Is White Vinegar Safe For Rabbits?

Rabbits are amazing creatures and having a rabbit as a pet is so beautiful. If you love your pet, you will always look out for its safety. 

Do you have a rabbit? Are you asking yourself if white vinegar is safe for rabbits? 

White vinegar is safe for rabbits especially if used in small quantities. Although, some rabbits find the smell quite repulsive if it is not properly diluted with water. The smell of white vinegar fades away after a few hours of using it to clean your rabbit’s litter box. You can use white vinegar to clean your rabbit’s litter boxes. It’s very safe. 

Do you know why vinegar is an effective cleanser? It’s because there is an acetic acid content in it. White vinegar or apple cider vinegar are not poisonous and they are edible too. White vinegar helps to kill bacteria and microorganisms that may want to tamper with the health condition of your rabbit. Your rabbit may not like the smell of vinegar immediately after you clean its hutch but once the vinegar dries up, the smell fades away.

Now, you know how safe white vinegar is to rabbits. There are many other things you should know about white vinegar and rabbits. Check them out in the remaining part of this amazing article.

How to clean your rabbit’s hutch

Naturally, rabbits are clean animals but you still need to put in the effort to always keep their hutch clean. I know cleaning their hutch may not be something you love to do but you just need to do it for the love of your pet. 

There are many ways you can clean your rabbit’s hutch, you can choose to either do it daily or weekly. You decide which is more convenient for you. Whatever choice you make, I will elaborate on the various ways.

If you follow the tips below, I am sure cleaning your rabbit’s hutch won’t be much of a herculean task for you again.

How to clean your rabbit’s hutch daily.

Cleaning your rabbit’s hutch daily will help your rabbit enjoy a healthy and comfortable environment. Daily cleaning will save you from taking care of a lot of things at the same time. The garbage you will handle would be less.

So, reserve a few minutes of your day to clean your rabbit’s hutch. How should you clean your rabbit’s hutch daily? Check out and follow these easy steps.

1. Take your rabbit out of its hutch.

Gently remove your rabbit from its hutch and keep it in a temporal rabbit pen that it is safe in. While your rabbit occupies that temporal pen, ensure you provide it with food, water, and other things that it needs to enjoy comfort. Make sure the temporal pen is clean too. While they are there, allow them to have fun with some toys.

2. Take out materials from the rabbit’s hutch

To help you clean your rabbit’s hutch quite fast, take out materials like its litter box, water bowls, soiled hay, unwanted food, fur, and toys. Before you start to take out these materials, you can choose to wear gloves or not. If you do, ensure you dispose of it properly. Using a hutch cleaner gives you less stress while cleaning your rabbit’s hutch.

3. While cleaning, leave a specific area unchanged.

One thing you should know about your rabbit is that they love to identify their space with a particular smell. So, while cleaning their hutch, make sure you leave a specific area unchanged. This will make them feel comfortable after your clean-up.

Don’t always leave out the specific spot you left unchanged the last time you cleaned your rabbit’s hutch. Keep changing the specific spot every time you clean.  

4. Use the opportunity of cleaning to look out for the health of your rabbit.

The opportunity you have for cleaning your rabbit’s hutch daily, seize it to observe the health condition of your beautiful pet. What are some of the things to look out for? Check how great the quality of your rabbit’s droppings is. Also, observe if it has been eating enough food and if it has been drinking enough water. Consider all of these things when next you are cleaning your rabbit’s hutch.

5. Inspect the state of your rabbit’s hutch.

After looking out for the health of your beautiful rabbit, carefully inspect the state of your rabbit’s hutch. Does it have holes in them that could put the safety of your rabbit at risk? Are there damages that need urgent attention? Also, try to see the toys need to be changed.

Check around your rabbit’s hutch too and tackle any impending danger.

6. Does your rabbit have a tray for its droppings? Clean it too.

When cleaning your rabbit’s hutch, look out for the dropping tray and clean it thoroughly. Remove all the droppings in the tray. Cleaning the dropping tray will prevent your rabbit hutch from having a bad smell. Use a disinfectant and water to clean the dropping tray.

After cleaning it, put new hay in the tray. Also, put soft towels and blankets especially if you use a wire cage for your rabbit.

