The Ultimate Guide to What Afghan Hound Can (And Can’t) Eat

Aghan Hounds are a beautiful breed of giant dogs that just speak elegance and sophistication. However, despite their posh looks, they were hunters by origin and were heavy, strong, and independent. At the same time, these breed dogs are sensitive and quite short-tempered.

They have a low pain tolerance and, just like other breed dogs, are easily prone to diseases and infection. Hence, as an owner, you have to be mindful of what you feed your dog. This article shall give you the A-Z of what your Afghan Hound can eat and the foods that you should avoid giving to them. 

What Is The Best Food For Afghan Hound?

For an Afghan Hound’s diet, the most important nutrient that needs to be present is protein. This breed is not particularly fond of exercise and is so quiet and gentle that it has often been described as more of a ‘cat.’ Like most breed dogs, their bodies are also quite sensitive and need high-quality food that is human-grade fresh. 

Apart from protein, your Afghan Hound’s diet should be full of the richness of vegetables and fruits, fiber, vitamin C, and calcium. They also require their food to be appetizing as they are picky eaters. If you can afford it, a raw food diet is the healthiest option as it is better to digest and has the original nutrients. 

Since it might be difficult to learn a specific cooking style for your Afghan Hound, it is best to stick to high-grade dog food, whether dry or wet. 

Food Safe For Your Afghan Hound To Eat 

Apart from the good quality dog food that you will be giving your Afghan Hound, there are other human food items that you can add to your dog’s diet. It is certain that you would want to share delicious meals with your pet. The following is a list of food safe for your dog to eat in limited amounts. 

  1. Shrimp

Shrimp is high-quality meat, hence automatically safe for your Afghan Hound to eat. It is alright to give your dog some shrimp every now and then. Make sure it is always fully cooked – preferably boiled and with its shell removed. Completely remove the tail, head, and legs as well. 

This seaside food item is packed with antioxidants, phosphorus, and vitamin B-12, making them a healthy as well as a tasty snack for your dogs. Since Afghan Hounds are not very fond of physical activities, they tend to gain weight. Shrimps are low in fat, carbohydrates, and calories – hence, they are safe to feed to your pet. 

  1. Salmon

Fish, in general, is a healthy meat item for dogs, and sardine and salmon are some of the highest quality fish. They are packed with protein, amino acids, and good fats, which boost the brain health and immune system of your dog. It is, however, a risky snack as you need to cook your salmon well. 

Undercooked salmon has a lot of parasites that can cause all sorts of stomach problems in dogs, like puking, loose motions, and sometimes even death. The FDA advises cooking your salmon at around 145 degrees Fahrenheit to kill all the parasites present in the fish. 

  1. Bread

Bread can be given to your dogs in small amounts. Bread does not contain many nutrients apart from carbohydrates and calories, but when in a fix, a good meal of bread mixed with milk is safe for your dog to consume. However, some dogs are lactose-intolerant, so make sure to ask your vet and determine the case with your pet. 

Also, keep in mind that when we mention bread, it means high-grade bread – homemade being the best option. Store-bought bread usually has a lot of preservatives which may not be the best for your Afghan Hound to consume. 

  1. Peanut Butter

Surprisingly, peanut butter is also a safe food for your Afghan Hound to eat in small amounts. They are a good source of protein and also do not contain high sugar levels that can be fatal for dogs in general. It also has vitamins B, E and niacin. The best way to serve peanut butter to your dog is raw and unsalted.

Homemade peanut butter is the best for your Afghan Hound as it does not contain extra preservatives present in store-bought ones. The only thing you need to look out for is that the peanut butter brand you have chosen does not contain xylitol which is a sugar-replacing sweetener and can be dangerous for your dogs. 

  1. Carrots

Among vegetables that you can feed your dog, carrots are the best for Afghan Hounds. They are a low-calorie snack and contain high fiber and vitamin A which is great for your dog’s health. Additional benefits are improved teeth health and eyesight. 

Since Afghan Hounds are known for their keen eyesight and sharp nose, carrots make a great snack to munch on in little amounts. 

Food Your Afgan Hound Can’t Eat

Following is a list of food items that can be fatal to your dog – especially a pedigree breed such as Afghan Hounds. Avoid putting them in your pet’s food at all costs. 

  1. Garlic

Garlic is an absolute no for Afghan Hounds – or any dog for the matter. All members of the Allium family (garlic, onions, leeks, chives) are extremely toxic for Afghan Hounds and can prove to be fatal for them. They have many side effects like anemia, heart palpitations, weakness, and even fainting. 

In case your dog has consumed a considerable amount of garlic, contact your vet immediately to know about the risks. Although the effects are delayed, it is always better to be on the safer side. 

  1. Chocolate

Sugar is extremely bad for dogs, and products containing high levels of sugar can cause diarrhea, vomiting, irregular heart function, and seizures in dogs. Keep your Afghan Hound away from chocolate, particularly as it contains methylxanthines – a component that completely stops your dog’s metabolic process. 

Chocolate is like poison to them and, if consumed, should immediately be checked upon. Always make sure to check for Xylitol-containing products as well. These are replacements for sugar and can be extremely harmful to your dog. 

  1. Fried Food

Any sort of fried food should be kept away from your Afghan Hounds. Foods that are high in fats can increase the risk of pancreatitis – which is why even nuts are harmful to your pet. They are also not very healthy for the body and can cause abdominal pain, hunched posture, throwing up, and obesity.

Since Afghan Hounds are not great with physical activities and love things that taste appetizing, fried food, even in small amounts, should not be encouraged in order to not develop a habit. 

  1. Grapes

Although grapes are generally a healthy and refreshing fruit, it is not the best for Afghan Hounds as they may cause kidney failure. In fact, the toxic substance that makes raisins and grapes harmful do not even have enough information on them. Hence, it is best to avoid them completely. 

  1. Yeast Dough

All foods containing yeast dough – like cakes, biscuits, bread, pastries, etc. should be avoided by Afghan Hounds as they can accumulate in their digestive system – causing pain and bloating. It is also hard to digest and can stay in the stomach for a long time, causing ingestion problems. 

Other Food Items Afghan Hounds Can And Can’t Eat

Since all human foods have certain limitations and problems which can prove dangerous to Afghan Hounds, it is best to stick to high-quality dog food. Below is a quick list of other items that are safe and unsafe for your dog to eat. 

Food Item
Safe(in small amounts) Apples
UnsafeItems containing alcohol
Coconut products
Nuts (macadamia in particular) 
Uncooked/undercooked meat,
eggs and bones Salt and salty foods
Xylitol containing products

As you can see from the table, just like any other breed, the main enemy of dogs is caffeine, the Allium family and sugar. Though Indie and street dogs may have a slight immunity towards this, breed dogs need to be specially taken care of. Hence, always supervise your Afghan Hound’s surroundings to make sure it stays safe.

Related Questions

Is it safe to give dog supplements to my Afghan Hound?

Yes, it is safe to give dog supplements to your Afghan Hound. It can, in fact, take your dog’s nutrition to another level as there are many breed-specific conditions like hypothyroidism which can be a problem in the future. 

How much should I feed my Afghan hound?

An adult Aghan Hound should be fed around 2-2.5 cups of dry food (high quality) a day, at two times a day. You can supplement the dry food with wet ones as well. 

Final Thoughts

Afghan Hounds are great to keep around at home, especially in a house with adults, due to their quiet and gentle nature. When well-kept and fed well, an Afghan Hound will be the perfect addition to your family. We hope that this article has been helpful to you in understanding your dog’s eating habits.