Your neighbors may comment, “Oh, you have a new pug at home,” when they see your new French bulldog. Due to their similar appearances and distinctive personalities, pugs and French bulldogs often get confused with one another. However, only a select few people are able to distinguish between pugs and French bulldogs with ease.
Both are small, have flat faces, a solid body, and most importantly, they share the same look, which is probably why most people choose the answer they remember right away rather than attempting to make an educated guess. However, if you are very interested in learning about the specific similarities and differences between these two excellent companions, you have come to the right place.
When purchasing a dog, new dog owners rarely consider the features that will best suit their lifestyle. Even though a French bulldog or a pug’s cute appearance makes you want to say “Yes,” these dogs’ differences may cause you to reconsider your decisions.
Pugs, for instance, occasionally have a lot of noise, whereas French bulldogs always stay within their boundaries. Another example is that compared to French bulldogs, pugs live longer. Therefore, choosing your favorite pet based solely on appearances may not be the best course of action. So here we are, prepared to introduce you to each pet and explain their distinctions and similarities. Continue reading.
What are French Bulldogs?
Let me first clarify that French bulldogs are not actually French before I continue with the lengthy response. Yes, this is correct. French bulldogs are not small, cuddly pets that originated in France. Several English women were initially asked to relocate to France during the industrial revolution in order to settle down and find stable employment there. And those women preferred to travel with their small canine companions, and when they arrived there with small dogs, French people immediately took an interest in them. French bulldogs became truly French in this way.
Although French Bulldogs originated in England, outside of fighting competitions and small trades, they were not particularly well-liked there. French bulldogs didn’t become so well-known until they arrived in that country and captured the attention of the influential artists and other people there.
The small, furry friends were not hugely admired by English people. They considered their size, the length of their ears, and other trivial factors as excuses for their lack of liking for their pets. But French people developed a strong interest in French bulldogs, and in a short period of time, the breed gained considerable popularity in France. It is believed that famous artists, actors, and writers owned French bulldogs.
In terms of appearance and personality, French bulldogs are small companions that can reach a height of 12 inches and weigh 16 to 28 lbs. They have wrinkles on their faces, long noses, and long ears. French bulldogs come in a wide range of colors and are wonderful, adorable pets. They make great family dogs and get along well with young children and the elderly.
What are Pugs?
If you are reading this blog post while sitting on your lap with a pug, you are enjoying a canine companion from a breed that once found homes in China’s breathtaking royal palaces. Pugs have a lengthy and illustrious history. Pugs originated in China and enjoyed considerable popularity during the Song Dynasty. Chinese emperors loved small dogs like pugs, and nearly every emperor at that time owned one. Pugs were given royal beds and even guards in some palaces because of how well-liked they were.
Pugs were first introduced to Europe only around the sixteenth century, and they quickly gained popularity there as well. Both of the great houses, the House of Orange and the House of Stuart, had pugs and were very interested in them. The popularity of pugs was then passed down through the generations, and thanks to Queen Victoria in the nineteenth century, it grew even more.

The love of pugs was passed down to her children and grandchildren from the Queen, who owned a total of five pugs. Pugs first gained widespread recognition around this time, and they continue to enjoy massive popularity today, in the twenty-first century, winning champion titles in a number of dog shows.
Let’s now concentrate on the appearance and traits of pugs. Pugs do stand 12 to 14 inches tall and weigh between 13 and 20 lbs. Pugs are small dogs with wrinkles all over their bodies, flat noses, and curly tails. Pugs also make wonderful family pets, according to the AKC, which described them as having even-tempered and charming personalities.
How Are French Bulldogs Different to Pugs?
When we compare the origins and level of popularity of French bulldogs and pugs, there are a lot of differences between the two breeds. Despite coming from different countries and cultures, they typically share a twin-like appearance. They do, however, share a variety of differences in their appearances and personalities, much like their elders. Let’s contrast them to better understand their differences.
