Why Is My Bearded Dragon Digging In Her Water Bowl?

Digging in the substrate and in the water bowls is one of the popular and peculiar behaviors of bearded dragons. Beardies are thought to be intelligent and exotic creatures, and they frequently exhibit difficult-to-understand habits. Owners of bearded dragons, especially beginner ones, frequently struggle with knowing what to do when their beardies begin digging. However, … Read more

Are Male or Female Cats Better Mousers?

Before I moved into my current home, I had a lot of rodent issues. At first I was considering calling an exterminator, but then I thought if how much it would cost me if I was constantly calling an exterminator to help me get rid of the rodents in my house.  So, I got a … Read more

Do Iguanas Die With Their Eyes Open?

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if your Iguana is dead or alive because their eyes are still open.  Short story; I used to be a fan of reptiles (still am, just exploring other pet options), I had two Iguanas of different sex, so I could produce more and give them up for adoption or sell … Read more

Why Do Mother Cats Attack There Kittens?

They say curiosity kills the cat, but I was really curious when someone through this question at me. So I went digging.  Ladies and gentlemen, I come to you with my findings! You’ll find it interesting to know that cats are naturally aggressive. It’s almost like a second nature to them. However people tend to … Read more

Why Are My Dog’s Ears Hot? [Should I be Concerned?]

I notice every single physical change about my dog, from his weight, to his mood, or anything in general that I can feel and see. This is why when I noticed his ears were hot, I became a bit worried, and so I started asking questions.  In this blog, I’ll be running you guys through … Read more

My Hamster Smells Like Death [What causes a hamster to stink?]

You’d be surprised the level of odor something so cute and tiny can give off if not take proper care of. There’s this normal logic that rodents are innately foul animals – including hamsters.  Many individuals couldn’t want anything more than to claim a hamster yet stress over a potential smell that could make their … Read more

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Running Around Like Crazy?

My  experience with bearded dragon over the years is that they are very gentle and docile animals,very easy to care for. However its not unlikely that these beautiful creatures reacts differently when faced  with  unnatural situations, just like running around like crazy but here is a possible reason why. Why is my bearded dragon running … Read more