What Fish Can Live With Bamboo?

Whether fish can live with bamboo has been a known topic of discussion among many fish enthusiasts. While the normal kind of bamboo may not be the best choice to put in your fish aquarium, there is a certain type of bamboo, called Dracaena Sanderiana, also known as Lucky Bamboo, which is safe to keep in fish tanks. 

Lucky bamboo can live partially or fully submerged in your aquarium and can have some benefits to it as well. The most common fish that are known to live well with lucky bamboo in the tank is the Betta fish. This article shall focus on everything you need to know about which fish can live with bamboo. 

What Is Lucky Bamboo?

The Lucky Bamboo is a plant that is very easy to take care of and is a common household plant in Asian countries like India, China, and Taiwan. They are hardy, low maintenance, and can even grow in rooms that have poor lighting. 

When kept in direct sunlight, it can grow rapidly – which makes it perfect for aquariums that are usually kept away from it. 

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Unlike normal bamboo, which rots when kept in aquariums and can even poison it, Lucky Bamboo can thrive well in water, whether fully or partially submerged. It even has benefits like balancing pH levels and nitrates in stagnant tank water. 

They are one of the most common plants used in fish aquariums to maintain a healthy environment but also have spiritual attributes. In Feng Shui, the Lucky Bamboo plant is said to bring luck, love, and health to those who possess it.

What Fish Can Live With Bamboo In The Tank?

Lucky Bamboo is an adaptive plant by nature and is suitable for most fishes to live with. They are compatible with a lot of fish varieties and invertebrates and are safe to put with turtles and frogs too. The fact that it is a sturdy plant gives it a plus point as fish often nip or explore things kept in the aquarium.

It is safe to be nibbled on, and the stalk can be chewed on by fishes as well. The only type of fish that are not compatible with them will be fish that like to uproot plants in the aquarium. However, this can be dealt with by just deeply burying the bamboo in the soil. 

Since lucky bamboo is a dracaena species, it is safe to keep with most types of fish other than Betta fish. Some of these fishes that can thrive with Lucky Bamboo in your aquarium are as follows.

  • Angelfish
  • Barbs (Cherry barbs in particular)
  • Cichlids
  • Crayfish
  • Discus
  • Freshwater Catfish
  • Freshwater Shrimp
  • Freshwater Aquarium Crabs
  • Guppy
  • Molly
  • Snails
  • Tetra fish

Before adding any of these fishes, remember to make sure that your tank or aquarium is spacious enough for all fishes to move around freely as well as for the bamboo to grow. 

Another important thing to remember is that if you plan to add Betta fish or any type of fighter fish to your tank, always add the other fish first. If you add the Betta fish first, it will think that the other fish is its food. Hence, let the other non-fighter fish occupy the tank first to establish territory. 

It is always best to keep fighter fish apart from other fishes and to never put two male fighter fishes together as they may battle each other for dominance. 

What Are The Benefits Of Keeping Bamboo With Fish?

Lucky Bamboo is a plant species that can be toxic to your pet dogs or cats. Hence, it is advisable to keep them as far away from them as possible. However, for aquatic animals and fishes, it can have many benefits – especially in an aquarium. 

1. Boosts Water Quality

Aquarium plants are specified in their category as they are known to boost the quality of your water. Since they produce oxygen in water, they help process the nutrients in fish feces and other litter in the tank and prevent algae from forming. 

2. Oxidises Water

A lot of plants, when present in your aquarium, make an ecosystem that can help stabilize pH levels. Lucky Bamboo is one such species of plant that can thrive in water – whether above it or submerged in it. Hence, they help process CO2 produced by the fishes in exchange for oxygen. 

3. Natural Habitat For Fishes

Keeping plants in your aquarium can help your aquatic pets be happy in their confined environment. Since fishes belong in the sea, some species can get agitated in a closed aquarium – especially fighter fishes like Betta. There are also chances of your fishes feuding since they have to share so a little space. 

Lucky Bamboo, along with other aquarium plants, can help create a natural environment for your fishes and help them remain calm, relaxed, and happy. 

4. Keeps Ammonia In Check

Aquarium plants such as Lucky Bamboo help balance pH levels by keeping the ammonia content in the water in check by absorbing it. Nitrates are staple nutrition for Lucky Bamboo; hence keeping them in your tank works both ways for the plant and for your fish. 

Related Questions

1. What other plant can I keep in my tank other than Lucky Bamboo?

Some house plants that are suitable for keeping in aquariums are Pothos, Spider plants, and Vining philodendron. 

2. Is Lucky Bamboo safe for goldfish?

Yes, goldfish are one of the few species that are safe to keep with bamboo in your aquarium. 

3. Is Lucky Bamboo safe for the aquarium?

Yes, Lucky Bamboo is safe to keep in the aquarium as it is hardy and suitable to be kept both submerged or partially above water. 

Final Thoughts

Lucky Bamboo can be a beautiful addition to your fish tank. Since having fish as pets are mostly limited to seeing them in their compact spaces, you should take the opportunity to try new things and fill your aquarium with visual sights for your fish away from the sea, as well as you.