Why Does My Dog Sleep on My Clothes?

Oh dear, you’re late for work and you have to scramble to get everything together. Briefcase, morning coffee, the shirt that your dog was sleeping on. My dog has done this more than once. Why do dogs do that? If you have time before going to work, we’ll happily explain it to you. Clothes are comfortable, aren’t they?

Is Has Your Smell

Clothes carry your smell. Dogs miss you whenever you have to leave the house. The clothes act as their security blanket. They are familiar with the smell so the clothing reminds them of you.

A dogs’ sense of smell is more superior to humans. Sleeping in clothing adds comfort in familiar smells more than we do. If you put new clothes on and your dog sits on them, it’s either to show you they are in charge. It could also mean that they want attention. If you do, then their plan worked. 

According to a study, dogs depend on their noses to send and receive messages among their packs. When their owners wear clothing, it picks up a scent that is different and close to you. Dogs define this to mean that it is an important item. 

No matter how dirty the clothes might be, dogs still identify your scent. This is why they always dig through the hamper to find the clothes even in big piles featuring those from other members of the household.

The dog believes that you have given it to them since you threw it on the floor. So, in the long run, remember to pick up your clothing and throw it into the drawer or the laundry when not in use. 

Dogs Miss You

If they will sit on top of your clothes when you are away then it means that they miss you. Dog sitters have noted that dogs sleep on the owner’s clothing when they are away. They find that sitting on your clothes is safe. As the owner, you keep them safe. Dogs feel safe around you.

Dogs are loyal friends. They are always here to protect us and lick away the tears. Dogs are always open to building strong bonds with their owners and other members of the family. This means they can miss you a lot in your absence and look for ways to stay close until you’re back home again.

Dog parents should leave an article of clothing out for their dog for comfort. A dog who cuddles with clothing makes them feel close to you. It is also a way of mixing his scent with yours. That is an instinctual behavior that may explain why your dog has an attraction even to your clothing. When he cuddles with your clothing, he is bonding his pack together.

Separation Anxiety

This is an important topic to discuss. For owners who adopt dogs when they are very young, puppies will have separation anxiety. Don’t take your dog everywhere you go. That is not healthy for you or your dog. 

Signs of Separation Anxiety:

  • Barking/Howling
  • Destruction to the area
  • Urinating on furniture
  • Chewing
  • Digging
  • Trying to Escape
  • Pacing

Just like how they miss you, dogs that have separation anxiety are more likely to sleep on your clothes. If you sleep separately from your dog, you’ll notice that they moved your clothing to where they sleep. Your dog just misses you and wants your scent around as comfort and protection.

Train your dog to ease the separation anxiety out of them. Security blankets will do just that.

By giving them a security blanket, dogs won’t be in complete turmoil the next time you leave the house. 

Comfortable and Soft

Have you experimented on lying down in your clothing? It’s a comfortable surface, right? The material of clothes is comfortable for a dog to sleep on. Dogs like soft things. Soft clothing also stems from how dogs evolved. It gives reassurance that the dog is in familiar settings where he is free from outside threats.

Think of it like this. Wild dogs hunted for rabbits, rats, and other small furry creatures that make for good prey. When dogs chew on socks to them it feels like they are chewing on the fur of their favorite prey.

Here’s something to think about. That floor gets cold in the wintertime, doesn’t it? Now think of the poor dog who has to lie down on the floor. Taking your clothing helps keep them warm. It allows them to conserve their body temperature. 

Is There a Reason Why My Dog Takes My Clothes?

Probably to get to their doggy meeting. Jokes aside, dogs are dogs. They like to steal clothing. It is also based on their instinct about scavenging. 

In an earlier evolutionary stage when dogs attempted to steal things that smelled appealing because it might be a tasty meal or a fun toy. Although dogs have now been domesticated for many generations, dogs retain this instinct more intensely than others.

Should I Allow This Behavior?

Unless it bothers you, the behavior is acceptable. Just don’t let it be clothing that you need at the exact minute. However, it all depends on what your dog is doing with your clothing. Chewing on clothing should be outlawed. Make sure that the only reason why your dog is stealing your clothing is to take a nap. 

Do Owners Give Dogs Clothing?

Some owners do this. If you want, buy a sweater, wear it, and then give it to the dog. It’s a sign of love. Let your dog have all the comfort he needs. 

Never Let Dogs Destroy Clothing

Dogs chewing clothing is not okay. Eventually, the habit could get out of hand leading the dog to steal your guest’s clothing. That’s a reason to discourage the habit. Correcting instinctual behavior can be difficult, but in the long run, it’s worth it. 

