Why Do Dogs Drool When They See Food?

Someone could be watching you while you savor your delectable burger and drool all over the floor. It’s just your beloved pet dog, so don’t be alarmed. Your dog may drool as it observes you eating something delectable. It is not something that dogs do on their own will to annoy you out while you eat. 

We get annoyed when our dogs drool when they see the foods we eat, whether it’s a simple salad or a gourmet meal, and we assume they’re doing it on purpose. However, they are not doing it on purpose; rather, they are doing it involuntarily to express their desire for food.

Dogs drool for a variety of reasons, one of which is that they are hungry and get excited when they see food. Dogs, like all living things, have a strong desire for food. To keep your dog from going hungry, you should feed them nutritious meals and tasty treats. 

If they’re hungry, they’ll let you know with soft barks and small sounds, as well as by following you around and asking for something. And if they’re hungry and you’re out there enjoying a delicious meal, they might start staring and drooling at your food.

Believe me when I say that this is a perfectly normal and even healthy way to ensure that your dogs are in good health. Read on to learn more about why dogs drool, the medical conditions that cause it, the breeds that drool frequently, and how to control it.

Why do dogs drool?

You should be pleased as a dog owner when your dogs drool when they see food. It clearly ensures that your dog is in good mental and physical condition. You can say your dog is in good health if it has a healthy appetite and expresses it in a healthy manner. 

Many dog owners do not properly feed their dogs, and when they are hungry, they may simply ignore it. This causes confusion in the dogs’ minds, and they may act strangely as a result of their hunger and the fact that their owner isn’t concerned about their health. As a result, when your dog happily drools at you while eating something, be glad that your dog is in good health and that you are taking good care of it.

Even though drooling is a healthy habit, it can be inconvenient in some cases. Drools stain the floor and may require some cleaning in the future. Furthermore, not everyone enjoys seeing someone drooling at them while eating. Regardless of how close the pet is to the owner, this may cause annoyance. 

Furthermore, when your dogs drool excessively, you may be concerned that it is due to a medical condition. But, before we jump to conclusions, let’s look at why dogs drool in the first place.

Here are five reasons why your dogs drool:

When they are excited: 

Dogs get excited for a variety of reasons, and when they do, drooling is their first response. When you see your dog staring at you and drooling over something, you know it’s excited about something. You can see this excitement drooling when you take your dog to its favorite play area, to meet other dogs, or simply to let it loose. This is due to the fact that when they are excited, their salivary glands may function more.

Seeing your dogs excited and drooling over something should make you happy, as it signals the start of a fun game or joy ride. Maintaining your dog’s happiness and excitement can benefit both its mental and physical health.

When they are anxious: 

Not only humans but also dogs, experience anxiety. When things aren’t going well for them, dogs become anxious. Dogs commonly become anxious when they are taken to a new location when they are transported in new vehicles (bikes, cars, etc. ), when something happens to their owners, and when they believe their owners are abandoning them. These are the most common causes of dogs becoming anxious, and when they do, they start drooling.

They become nervous and begin drooling as a result of the anxiety until they are assured that nothing bad will happen. When your dogs are stressed, you may notice them drooling excessively. Patting them and taking them for a walk will restore their natural state.

When they are hot and thirsty: 

Excess heat and thirst may have caused the drooling if not excitement and anxiety. Your dogs may become tired and exhausted after a long play session, and they may begin to drool as a result of the increased body heat. Similarly, when your dogs are thirsty and dehydrated, they drool, and providing them with enough water will help in both cases.

Long playtime is good for your dogs because it keeps them mentally happy, but it’s also important to keep them hydrated.

When they are natural droolers: 

It is not necessary for all dogs to drool when they see food or when they are excited or anxious. Some dogs drool a lot because they have large lips that cause them to drool a lot. Bloodhounds, Saint Bernards, and English mastiffs, for example, drool more than other breeds. You may need to take special precautions with these dogs as pets because they cannot control their drooling on their own, and neither can you.

Whey they are in pain 

When your dog is injured or in pain, he or she may begin to drool. Similar to anxiety, pain can make them nervous, resulting in occasional drooling. The best thing you can do for your dogs during this time is to take good care of them and make sure they get the medicine they need to rest and recover.

Medical conditions that cause drooling:

Drooling is a dog behavior; it is quite natural for us to view it as something a dog should be doing. However, if your dogs are drooling excessively, you should check on them or take them to the vet if necessary. It’s perfectly normal for dogs to drool at the sight of food and when they’re excited, anxious, or in pain. However, if they drool excessively under normal situations, there could be a health issue with your dog. 

Excessive drooling can be caused by a variety of conditions, including gum disease, teeth problems, nausea, or exposure to toxins, and it is best to consult a veterinarian about it.

What can be done to stop drooling?

Drooling is not a bad thing that needs to be avoided or completely stopped, and it is impossible to do so. However, there are some measures you can take to control it or limit the damage.

When your dogs drool at the sight of food, check the last meal they had and, if it isn’t finished, get them a proper meal. Dogs enjoy tasty meals, so prepare them accordingly.

Always keep a separate set of clothes/towels on hand to wipe your dogs’ drool. Maintain their hydration and protect them from injury.


Drooling dogs and food go together, and you can’t stop them from drooling. Have your dogs join you and share your meal the next time they drool at the sight of it. Keep them happy while also keeping your meals away from staring and drooling.