7. Keep your rabbit back into its permanent hutch.

After all the cleaning and replacement, not beddings, remove your rabbit from the temporal pen and keep it safely into its permanent hutch. Check to see the reaction of your rabbit when it enters its original pen back. After that, close the hutch door very well to secure your rabbit’s safety.

If you want to be cleaning your rabbit’s hutch daily, those easy tips will help you. But if you want to be cleaning your rabbit’s hutch weekly, then you should check out these simple tips below.

How to clean your rabbit’s hutch weekly

Cleaning your rabbit’s hutch weekly is more tedious and time-consuming than cleaning it weekly. You need to choose a day in the week that you would have enough time to clean your rabbit’s hutch. You will need certain things to help you clean your rabbit’s hutch weekly. What are they? White vinegar, big disposable bag, gloves, bucket, strong brush, toothbrush, water, and dish soap. 

Follow these steps to help you clean your rabbit’s hutch properly weekly.

1. Gently remove the rabbit from its hutch.

Remove your rabbit and put it in a temporal pen while you clean its permanent hutch. Provide your rabbit with toys, food, and water while it occupies its temporal pen. 

2. Eliminate materials from your rabbit’s hutch. 

Before you remove these materials from your rabbit’s hutch, wear gloves. What materials should you remove? Old food, hay, soiled litter, and spoilt toys. Put these materials in a garbage bag and throw them away. 

3. Leave a certain area of your rabbit’s hutch unaltered.

When cleaning your rabbit’s hutch, don’t clean every nook and cranny. Leave a particular area unaltered. Why should you do this? Because rabbits easily get used to a particular scent and cleaning their hutch entirely will alter that particular scent they are used to. This will make them feel stressed and uncomfortable. 

Rotate the particular areas you leave out unaltered. Don’t repeat the same unaltered area you used a week before with this particular week. 

4. Get that strong brush to scrub your rabbit’s hutch

Use a strong brush with water and dish soap to scrub your rabbit’s hutch. You can also use a toothbrush to scrub those corners in your rabbit’s hutch that cannot be easily accessed. 

If your rabbit’s hutch is made of steel, using a pressure washer would be great. 

5. Use your stiff brush to wash the tray for droppings.

Mix detergent in hot water, then take your stiff brush and wash the droppings tray thoroughly. This will help eliminate any bad odor in your rabbit’s hutch.

6. Disinfect your rabbit’s hutch.

When disinfecting your rabbit’s hutch, make sure you don’t just use any kind of chemical disinfectant. Lysol is one harmful chemical disinfectant you should avoid using for your rabbit’s hutch. 

Use white vinegar to disinfect your rabbit’s hutch. It’s safe for your beautiful rabbit. Mix an equal amount of vinegar and warm water and pour it in a spray bottle before spraying it on your rabbit’s hutch to disinfect it. You can also use bleach to disinfect your rabbit’s hutch. Allow the disinfectant to stay for at least 10 minutes.

7. Rinse your rabbit’s hutch properly

After disinfecting your rabbit’s hutch, rinse the hutch thoroughly. You can use cold water to rinse the hutch. Don’t leave any residue out when rinsing your rabbit’s hutch especially if you used bleach to disinfect it.

8. Dry your rabbit’s hutch dry in the sunlight.

Allow sunlight to dry your rabbit’s hutch after rinsing it. Before putting your rabbit, its toys, beddings, and other important things back into its hutch, make sure sunlight completely dries the hutch.

After the clean-up.

When you finish cleaning your rabbit’s hutch, there are some important things you should not forget to do. Some of them are:

  1. Remove all the waste you took out from your rabbit’s hutch and put it in a garbage bag. After doing that, tie it properly and dispose of it in the right place.
  1. It is also very vital you sanitize all the equipment you used in cleaning your rabbit’s hutch. Sanitize the brushes, gloves, and buckets. Allow this equipment to dry very well after sanitizing them.
  1. Your health is also important. So, do well to wash your hands properly with soap and warm water after cleaning your rabbit’s hutch.


White vinegar is very safe for your rabbit. Do well to use it often to clean your rabbit’s hutch.

Keeping your rabbit’s hutch often will help your pet stay happy and healthy at all times. Don’t deny that beautiful pet of yours the clean and comfortable environment it deserves.