Be careful. Underestimating a dog is your biggest mistake. Dogs have their ways. They are smart and will figure out how to get clothing back. 

What Can I Do?

Give Chase

Unfortunately, this might encourage the behavior. Whatever you do, avoid yelling at the dog. That sends off the wrong message and may damage your relationship. 

Give them a Treat

Instead, offer him a treat to distract him in exchange for giving back the clothing. Incentives like this can not only promote your dog to return the item in the future. Using the treat distraction shows him how you want your dog to get your attention.

Importance of Commands

From puppyhood, teach the dog commands. Tell him to “leave it” when it steals your clothes. Remember, most dogs display this behavior without any mischief in mind. They only lie on your clothes because they adore how it smells. Instructing them to leave it every time can reinforce the message that it is not an okay thing to do.

Though, if the dog is being disruptive by frequently pulling out clothes to sleep on and failing to heed your instructions, don’t let him come into the laundry area or the bedroom. Then you can do the laundry without worrying that a furry creature will steal your clothes.

Put Your Clothes Away

The best option is to put all of your clean clothes away quickly. And start using that hamper with the lid on it. That prevents your dog from digging in and stealing your clothes. For dogs that are puppies, put an item with the scent of his mother in the bed. It l provides him with that same comfort.

By covering the laundry basket with a lid it ensures that nothing happens to the clothes. If you don’t have a lid for the laundry, it’s time to get one. Once the dog has had a few unsuccessful tries to remove the lid without success, most dogs give up and will find something else to do. 

The same goes for dirty clothes. We have not yet talked about your clothes being in your dog’s mouth. Think about what they have carried or have been eating. If you see an article of clothing on the floor inspect if there are any teeth marks or drool on it. Don’t wear clothing that has just been in the dog’s mouth.

Do Laundry Alone

Most owners like the company when doing the laundry. Anytime is a great chance to spend with your dog. Instead, don’t let your dog be around when you are doing this chore. Because the laundry basket is constantly covered with a lid, canines may only get access to dirty clothes because of laundry time. 

Should I Let Them Sleep on the Bed?

If that is not an issue, try it out to see what happens. Buy your dog his blanket. Teach him to use his blanket instead of sleeping in your clothes. 

By Him His Basket

Or instead, buy a dog bed. Dog beds with round raised ridges make a great source for your dogs to borrow in and get comfortable. It also makes them feel safe. And then, place the blanket into the bed so he will realize that this is his blanket.

It is recommended by dog sitters that owners should leave a blanket for their dogs in their absence. Dogs love having clothing with a scent from their homes. Going to a new house may make them anxious. To give them a sense of familiarity even when in new environements.

A blanket for your dog provides warmth and a sense of comfort during chilly winter nights. Because the dog smells your scent it means that the dog is less likely to look for your clothes to sleep on.

What Else Should I Do?

Be the Entertainer

Pets get bored. One other reason why the dog is using your clothes to sleep on is that they don’t have anything else to do. Make sure that you are paying attention to your dog. Play with your dog. And that is not just to get your clothes back. Go out and take them for a walk to get needed energy out. 

You can keep him excited for longer if his toys seem like a novelty. You also need to be aware of whether your dog is prizing your clothing so much that he is eating it. 

Dogs love constant attention from their guardians and other members of the household. They are so happy when you’re constantly playing, petting, or simply spending time with them.

Life gets busy, we understand that. As we mentioned it is important to go outside and take a walk with your dog. You don’t want to make your canine feel neglected. For example, if a new puppy joins the family, it is going to be tough for them to accept. Don’t give that new puppy more attention. Give both dogs the right amount of attention that they deserve.

Offer a New Toy

Try giving him a toy. Dogs love to play. Most importantly, dogs require all the exercise that they deserve. Because they are lying around your clothes means that you are not around. When you come home, make it routine that you should pay attention to them. 

Should I Be Concerned?

No owner understand why their dog acts like this. It’s in a dog’s instinct to chew on clothes believe that they could be another animal. You should only hold concern unless your dog is eating or destroying the clothing that he steals. 

Because this condition can be very serious, veterinarians recommend that owners seek medical attention for their pets as soon as they suspect that the dog has consumed an item of clothing.

Is Chewing on Clothing Serious?

It is serious if they end up swallowing something they shouldn’t. This can become a bad issue, particularly if it causes your dog to vomit or have difficulty passing stool. Also highly concerning but often less obvious is bowel obstruction, which can cause a variety of symptoms including lethargy and pain in their abdomen.