How To Fix Splayed Feet In Dogs [Complete Guide]

You might start to worry if you notice that your dogs are having trouble walking and even standing up straight. Splayed feet, also known as open toes, are a common problem in dogs. Your dog’s feet are primarily affected by this condition, which separates the toes. Since dogs typically run around freely and rest in the middle, you might not notice the symptom at first. You won’t start to notice that something is wrong until your dogs start complaining of pain and having trouble performing routine activities.

Contrary to other severe dog conditions, this one is not particularly uncommon or severe, but it can have a significant impact on your dogs. Dogs love to romp around and jump around their friends, and when they are unable to do so, they will nearly fall to the ground and lose themselves. It will be upsetting to see your vivacious dog in poor health. But that doesn’t have to continue forever. As previously mentioned, the condition of dogs’ splayed feet is common and easily treatable with proper diet and nutrition. If you learn everything there is to know about the condition and the available treatments, it will relieve a lot of your stress.

This article will walk you through the condition in detail, explain what might have caused it, and provide tips on how to help your dog recover. You can only better care for your dogs once you are aware of the basics. So let’s get started right away.

What are splayed feet in dogs?

Dogs with splayed feet have toes that are separated from one another and appear to be spread out. There will be spaces between each toe, and you can tell the condition by the size of the spaces. 

Unlike a dog’s normal feet, a dog with splayed feet experiences a number of discomforts that eventually become intolerable. However, health issues are not always brought on by splayed feet. While that might only seem to be a minor issue in some circumstances, in others it might actually be a serious issue. By observing your dog’s behavior, eating habits, and hereditary causes, you can quickly determine how serious the condition is.

Since some breeds naturally have feet with gaps, splayed feet do not appear the same in all breeds. Dogs that are raised in poor conditions and fed poorly may develop splayed feet, but before making a decision on your own, ask your veterinarian to examine your dog. 

Because of the extra pressure, their feet must bear, larger, heavier dogs are frequently observed to have splayed feet. The toes will loosen up and spread out when the feet are unable to support the body’s weight. Your dogs will struggle because the feet perform worse as a result.

The splayed feet condition is typically easy to spot on your own because it causes the toes to be widely spaced apart. If your breed naturally has splayed feet, you can examine the pet’s natural feet and compare them to your own to diagnose the condition. 

Call your veterinarian as soon as you notice a difference and your dog is in pain to receive the necessary care. Even though splayed feet are not always serious, it is still important to consider professional diagnosis and the necessary treatments.

Are splayed feet bad in dogs?

Although splayed feet are bad, they are not the worst. Splayed feet do cause issues that will affect your dog’s daily activities, but they do not cause serious issues if they are treated right away. Due to their habitat and feeding habits, some breeds do have feet that are splayed, but they do not always experience severe discomforts. You should call your veterinarian when the pain becomes intolerable for your dogs.

Pain is not the only thing that should worry you when your dog’s feet are splayed. There are additional factors that have an impact on your dog’s health, and because of how serious they are, you can act quickly. Your dog’s weight will be distributed unevenly across its feet if its feet are spread apart. Dog pads are made to support the weight of the entire body for a longer time without causing discomfort. However, if the weight is placed on the wrong area, the cushioned pads won’t be able to support it comfortably, which could lead to skin damage.

This will negatively impact your dog’s enjoyment of life and could cause stress in it. Your dogs might have trouble playing because the weight is being supported by the wrong part of the foot. They may not enjoy walking for extended periods of time and may stop occasionally to sit or lie down. For your dogs to feel better and happier, they need to get treated right away.

Causes of splayed feet

There isn’t really a single factor that can cause splayed feet or negatively impact your dog’s days. Your dog’s toes spreading out and resulting in upsetting pain can be caused by a number of factors. Below is a list of some of the factors.


Without any significant complications, the splayed feet of your dogs may simply be a genetic trait. The breed’s feet may spread out and may be passed down through the generations if it is known to be trained or bred in harsh ways or locations. 

For instance, the splayed feet of your dogs would be advantageous to their survival rather than a problem if their breed is known for working in muddy, difficult terrain and they are required to endure the heat to become accustomed to it. The body structure and functions of your dog are greatly influenced by their previous jobs. You can get the splayed feet properly treated because they are only hereditary in nature.

Poor placement of food

Until it affects your dog’s feet, this might not seem like a serious issue. Most dog owners give their pets food that is conveniently accessible to them on the floor. However, some pet owners are unaware that their dogs may cause their own feet to become splayed while bending down to eat the food.


This one is a major contributor to splayed feet. Complications like splayed feet are more likely to happen when your dogs are not fed nutrition that enhances their bone growth and health. When feeding their dogs, pet owners should not forget about the nutritional content of the food.

Vitamin supplementation in excess or too little

Your dogs’ aging process will affect how well their systems work. You should give your dog enough vitamins and minerals when they are younger and have more ability to leave around. However, as they get older and their digestive systems become less capable, it could have an impact on their health.

Poor nail care

Since overgrown nails can make your dogs slip and put too much pressure on the foot to balance, they may also contribute to the splayed feet of your dogs.

Effects of splayed feet on your dog’s health

If untreated in the early stages, splayed feet can lead to some serious complications. Your dog’s feet may have issues because of their spreading toes, which could harm their general health. Your dogs may eventually experience pain as one of the common immediate effects of splayed feet. 

When the movements are halted and your dogs prefer to take rest most of the time or remain seated, it indicates that the pain is becoming more severe and that your dogs are now experiencing it while standing or walking. Balance problems, inflammation, poor blood circulation, and other effects are possible. In the worst scenarios, dogs with splayed feet might break a bone while performing their tasks.

Infections may also result from splayed feet. When the dog’s feet are spread apart, the pads on their feet become more sensitive to heat and cold. This could later result in cuts and bruises, which could bring on serious infections. Although they often seem harmless, splayed feet are actually troubling and can have a negative impact on your dog’s health.

What you can do to prevent splayed feet in your dog?

A few simple changes to your dog’s routine can go a long way toward preventing and treating splayed feet. The following advice will help you get your dogs back to normal, healthy behavior while also avoiding further issues.

Splayed feet can be treated with professional help when genetic causes are involved. You can consult your veterinarian to have your dogs treated if you’ve determined the probable causes of their splayed feet.

Maintaining a clean, orderly environment will aid in the health and vitality of your canine companions.

Feed your dogs nutritious food to ensure their health. The health of your dog’s bones is greatly influenced by nutrition. You can ensure your dogs’ health by adding the necessary nutrients.

Avoid providing vitamins and minerals in excess or insufficiently. Consider your dog’s age when deciding what vitamins to give them each day. Your dog’s health may be impacted by both oversupplies and undersupply.

To prevent them from slipping and hurting themselves, give your dogs proper nail care. Do not allow them to run with long, sharp nails because this will harm their feet during daily activities.

Finally, instead of having your dogs stoop so low to eat the food, feed them on a raised surface. When they bow too low, it will have an impact on their feet, and if it continues for a while, it will have an impact on their activities.

Dogs with splayed feet are fairly common and easily treatable. When your dog’s toes start to spread out and they start having trouble walking and standing, you shouldn’t be overly upset. Your dogs will quickly recover with the proper care and diet, allowing you to enjoy your time with them once more.

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