Is Lucky Bamboo Safe For Koi Fish? [Can I Grow It In My Pond?]

The scientific name of the lucky bamboo is Dracaena sanderiana. It is not bamboo but a plant that is native to Central Africa. The plant was named after Henry Sander. 

The lucky bamboo is believed to bring good luck and prosperity wherever it is grown. It can be grown in a pond, and the plant won’t harm the fish as long as it is above the water surface. 

We will be looking at different aspects of a lucky bamboo plant. If you wish to know more about the same, keep reading. 

Can You Put Lucky Bamboo in a Koi Pond?

Aquatic plants are deemed to be good additions to a koi pond. They increase the amount of oxygen in the water body. The increased amount of oxygen helps keep the water cool even during summers. It even creates a shade for the fish. 

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Growing a lucky bamboo plant in a koi pond is very beneficial. The lucky bamboo plant does not cause any harm to any fish as long as it is grown above the water surface. 

A lucky bamboo plant helps to prevent algae. Adding plants to a koi pond is imperative for the koi plant. This will also beautify the pond. 

Is Lucky Bamboo Really Lucky?

Bamboo plants are considered to be very lucky and auspicious. According to Vastu Shastra, keeping bamboo plants at your home is very lucky. 

These bamboo plants, if kept in our homes and offices, are believed to bring good luck, fortune, and lots of wealth. 

Over these years, this plant has been modified and has been restricted as a houseplant. They are available in different sizes and varieties. 

As per the principles of Vastu Shastra, the lucky bamboo plant should be placed in the southeast or the east corner of our house. 

This plant requires partial sunlight, so make sure that you provide it with the necessary amount of the sun. 

The bamboo plants are considered lucky according to Feng Shui too. According to Feng Shui, the plant helps in the movement of good energy. 

Feng Shui believes that the plant generates prosperity and abundance. The pipe-like shape of the bamboo plant signifies that a person’s energy flows from within to the outside world. 

You should preferably keep the bamboo plant in the east corner of your house. You can keep the plant in the southeast corner if you wish to attract wealth. 

It is a widespread belief that by keeping this plant in the southeast zone of your house will rid you of any financial hassles you are going through. 

Keeping the plant in the center of the dining table will generate good vibes, and it will create peace and attract abundance. 

A lucky bamboo plant is a sign of new beginnings, peace, and growth, so keeping it at the door of your main gate will attract a good aura. 

Bamboo plants can grow up to a height of 2 to 3 ft, and it is easy to take care of them. They purify the air around them and help in removing the pollutants. 

Can You Use Lucky Bamboo in an Aquarium?

If you look from an aesthetic perspective, then a lucky bamboo plant could add so much beauty to your aquarium. It is thick, sturdy, and tall, which makes it magnificent. 

This plant remains stationary in water and would act as a fun network of paths for your fish. On a practical note, a bamboo plant can improve an aquarium’s condition. 

Many people believe that a lucky bamboo plant can rot inside an aquarium or poison the tank, leading to the fish’s death. 

As the bamboo plant grows up, it pulls up nitrates from the water and uses them as a fuel to evolve. This results in cleaner water, and the fish, too, remain healthy and lively. 

The lucky bamboo plant increases the oxygen level in the water and also provides a physical shelter for fish who are shy. 

Can Lucky Bamboo Be Submerged in Water?

A lucky bamboo plant is a form of grass. It looks like a traditional bamboo, growing in total stock with protruding nodules. The plant can grow up to a height of four feet or more. The lucky bamboo plant is a slow grower, but one can fasten its growth speed. 

Lucky bamboo is not a fully aquatic plant, but since it is a partially aquatic plant, it can be submerged in water. It can grow under the water surface, and hence it can be placed in a home aquarium too. 

You should pay heed to the water temperature in which the bamboo plant is put. The temperature should be between 59° F -80°F. If you wish to submerge the plant partially, then make sure you keep the leaves and upper growth of the plant out of the water. 

To do this, you will have to choose a mature specimen that is long enough. Then you can bury about four inches of that specimen in the water. 

But, if you wish to submerge the whole plant in the water, then you will have to be a bit more cautious because you’ll have to make a growing environment for the plant. 

The leaves and the stalks can quickly grow in the water. But, you will have to ensure that the bamboo plant gets all the necessary nutrients that it requires to develop. 


A lucky bamboo plant indeed brings fortune to one’s household, and it can prove to bring a perfect vibe with it. It can be planted in a koi pond without any worries. 

It is an excellent plant if looked at from an aesthetic perspective. It is safe for koi fish and has a lot of benefits. It increases the oxygen level in the water. 

The plant also acts as a physical shelter for the fish who are shy to show up. We hope that this article helped you out!