When comparing pugs and French bulldogs, size and weight become the most important differences that people want to know. Despite having a similar appearance, the size and weight sometimes make a clear distinction between the two.
Size | French bulldogs | Pugs |
Height | 12 inches (up to 30 cm) | 12 to 14 inches (30-35 cm) |
Weight | 16 to 28 lb (7 to 12 kg) | 13 to 20 lb (5.8 to 9 kg) |
Pugs and French bulldogs are only in the same range when it comes to height and weight. French bulldogs, on the other hand, are larger and heavier than pugs. If you feed either do more, they will likely grow bigger and heavier because neither dog is a small eater. French bulldogs and pets may appear to be taller in older paintings than they are today, but given their current level of popularity, they come in a variety of sizes and weights and are still the cutest of pets.
Whether you own a pug or a French bulldog, you can already attest to those dogs’ high levels of affection and friendliness toward families. French bulldogs and pugs get along with the family so well, and they’re great with kids and the elderly.
When it comes to differences, French bulldogs are more active but reserved and have a laid-back attitude while pugs are active companions who expect the people and environment around them to be highly active and social. French bulldogs express this in a calm, relaxed manner, whereas pugs occasionally bark to indicate that they are ready for a walk, to get some exercise, or to go out with people. However, both dogs are very social and insist on having all eyes in the room on them.
Pugs and French bulldogs behave exceptionally well even around strangers. Pugs and French bulldogs are both great options if you live in apartments in busy cities because neither breed is aggressive or prone to picking fights. They both don’t need long training sessions, but you still need to push them to perform at their best. Due to their bullish instincts, French bulldogs perform better than pugs in terms of intelligence as well. Pugs may perform a little worse in this area.
French bulldogs and pugs differ greatly in price, which may also play a significant role in determining which breed to buy. French bulldogs typically cost around $1600, but the price can change depending on a number of factors. Pugs can cost anywhere between $1100 and $1300, and that price is simply an average of what different retailers charge. If cost plays a significant role in your purchasing decision, you can make an informed choice and select the best companion.
For those who are unfamiliar with the breeds, the coats of French bulldogs and pugs do not offer many differences. However, those who have spent time with these companions can recognize one of them by the difference in the coat. Pugs have dense coats from their faces to their curly tails, whereas French bulldogs have thinner and lighter coats and stubby docked nubs. Pugs have dense coats, but they shed them frequently, and their undercoat is always growing.
Pugs require more grooming and frequent trips to the salon to maintain their healthy, glossy coats, and this is the main cause for this. You should frequently brush their coats because they shed a lot. The undercoat of French bulldogs, however, only grows a few times per year and they don’t shed much. Additionally, they don’t require much grooming; just a quick brushing and attention to their nails will do.
How Are French Bulldogs Similar to Pugs?
Pugs and French bulldogs differ in a few ways, but they also have some wonderful things in common. Let’s look at a couple of them.
- Due to their sociable personalities, affection for families, and loving nature, Frenchies and pugs are very well-liked. Both are wonderful family companions and have a lot of compassion for young people and the elderly.
- Both dogs are welcoming to strangers. Frenchies and pugs get along well with new dog owners and strangers, and they are also easily socialized with them.
- Frenchies and pugs are very sociable dogs, and they anticipate the same from their owners. They demand regular activities from their owners as well as constant displays of affection.
- They both enjoy food and are healthy eaters. Given how much they enjoy food, Frenchies and pugs are known for overeating and gaining weight. Both of these are easily motivated by food.
- They behave well and won’t bother your neighbors, making them ideally suited for city life. Additionally, they don’t frequently bark, waking up everyone in the apartment.
- Both dogs have some breathing issues, so regular exercise is necessary for them to stay healthy and active.
Now that you are aware of the differences and similarities between the canine companions, you can decide which one is best for your family. Given that they both have adorable qualities and make wonderful pets, picking a favorite is practically impossible. Whether it’s a pug or a French bulldog, you can have a lot of fun with them and they’ll be a great addition to your family.