affection; they also have different ways of showing their love for you.

Below are some of the ways you can tell if your ferret loves you. 

  1. If your ferret is a free roam ferret, it will quickly run towards you for a cuddle when you get back home.
  2. Your ferret can also lick your eyes, ears, or face to show their love for you. 
  3. Another way you can tell if your ferret loves you is the way they try to clean your legs, ears, or eyebrows when they are dirty. They do it the same way they clean themselves up when they are dirty. 
  4. A ferret that loves you will always want to play with you; it is their way of getting your attention. 
  5. They try to mimic everything you do. 
  6. They love to stay in your lap while you watch the TV.

Those are just a few ways you can tell if your ferret loves you. There are many other ways they show love to their owners. 


You should be aware now that ferrets like to cuddle, and there are many ways you can get them to pick it even though they initially do not show any signs of enjoying it. 

Training your ferret to bond with you takes a lot of time and patience. It would be best if you were understanding enough for you to raise your ferrets. Most ferrets become more affectionate as they grow older, so you need to give them enough time to get used to showing their affection.

Ferrets love creatures; you will notice how they try to lick your face or legs or in the way they love being around you when you are at home. Spend more time with your ferrets; they make very great companions.

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