Do Mice Take Dust Baths? [Is It Ok]

The first time I heard about dust baths, I was a bit skeptical about it. I found it fascinating that dust bathes were even a thing in the first place. 

Initially, I though bathing my mice everyday was the right thing to do. However, rats do not require water bathes every single time. In fact, they prefer a little dust bath, once in a while. 

What is dust baths? 

I know this may sound cringe, but dust bathing to these creatures is a regular natural activity. It is simply rolling or smuggling themselves in dust, raw earth or sand with the mission to rid parasites off their fur. And to be honest, it has so far worked out for them. Who are we to change their pattern of life? 

When something gets stuck on your mice’s fur, it makes them pretty uncomfortable. This is then the period when a water bathe is advised. In this uncommon case, you can utilize a wet wipe, some warm water and little dog cleanser to clean them. You can tenderly yet completely rub his fur with the wipe until whatever it is gets off completely. 

In the mean time, it is critical to ensure that no water gets in his ears and eyes. 

Be that as it may, in the event that you take great care of your mouse consistently, you are never going to have to give him a shower. Mice are perfect at cleaning themselves, very much like felines. By changing the sheet material one time each week, keeping the enclosure ventilated and purchasing a decent water bottle, you contribute to their neatness.

Can mice clean itself?

Yes, if there’s one thing I like about mice, it definitely has to be its ability to clean itself up with or without your help. 

Pet mice clean themselves constantly. It is one of their principal exercises, as they are very much like felines in this manner. This is likewise the primary motivation behind why you don’t have to wash them every single day. On the off chance that a pet mouse doesn’t clean himself, it is generally an indication of a medical condition.

Fortunately assuming you give your all at taking good care of your mouse, it will be fine. Keep your pet in a spotless and agreeable climate, furnish it with quality food varieties and handle it with utmost love and affection. 

By simply changing the sheet material once consistently, you can guarantee that your mouse won’t ever be give off a foul or grimy smell.

How can I keep my mice clean? 

Picking a bundle of top notch bedding from the pet store is surprisingly significant. In the event that there is dust in the sheet material, breathing in it can prompt different respiratory issues for your pet. In this way, going for the one that contains a negligible measure of residue or none at everything is fundamental and will help keep your mice clean and healthy. 

Another advantage that each quality sheet material has is that it is great at retaining scents and fluids. Yet, there is something else that will assist you with limiting scents, which is working on the ventilation of the enclosure. It is ideal to put it some place in the house where there is a steady flow of outside air.

Your mice will see the value in it, as they need outside air very much as we do. The clearest thing you can do is to consistently clean the enclosure for them.

Bedding sheets ought to be supplanted once every week since that is the point at which it begins to get rank and filthy. It quickly gives an immense lift to the cleanliness of the enclosure on the off chance that you set out some crisp sheet material.

Customary cleaning likewise incorporates eliminating waste, grimy sheet material or extra food varieties a couple of times over the course of the day, at whatever point you notice them. You can likewise potty train your mouse, which expects you to get a litter box. That case must be set where your mouse as a rule goes to the latrine in its enclosure.

Then, at that point, you want to get some sheet material that can absorb waste and placed it in the container. This makes a motion to your pet mouse that it is where it must be finished.

Then, at that point, simply give him a treat each time he involves the crate as a latrine. It will be a lot of cleaner than allowing your mouse to involve the entire sheet material as the latrine.

Will my mice die if its fur is wet? 

No, your mice won’t die if its fur is wet. However, it can leave them vulnerable to serious health issues and risk. 

If your mice get wet, try to dry him as fast as possible to avoid it from catching a cold. You can barely comprehend how upsetting it is for them when their water-drenched fur chills them off.

Pet mice can get wet in water bowls and in some cases in any event, while utilizing water bottles. All things considered, you can get your mouse and rub him delicately with a dry towel. If you have any desire to be 100% certain that your mouse is dry at that point, use the blow dryer also.

Final words

The earlier we accept some of the activities that accompany owning a certain kind of pet, the better and quicker it will be for you in learning how to take care of them. 

Owning a mice has to be one of the most less stressful job out there. They rarely need your attention and would clean themselves without your help. 

What more could you possibly ask for?