Dog Barking in Crate at Night All of a Sudden

Nothing beats the feeling of being completely relaxed as you drift off to sleep at the end of a long day. Then suddenly you are brought back to reality by your dog barking at night for no apparent reason. At first, you think it is burglary, but after a few days, you realize there is nothing out there. This can be very frustrating, but you never know what is up until you get up to check what is going on. 

A research study revealed that barking at night is most common in younger dogs, especially herding breeds. Barking at night and waking up early is a common behavior for puppies and older dogs alike. Excessive barking from your dog is a nuisance as well as it can get you in trouble with your neighbors. All dog owners need to have coping strategies for dogs that bark at night. 

Why Is My Dog Suddenly Barking at Night?

There are three main sorts of possibilities as to why dogs suddenly bark at night. The dog is not always barking for no reason. 

It could be behavioral, environmental or medical reasons. 

1.    Behavioral

The first issue to check is any behavioral reason for the dog to bark at night all of a sudden. If you have spent a lot of time with the dog during the day, he may be anxious or frustrated when he is separated at night. The sudden night barking is a way that the dog is trying to tell you that he wants to be by your side. 

You can decide to let the dog into the bedroom, but it is a sticky plaster approach as you are just covering It up. You should help the dog become more confident about staying by himself even when you are home. Some strategies for achieving that include; 

  • Stairgates– this is a great way to help the dog gain reassurance but at the same time creating distance. 
  • Combine absence with something that he loves– treats such as chew toys last them for a while. It will not be long before the dog is used to being alone. 
  • Take it slowly– a dog who is very calm by himself for minutes is better than one who is very agitated. 
  • Plan time apart-when the dog is tired or full; he is much more likely to go to sleep and not bark at night. 

2.    Medical

The second reason as to why the dog is barking at night might be due to health reasons. It can include anything to do with physical wellness and medical-related issues. Some of the issues include; 

The dog needs to pee or poop

There are a whole lot of reasons as to why the dog needs to use the toilet in the middle of the night. If you cannot get them out of the room, you will not be shocked as to why they are backing at night. However, dogs who have been trained and walked outside towards the end of the day can hold the pee until morning. Some reasons for this challenge include; 

  • Upset stomach from something the dog ate– this can be new food or treats or something unidentifiable that they ate while scavenging. Usually, most stomach upsets subside by themselves but if there is no change after 24 hours, contact the vet for advice. 
  • Drank more fluids than usual– if the weather is hot or the dog had been running around a lot before bedtime, he will probably drink more fluids than usual. If this becomes a problem continuously, you need to change routine or swap to on-leash walking rather than running around. 
  • Didn’t go before bedtime– this is common with younger dogs who easily become distracted when they are let outside. They never get around to using the toilet before coming back in. it might also be raining outside, and the dog is afraid to get wet and start to bark. It will help if you put a dog on a leash so you can supervise and ensure that everything is in order before bedtime. 
  • Fed later than normal– if the dog has been out of the daily routine, it means he was fed later than usual. The need for the toilet equally shifts to a later time. To resolve this, use a lighter mean if feeding is delayed. 

The dog barks because he is getting older

As the dogs get older, age-related cognitive decline can set in and make them suddenly bark at night. Many dogs start to bark at night due to developing changes in their behavior. One way this shows itself is through more barking than usual and becoming anxious when separated from the family. 

The dog barks because of pain or discomfort

Humans equally experience backache or headache and become impossible to get any sleep. If the dog has joint pains, it would be best if you invest in a good bed which provides the dog with the needed comfort.

3.    Environmental

Another reason for the dog to suddenly bark at night a change in the surroundings that the human senses cannot detect. Dogs have an amazing sense of smell and can smell through vacuum-packed sealed bags. They also have an insanely amazing sense of hearing and can detect movement outside even If they cannot see it. This means that there could be things either outside or inside the house that is making the dog react. They include;

  • Pipes and heating– identify noisy water pipes and the time that heating goes on and off. The dog may be in a deep sleep, but when he hears the noise, it causes him to wake and suddenly bark at night. 
  • Noises from the neighbors– if a neighbor comes home or sets off at night, the dog might hear even with slight noise. He will start barking to let you know that there is movement outside. 
  • Other dogs barking– if the neighborhood has dogs that bark at night, your dog is very likely to in the night-time chorus. 
  • Small pests making noise– there are some other pests in the house such as mice that are nocturnal, sleep during the day, and come to life at night. Outside the house, depending on where you live, there could be other different creatures like foxes, squirrels, coyotes or rabbits. Their movements wake up the dog and make him suddenly bark. 

