How Long Can A Ball Python Be Out Of Its Cage [What Keepers Must Know]

Ball pythons or royal pythons need to be handled and released from their cages for socialization. Generally, it is suggested by experts that ball pythons should be taken out from the cage for 3 or 4 days per week. 

However, we must handle it for a minimum of once per week and a maximum of once per day. When releasing the ball python from the cage, we should not let it wander for more than 20 minutes. This is the ideal time for letting a ball python be out of its cage.

The human race has gone so far as to even domesticate pythons, one of the most famous and largest species of reptiles in the world. Though not all pythons are fit for being obedient pets, ball pythons are among the most popular pet snakes. 

But they need proper care and handling to grow into a domestic environment. In this article, we’ll look into the handling and other aspects of a ball python.

How Often Should We Handle A Python?

Since pythons are not natural pets, they need to be handled more often for socializing. Snakes dislike being petted in general, but those who have become used to being touched don’t mind it. Snakes can feel when they are domesticated, but the sensation isn’t as pleasant as it is for other traditional pets.

Therefore, we need to keep them in thorough training of socialization by handling them. By doing so, they will be accustomed to our contact. So, handling ball pythons regularly is a must. Though ‘regularly’ doesn’t mean that we need to handle it every day. It’s just that we should do it with consistency.

Snakes do not require a social connection for their mental health, although regular handling can assist the snake to stay tame and provide exercise. That is why we should not overdo it.

We shouldn’t handle our ball python more than once a week when it’s a hatchling or juvenile. Gradually, the ball python will become increasingly acclimated to our presence — and to our handling — as it grows and matures. As a result, it will become more tolerant of handling over time. 

If necessary, a healthy, well-adjusted adult ball python can be handled a few times per week. I would prefer that thrice a week is ideal for handling a ball python, given the fact that they need a couple of days for food digestion before handling. Let’s know a little about the digestion method of a python because it is important.

After eating, a ball python needs lots of time (at least 48 to 72 hours) to digest the food without being disturbed or stressed.

When the ball python feels frightened or threatened, one of its key predator-avoidance strategies is to vomit up its meal. They do this to guarantee that they can travel as quickly as possible without being slowed down by the weight of their undigested meal.

If we handle our ball python right after it’s been fed, it may regurgitate and vomit up its food.

Should I Be Concerned About A Loose Python In The House?

Not at all. Since pythons are wild animals, they often love to escape from their enclosure whenever there’s a chance. This is a common problem that all snake parents face. But one must not get concerned because they can be easily found or tracked inside the house if we search diligently.

But you must not be reluctant to search for them because while moving to and fro, they can even adventure out of the house. In such a case, it can be a serious problem for the pet owner. There are such instances that a python fled from the house and the owner couldn’t find it later.

Usually, a python does not go too far after escaping the enclosure within one or two days. Hence, you get enough time to trace it.

However, you can take many measures to find a lost python. Below are some ideas to find an escaped or hidden python for you.

What To Do If Our Python Escapes Its Enclosure?

Well, many people seem to become stressed a lot when their snake escapes its enclosure. But there are some pretty simple tricks that can be applied to find a lost snake. They often become excellent hiders and probably are hiding in a very common space in the house and actually not lost.

  1. The very first method is obviously looking, looking, and looking. But we don’t need to look the entire house for our snake. They typically do not go very far from their enclosure within 24 hours or so. 

Hence, initially, we should search into the house where the enclosure is located. If still do not found, then we should head to other rooms.

  1. Secondly, we should prefer looking under the furniture, at the corners, and by the walls. Snakes most of the time move by the wall. So, most possibly we shall find our snake if we focus on the walls, corners, and other hiding places. 

After meticulously looking at the aforesaid places we should search the middles of the rooms.

  1. When we are done looking underneath and behind every piece of furniture, and still not able to find the snake, we can set traps in the house; not the deadly traps of course, but only some simple sort of traps.

We may use any plastic bag and put them in every corner against the wall. Consequently, whenever the snake will slither over them, we shall be informed by the sound of the plastic bags.

  1. Snakes like warm places. So, we should especially see under the electrical appliances that generate heat.

These were some easy but effective ways to find a hidden or lost python in the house.

How Long Can A Ball Python Be Out Of Its Cage

The length of time a ball python can be out of its cage is determined by several factors. When it comes to your interaction with your pet snake as an owner, it is recommended that you spend no more than 20 minutes per session or 3-4 times per week after the snake has become acclimated to your presence.

Snakes are solitary creatures, regardless of their species. And there are times during their development when these reptiles need to be left alone (such as when they molt many times a year or after eating).

Because snakes are fragile at this time, it is not safe for you or them to engage in play. Snakes have no idea who their owner is; all they know is that we aren’t a threat. That’s why, if they’re used to it, they’ll let us catch them, but they’re still wild animals.

Whatever sort of snake you have, make sure it’s kept in a safe container with no gaps or open areas where it could get out. A terrarium or other glass structure is perfect.


Although ball pythons are not typically gregarious animals, regular handling sessions, one to three times per week if we have an adult snake and once per week if we have a baby snake, can benefit both us and our snake.

When removing our snake from its cage, we shouldn’t leave them out for more than twenty minutes at a period, and quickly return them to their environment if they begin to exhibit signs of distress.

Also, we must not handle our snake within 24 to 30 hours of feeding it, as this might create distress and trigger regurgitation of food, which can be fatal to the snake. 

When lost, firstly, we need to search every corner of the house. If we still can’t see it, we can set some traps to track it.

And lastly, needless to say, we should be kind and nice to our snakes, and keep an eye on them for indications on when to handle them and when to put them back in their tank or leave them alone.