Yes, Vizsla’s are adorable at first encounter, and truth be told, they remain adorable throughout their life span.
However, if you’re a lazy person or you simply do not have the energy to go for long exercises with your Vizsla every day, please look away and save yourself the stress.
Short story;
I had a friend who made a rash decision when it came to adopting a pet.
She didn’t consider the dog’s demeanor or breed, nor did she consider her own energy level and way of life.
Before 24 hours of getting back from the shelter, she realized she was in a tough situation. Yes, the dog was really excited to have a new home after probably God knows how long. But she was shocked at the level of energy he possessed.
Very quick to jump out of bed, eats really fast and is ready to play every second. Uugghh!
I could tell she just wasn’t having it. She had to choose either between returning the dog back to the shelter, or find a way to tire him out
There are several ways to tire out your Vizsla. A great way which she eventually settled for was playing fetch. Gets them tired after a few rounds of going in circles.
But of course, not everybody is a fan of playing fetch. In this article, I’ll touch down a few ways on how to tire out your Vizsla- Choose your poison!
Do Vizsla Have a Lot Of Energy?
For the level of energy Vizsla’s have, you’ll be thinking they’re outdoor dogs. But surprisingly, they aren’t. These dogs have an extreme amount of energy, it’s amazing.
At first I thought it was cute, I mean who would want an unruly and timid dog, but overtime, I got tired. I had to find an exercise that would tire him out for long hours.
Experts say Vizsla’s need at least one hour per day for vigorous exercise, however, I think if given the chance, they can literally play all day without getting tired.
“If given the chance”
Not only do they possess a high level of energy, they also have high endurance and stamina levels. So therefore, if you pick a basic or just a normal exercise to tire them out, you’re in for a very long day, as it would most probably not work.
They would endure for long hours and not get tired.
How Much Exercise Does a Vizsla Puppy Need?
Indeed, even as a pup your Vizsla will have unlimited energy. Be that as it may, it’s vital to hold it within proper limits to forestall over exercising them, which could prompt joint and portability issues down the line.
I used this step as a guideline when I got a Vizsla puppy;
utilize at least 5 minutes for every month in age, up to two times a day or depending on the situation. At 90 days it would be 15 minutes 2x each day, a half year is 30 minutes 2x each day. Vizslas are a particularly dynamic variety, yet as a pup, they have restricts and are still developing. While they can play for quite a long time, hard exercise is unique. It is vital to search for signs your pup should be more active or has had enough and requires some rest.
How Much Exercise Does An Adult Vizsla Need?
As a Pointer dog variety, they offered help to trackers with following and recovering. This makes them exceptionally dynamic dogs and have a significant degree of endurance. They can climb for significant distances over troublesome landscape.
Hungarian Vizslas need something like one to two hours per day of energy-consuming movement, yet more is liked. On the off chance that they don’t get the activity they need to deliver their repressed energy they can turn out to be very damaging or foster conduct issues.
Inside on a stormy day you can utilize steps to go all over if necessary. Following instruction training here is a decent type of activity in that they are being approached to do actual things and applying mental energy to review how to make it happen. Obviously Vizslas are not bashful about being out in a touch of downpour generally.

Exercise Tips for Vizsla
The funny thing is, your dog may not enjoy most games and exercises you pick out for them, so it may require you to go through a series of games with them and finally decide on which is best for them and of course, will tire them out!
Below are a few exercise tips to choose from for your Vizsla.
Play Fetch
This is my favorite and that of my dog’s too. Playing Fetch with your Vizsla is one incredible method for consuming confined energy. Vizslas are for the most part ball or toy insane and can play this for many tosses. This cooks straightforwardly to their regular recovering sense.
The trick to this particular tip is to throw the ball further away from you. The further you throw it, the more distance your dog has to run to retrieve it. After a few rounds of tosses, you dog gets tired.
Flirt Pole
This movement is great for a Hungarian Vizsla as it works the entire body and fortifies their muscles. It is likewise probably the quickest method for consuming energy and gives an extraordinary vigorous exercise to canines.
For those of you, who have no idea what a flirt pole is, a Flirt pole resembles a huge feline tickler for dogs. It has a long handle with a bungy type rope with a bait or toy connected as far as possible. You just move the draw along the ground around aimlessly or in various bearings as your Vizsla pursue it.
It is a very effective game I must confess. The only downside to it is that you my get worn out before your dog does.
Running, roller skating or cycling
If you’re a fan of any of these activities, carrying your vizsla along may be ideal for tiring them out.
Hungarian Vizslas make incredible running accomplices. Because of their significant degree of perseverance, they are extraordinary for long runs and in any event, staying aware of cyclists. Reared as hunting dogs, Vizslas are certain footed and have great response time, making them comparable on trails as out and about.
Fun time with other dogs
Having your Vizsla play with other dogs is also a good way to tired them out.
Leave the open door to your Vizsla to play with different dogs. This isn’t simply incredible to consume energy and invigorate their brain, yet shows them significant interactive abilities. Most Vizslas are agreeable with different canines however on the off chance that you are uncertain you ought to regulate the activities they do.
If you have other pets, you can also let your Vizsla play with them.
Scenting Games
This particular game will be a very interesting game for your Vizsla, seeing that their history dates back to helping trackers in locking lost items and people.
Being a dog that finds and shows on game and prey, nose games are an extraordinary movement for practice as well as mental advancement and challenge.
You can use his best toy and scent it with something pleasant, let your vizsla have an idea of what it smells like, then hide or throw it into something, allowing your vizsla to go scent hunting and hopefully retrieves it.
Final words
Hungarian Vizslas are high energy and have great degrees of perseverance. They are additionally extremely brilliant and have to have their psyche involved also.
It is essential to give satisfactory physical and mental exercise and movement to deliver repressed energy and forestall weariness.
As much as they are high energy dogs, they are also pretty incredible, loving and loyal dogs. You would definitely love its companionship.
Do you have a Hungarian Vizsla? What activity worked best in wearing it out? Let us know your thoughts and answers in the comment section.