Often, just leaving soothing background music overnight can make a big difference as it can mask the noise. Other remedies include getting heavy curtains to reduce visibility for the dog on what is going on outside. Also, have the dog sleep in a room that is insulated from noise. 

Reasons Why Dogs Bark in the Crates

1.    Something is wrong about the crate

If your dog suddenly barks in the crate even though nothing was changed, there must be something wrong with the crate. You should inspect the crate and its surroundings to check if something is bothering the dog. 

2.    The crate is broken

Sometimes the obvious issues we expect least occur like the crate breaking. Plastic crates often break and have sharp edges. They make it uncomfortable for the dog, and he has no other way to communicate apart from barking. It would be best if you inspected the crate to make sure there are no sharp edges or broken parts that could injure the dog. Crate inspection should be regular but do not mess up with the organization that the dog loves. 

3.    The crate is too small

Sometimes the dog outgrows his crate, and it becomes uncomfortable for him to nap and enjoy enough room. When you purchase a crate, ensure that it is a few inches larger than the dog but not too large for him to create a potty corner. 

It is also recommended to get a crate with a wire divider that allows for managing of the size without changing the crate. You increase the area that the dog uses by moving the divider panel as the dog grows. 

4.    Other dogs have been in the crate

The purpose of a crate is to ensure the safety of the dog and be an intimate den that the dogs cherish. Dogs do not like to share their crates or beds, especially if there are no other animals in the house. They have a very sensitive sense of smell and can detect the smell of other animals that have been to the crate. This explains why the dog can suddenly hate his crate. 

If other dogs have been to your dog’s crate, you need to wash it and get something he has a smell on. It could be another bed, toy or shirt to make the crate feel homey again. Also, try to reward him with treats and verbal praise, so he accepts the crate. 

5.    The crate smells bad for your dog

We often mistake that what smells good for us also smells good for the dog, and that is not the case. Actually, dogs have a more sensitive and stronger sense of smell, and nice refreshing smell to humans can be deterring to them. A strong repulsive smell can make the dog bark in the crate suddenly.

You should avoid using strong smells in the dog’s crate, and if the crate is exposed, you should clean it. Choose the cleaning product carefully as some products have strong scents that can irritate the dog. Use scents that are familiar to the dog. 

6.    The crate is associated with bad experiences

Dogs assess places according to their past experiences, and crate training is useful in making the dog associate the crate to good things. Some owners use the crate to punish the dog, which is not very clever. The crate should be a safe space for the dog, and nothing bad should happen there. 

Dogs are intelligent animals, and when punished in the crate, they will associate the crate to a bad thing. If the dog hates the crate, use treats and toys and play game s in the crate to make the dog enjoy being in the crate again. 

How To Stop The Dog From Barking In The Crate At Night?

In most cases, dogs might start barking in his crate at night because he is lonely and needs attention. However, responding to his noises will encourage him to continue the behavior. Here are some steps that help in stopping the dog from excessively barking. 

Bring his crate to the bedroom

It can take some time for a new dog to get used to the home. A puppy can continuously bark at night as he is anxious and lonely. He might not sleep well for a couple of days, and you can help by keeping him company. However, do not allow him to get used to sleeping in your bedroom but teach him to sleep in his designated area. 

Ignore the dog

Dogs mostly bar to get attention and checking on them regularly will end up encouraging the behavior. Sometimes ignore the dog if there is nothing bad going on with him. While it works, be sure to be ready to tolerate noise for a few days. Besides, ignoring the dog increases his level of anxiety, making the barking worse. 

Train the quiet command

This is the best strategy to stop the dog barking at night. It, however, takes some time for the dog to learn, but when he has learnt, you will not have trouble keeping him calm. To train him, you will need treats and wait till he starts barking to give him the command to stay calm and reward him. For consistent obedience, offer more treats for the prolonged silence. The dog will be able to associate silence with the positive outcomes that are the treats. 

Ensure the dog exercises every day

Another common cause of the excessive barking is an under-exercised dog with so much pent up energy. Dogs are energetic and are always looking for something fun to do. With so much energy being locked up in the crate, the dog will suddenly start barking. Take the dog for walks in the morning and evening to burn extra calories. Also, engage in vigorous games to ensure the dog spends most energy before bedtime.

Keep the dog in a quiet place in the house

Noise from outside the house can make the dog bark at night in his crate. Place the dog’s crate away from the door and in a silent place. Alternatively, you can acquire a noise-cancelling machine that blocks outside noise as too much noise can trigger the dog to bark at night. 

The Bottom Line

If the dog suddenly barks in his crate at night, try to find out why he is barking. If he calms down when you check on him, he is probably demanding attention. Sort out any underlying health problems and ensure the dog is not being disturbed at night. Take measures that reduce disturbance when possible.