How To Keep Cats Off Counters Naturally? (Great Tips)

Cats are animals belonging to the big cat family and hence love jumping and climbing. Since counters are at a height, they, being curious cats, would want to jump up the counters. As this place is where people prepare food or also eat their meals, cats on the counters are dangerous.

We can keep cats off the counters naturally by offering much more attractive alternatives and distracting them. Creating a better and more comfortable place for cats is one solution for this. Also, one has to avoid making the counters look attractive for the cats to jump and explore. 

Read on to know more!

Why Do Cats Like To Jump On Counters?

Cats like to climb, not just to hunt birds, but also to escape from dangers. They can also keep an eye on their flightless prey like the rats from a proper angle.

This is why they always like to climb, and counters, being at a height, are their best place to jump. It need not just be the counters, but can also be the bookshelves or anything at a height, they always like to explore!

They can also find some of their favorite treats leftover on the counters prompting them to jump and savor them. And not just that, but the lovely aroma from the kitchen counters, tempting them to jump.

Why Do People Let Cats On The Kitchen Counter?

First thing, we all know cats are the masters of the house, unlike dogs! They tend to do what they please and it’s hard to stop them. 

Secondly, pet parents consider cats to be their children and want to give them the right to go wherever they want to in their house! 

Some people also keep the cat’s food bowl on the counters giving them the privilege of dining with the family. They would not be aware of the health consequences that could happen as it doesn’t show at an early stage.

People feel all these are way too much worrying and it’s not necessary. And hence they let cats on the kitchen counters.

Should Cats Be Allowed On The Kitchen Counters?

Cats are the most popular pets and are treated as family members. But they can be carriers of various infections spreading to humans. Therefore, cats should never be allowed on the kitchen counters.

This isn’t an easy step to take but is a very necessary thing to do. Keeping safety and hygiene in mind, one should always avoid cats on the counters. 

Cats carry parasites from her litter box, leaving some on the counters. It makes the counter a very harmful place to prepare food and also to consume it. 

Although you keep your cat very clean, she is ought to carry some germs that cannot be washed away. This causes serious diseases which are very harmful to humans. 

These diseases don’t show up immediately but gradually grow in humans creating a long-term impact. 

It is advised not to allow cats on the counter for another major reason, safety. If your cat jumps on the counter when you are cooking, it can hurt the cat from the heat or the flame, leaving it injured.  

Is It Possible To Keep Cats Off Counters?

Of course, it is possible to keep cats off counters, but it requires some time and effort if a habit is already created. There are many ways to train a cat without actually harming it or using any unnatural methods. 

These methods should be practiced regularly so as to make it normal for the cats. 

Tips For Keeping Cats Off Counters Naturally

So we know we can keep cats off the counters, but how to do it? Here are some tips to keep your furry friends off counters naturally.

1. Attractive Alternatives

Cats love to jump onto counters due to their nature of jumping. They are also famously called the ‘curious cats’, which makes them look for attractive things around. 

So, instead of discouraging their natural instinct, one can provide them with various attractive alternatives that makes no harm to them.

Find or create a better place for him/ her to jump, so that their urge to climb is satisfied. It could be a cat tree or a splendid cat house.

The alternative must not just be attractive, but also comfortable and warm for the cat to stay.

2. Keeping The Counters Minimalistic

When creating alternative attractions for your cat, it is also important to remove attractions on the counter. This helps in shifting the focus of your cat easily. 

When the counter is kept minimalistic, it doesn’t give a chance for your cat to think about jumping on the counters. They may not be excited to explore the curious features available on the counter.

This actually helps cats in staying away from jumping onto the counters without any harm to the furry living being, making it less appealing.

3. Clean Counters

Cats love to perch on the kitchen counters for the taste and smell of food. Hence the kitchen counter is the most attractive when it comes to food. This is the place where the food is prepared and consumed.

In order to keep cats off counters naturally, it is evident to keep the counters clean. This discourages them and does not bring about an option for them to jump. 

4. Habituating

Cats can be trained to do certain things too. Training and avoiding them from jumping onto the counters from the beginning can become a natural habit for the cats. 

This is a preventive method that can be used to keep cats off the counters. 

The cats can get used to this and never get the thought of jumping on the counters.

5. Use Double-sided Tape

Cats like to stay clean and want the same for the surfaces. They cannot stand something sticking to their fur. 

This nature can be used to keep them off the counters. Lining the brim of the counter with double-sided tape gives a sticky finish to the edge. When the cat jumps onto the counter, the tape sticks to its fur causing an annoying sensation to your cat.

This will not hurt the cat but can avoid them from jumping in that place again. 

6. The Citrus Effect

Cats don’t like the smell of citrus, be it from lemons, oranges, lime juice, or any such other things. 

You can use this natural tip to avoid them from jumping onto the counters. Leaving a bowl of citrus peels or spraying citrus on the countertops can keep the cats away from the counters.

This is an easy way which can be cleaned up as well.  But it may not work on all cats and will also attract fruit flies which is unhealthy.

How To Keep Cats Off Counters At Night?

Keeping a watch on your cat during the day is now sorted based on the tips given above. But what about at night? One cannot stay awake and stop the cats from jumping onto the counters at night.

The same tips mentioned above can be used to keep cats off the counter at night. 

Some other ways are as below:

  • Taping aluminum foil along the counter will make them irritated with the noises coming from the foil. The way it feels on their toes also deters cats. But keep in my mind this may be wasteful also.
  • Keep obstacles on the path to the counters that make a sound. This will scare the cat away and avoid it from trying again. 
  • Lock the kitchen door if possible or block the way to the kitchen to avoid jumping onto the counters.
  • Put sandpaper sheets on the countertops as cats don’t like the feeling of sandpaper under their feet.
  • Use peppermint essential oil in the kitchen in order to detour the cats. The minty smell is enough to keep the cats away.

What Are Some Scents That Cats Hate?

Using scents that cats hate is one tip to keep your cat off the counters naturally. But what scents do cats hate? Let’s take a look at them.

  • Lemon: Lime keeps the cats away as they hate the smell of lemon. Using it in an essential oil will make it strong and an easy way to keep them off the kitchen counters. But be sure to keep in mind not to let your furry friend ingest lime as it is toxic to cats.
  • Vinegar: Vinegar is the most effective repellant for cats. The strong aroma of vinegar engulfs the cat’s senses and makes it stay from the counters.
  • Lavender: Another scent that keeps cats away is lavender. Keeping lavender pots in your kitchen or on the countertops is the best way to keep cats off the counters. This not only keeps the cats away from a particular area but also keeps the surroundings pleasant with the lavender scent.
  • Rosemary: Rosemary is another scent that can be used in essential oil form in order to keep cats away from the counters. This can also be an addition to your kitchen, making it fresh and pleasant. 
  • Thyme: Thyme is another herb that can be used as a scent to keep cats off the counter. Mixing thyme with rosemary can make a great combination to repel the cats from kitchen counters. This also gives a freshening aroma around the house.
  • Pine: Cats avoid the smell of pine as they find it to be too pungent. This can be used in the kitchen to keep them off the counters.

Although these scents are very helpful in repelling cats away from the kitchen counters, make sure not to use much of these around your cat. It can be harmful to their health as well. 

Final Thoughts

With these above-mentioned tips, your cats will keep off from jumping onto the counters. But if your cat still jumps on the counters, never yell at him or hit him. You can just lift him off instead of pushing which may hurt him.

Always try to use environmental-friendly methods to train your cat like keeping it away from the kitchen counters.

Also, remember to reward your cat if he behaves in a good manner. This will boost his love and trust for you, making both of you happy.