Why Does My Dog Lick The Blanket At Night? [And How To Stop Him]

Licking is a normal thing for dogs and their pups. It’s as common as dogs wagging their tails or them barking at squirrels. 

However, if you notice your pup licking carpets or blankets excessively then this can be an indication that your pup is facing anxiety. If you observe then you’ll notice that when you feed your dog with food he’ll lick his lips. This is normal as they are excited to devour their snack. 

So we’ll be looking at why a dog behaves in a certain way and what causes the dog anxiety. Read on to know more! 

Why Does My Dog Lick the Blanket at Night? 

There could be many reasons why your dog is constantly licking the blankets or the carpets. 

Even my dog was licking the blankets for quite some time and I noticed the pattern and immediately consulted a vet and got him treated. Some of them could be pain, anxiety, allergies, habits, and even dietary issues. You must stay cautious at all times and pay heed to such symptoms. 

We will be looking at all of these symptoms in detail so that one gets a clearer understanding of these issues and gets them resolved at the earliest! 

  1. Pain 

Licking is one way by which dogs can reduce their pain. If your pup is licking something constantly then it is quite a possibility that something is bothering him. 

You should keep an eye out for any kinds of bumps, foreign bodies, or lesions. Also, you should regulate how they move around to see if any injury might be troubling them. 

If you feel that your pup is in pain you should immediately consult a vet and get him a proper diagnosis and treatment. The vet will be able to spot the issue clearly and will provide the required medication which will help the dog to recover quickly. 

  1. Anxiety

Licking occasionally on the blanket or the carpet is normal to relieve anxiety. But if it occurs constantly then it might be an indication. This could even turn out to be an obsessive-compulsive habit. Licking carpets or blankets can also be an indication of anxiety. 

The environmental stressors should be observed as they are the ones that cause the dog to lick constantly. This is a sign of OCD which is caused by stress. 

Another reason why your dog is licking things other than himself could be early maternal separation. Based on research by Freeman it is a proposition that pups who have been separated from their mothers in their early childhood may develop OCD habits later. 

  1. Allergies

If your pup feels itchy or his skin develops some kind of allergy then there is a possibility that your pup might lick obsessively. 

You could check your dog for any kind of rashes, hives, or fleas that might be bothering him. If they feel itchy on or near their foot then it could be a reaction to an environmental allergen. This might happen if they have recently gone outside. 

In this case, you should treat your little one with a warm bath as that will help him to get rid of the germs or any kind of potential irritant. 

A warm bath is a good solution for this purpose. I remember taking my dog outside for a little run and he got some germs which caused him irritation. Then, I called the vet and he advised me to treat my pup with a warm bath. So, that did help too!

  1. Habits

If you’ve consulted the vet and no medical issue is found then it is quite a possibility that the problem is in the dog’s behavior itself. 

Dogs use licking to release a certain kind of chemical which is known as endorphin. This causes them to feel good and refreshed. They even lick themselves to shape and groom their fur. Moreover, they often lick their pet parents to express their affection. 

For some little puppies licking is just a behavioral impulse that after a while develops into a habit. 

Also, licking is one way by which dogs experience the world around them. They lick humans they tend to like. We respond to their affection by paying them attention. 

This occurs as a natural process and positive reinforcement takes place which trains the pup to lick humans as and when they meet them. 

  1. Dietary Issues

Dogs usually have a sensitive digestive system and licking might be a sign of gastrointestinal discomfort or nausea. 

Many dogs have an allergy to soy, grain, and starches so one should keep that in mind before feeding it to their little pup. 

If the dogs are treated with chicken or beef, it is a possibility that they might be affected negatively and it might cause harm to their health. 

You should consult your vet to decide the appropriate diet for your dog. You should try to give your dog a grain-free diet. 

Moreover, if you wish to change your dog’s diet then this should be done gradually. You should slowly and steadily exchange their diet with a new one. 

Changing their diet overnight can lead to problems and the dogs might not eat properly which in turn will impact their health. 

How to Stop My Dog From Licking Constantly? 

As we have mentioned above there are a lot of reasons why your dog might be licking regularly and you should pay heed to the issues and their solutions. 

These issues should be resolved at the earliest before they aggravate into a much more serious problem. 

To stop your dog from doing so or to prevent it you should pay heed to the symptoms shown by the pup. 

Once you’ve figured out the symptoms then you can consult a vet or go according to the solutions that have been suggested above. 

Final Thoughts 

Dog licking the blanket at night can be due to several reasons. You can only stop your dog from doing this if you’re well aware of the cause. So, we hope this article came out as a guide that helped you to diagnose your furry friend’s problems and provided you with the solutions too!