How Long Can a Ball Python Go Without Water [Before Its Unsafe]

Deciding to own a ball python is a long-term commitment. After purchasing a ball python, you will not spend much apart from its set up. Cleaning its enclosure is quite simple as you can use a paper towel to clean the uric acid and faecal matter. Ball Pythons do not take a lot of water as they conserve moisture by producing uric acid.

Naturally, ball pythons live in dry, desert areas where water is not in abundance and adapts. At home, place clean, fresh water every day in your ball python’s enclosure for it to drink or soak and prevent health problems. Put the water in the coolest part of their enclosure to reduce evaporation.  They can stay for about 12 days without water and without having any health issues.

Can I Use Distilled Water for My Ball Python?

Water is essential for your ball python, and you should place a water bowl in their enclosure all the time. Ensure you do not use distilled water because it lacks the minerals crucial for your ball python’s growth.

The water from the municipal facilities may not always be safe to give your ball python because they sometimes have chemicals harmful to snakes. If you are unsure of the tap water’s safety, you can use spring bottled water or filtered water. You can also use water conditioners available in the market, which detoxifies nitrates and ammonia, provides crucial electrolytes and ions, and removes chlorine and chloramines.

Change the water frequently, mostly once a week, and always clean the bowl before refilling it. If your ball python takes baths more often, you will need to change the water after two or three days.  If they defecate near the water dish, change the water immediately to ensure they do not drink soled water.

Should I Soak or Bathe My Ball Python?

You will rarely see your ball python soaking in water bowls inside their enclosure. If you notice that they often soak in their water bowls, it can be a sign that something is wrong with them or their husbandry. The three reasons for your ball python to willingly soak include;

High temperature– when the temperature is too high, your ball python can try to soak to cool down.

Low humidity– ball pythons will soak when the humidity is too low, and the moisture in their enclosure is too low to help them shed.

Mites– mites can under the skin of a ball python and suck their blood. This can eventually cause the death of your pet if not addressed sooner. Treating mites can take up to a couple of weeks to completely eradicate them.

You can bathe or soak your ball python when you notice they are having a bowel movement problem. Soaking them in warm water will loosen their muscles and aid in passing their waste with ease. If your ball python generally has a problem pooping, it could be because their meals are too large or that they are dehydrated.

Another instance when you can soak or bathe your ball python is when they have a stuck shade, and you cannot prevent it. Although most ball pythons can panic when placed in water, some of them will bathe or soak more than others.

How to Rehydrate a Ball Python

Giving your ball python an electrolyte bath is one of the perfect ways to rehydrate it. It can be easily stressed when traditionally bathed, so make a few accommodations. For an electrolyte bath, you need a thermostat, a small heat pad, a plastic tub, a lid, paper towels, and an electrolyte supplement. Fill the tub with an electrolyte solution to 2cm (1 inch) deep. The electrolyte solution contains 25% water and 75% sports drink.

Put the mat beneath the tab and set it to 27 to 28 degrees Celsius (82 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit). Put the ball python inside the tub and close the lid. The snake can soak for 30 to 60 minutes before rinsing off the electrolytes with a warm cloth and returning it to its enclosure. You can repeat this process until it no longer displays any symptoms.

Dehydration symptoms

  • Wrinkled skins
  • Cracked or dented eye caps
  • Brittle, less elastic skin
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Trouble shedding skin

If you realize any of these symptoms in your ball python, use an eyedropper to drop water onto its nose. If this does not work, you can take it to the veterinarian, who might need to inject your pet with fluids. The veterinarian will also advise you in case your pet has any other health issues related to dehydration.

Causes of dehydration

  • Too low humidity
  • Distilled or softened water
  • Not drinking enough water

How Long Can a Ball Python Live?

If you have a ball python, be ready to commit yourself to raise it for a long time. They can live for an average of 25 to 30 years, so have in place a long term care plan for your ball python before deciding to get one. Despite living longer, they do not require a lot of care and maintenance. They are not like dogs or other pets that need a lot of care, time, and dedication.

Although ball pythons still need some level of interactivity and care, they are much easier to have as pets compared to other animals. If you have a kid ball python in captivity, they will probably stay alive even after your children go off to college. Since most dorms do not allow snakes or other pets, you should have a long term plan to care for your ball python because they can live longer than most people think.

The Bottom Line

Ball pythons enjoy drinking water, soaking in it and the humidity emitted from the water bowl because they are tropical snakes. Although a ball python can stay without water for 12 days, it is advisable not to leave them without water for more than a week.

Ball pythons have few health problems, and 1any health issues that you notice will most likely be related to sanitary conditions or inadequate housing. Scale rot and mouth rot are common issues in ball pythons when you do not clean their enclosures and regularly provide them with water. If you do not keep your ball python in a clean and warm enclosure, they can develop respiratory infections.