Why Does My Puppy Lick My Armpits?

I take pride in smelling nice.

To the extent that I enjoy the “head turns” when I walk into a place just because of how well scented I am. I could spend a lot on wonderful scented deodorants and perfume- you name it. It’s a habit I make sure I rub off of everyone around me, including my pets. 

Yes, dogs display very strange behaviors, this include licking your armpits. While this may seem like a disgusting act, it is in fact a completely normal thing for dogs to do. I have come to understand that this creature’s show affection in various forms and licking your armpit is definitely one of them. 

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My dog loves my deodorant, to the extent I had to find a liquid soap that smelt almost like it. However, prior to that, he would constantly lick my armpit or just keep sniffing it once I apply my deodorant. LOL! It almost became a routine. 

He would wait every morning at my door, after I shower just so he could sniff me or jump around so I could apply some on him to. But of course, I can’t be sharing deodorant with my dog so I just did the needful and got him a liquid soap for shower to get him off my back. 

What I am trying to say in essence is that you dog is most probably licking your armpit because he is attracted to the scent of your deodorant or roll-on. It might also be his own way of showing his affection and that he loves and is loyal to you 100%. 

However, be weary if it becomes too much of a habit and this can also be some behavioral disorders that your vet expert may need to check out. 

Possible reasons why your dog licks your armpit

As much as the above listed reason may also suffice, there are still a number of other reasons why your dog may be licking your armpit. 

A way of exploring the world

Dogs investigate and explore the world mainly with their mouths and nose. They have less taste buds than people, however that doesn’t prevent them from getting to know their surrounding properly with their tongue. They utilize their tongue and mouth like how we use contact to explore the world.

This may be one of the reasons why your dog is licking your armpit. Probably as a way to understand you better. 


I know this may sound weird or strange to you, but the method we use in grooming ourselves is quite different from dogs or other pets in general. Licking is a form of grooming for dogs. Grooming is vital to canines. At the point when they groom each other, it’s an indication of trust and fondness. So don’t get offended or jerk off when your dog tries to lick your armpit. It’s only a sign that the want to groom you as well, just like you’ve taken the effort to groom them. 

Don’t get me wrong, they do not see you as a fellow dog, but the trust you enough. 

Unfamiliar scent

It’s conceivable and no new thing that your dog believes that they you should resemble you. Antiperspirant can cause them concern, since it is a peculiar smell on top of your regular smell. Dogs that disagree with this will obediently attempt to eliminate the culpable smell.

Unlike the case with my dog where he really loves my deodorant, it might be the opposite for your own case. 

It’s really their approach to safeguarding you. They don’t have a clue about that this supposed unfamiliar scent is totally safe and sound for you and will go ahead to remove it by licking your armpit. 

It can likewise get your dog upset since it influences your normal smell. Dogs who respond this way may likewise dislike you wearing moisturizer or scented body items.

The truth is, Smell is your dog’s most grounded sense. It’s an enormous piece of how they associate with you. All things considered, a dog can peruse your feelings and even ailments essentially by smelling you. It’s not difficult to see the reason why they might incline toward your regular smell.

Is deodorant safe for dogs?

It’s a good thing that only a few licks or what you deem “regular licking of your armpit” isn’t harmful for dogs. It’s an entirely different case when they swallow or eat an entire deodorant till it’s empty- I’m still curious as to how that can happen anyway. 

Most antiperspirants and antiperspirants will contain sodium stearate, sodium chloride, and stearyl liquor. They can likewise contain triclosan (an antibacterial fixing), scents, natural oils, zinc, and ammonium chloride. The specific fixings will shift in view of the kind of antiperspirant and the brand.

All these ingredients are not necessarily part of you dogs usual healthy food but isn’t harmful when consumed in small amounts. 

Regardless of the fact that Antiperspirant is non-harmful, however it can in any case cause a few aftereffects. Whenever your dog eats something they shouldn’t, it can cause gastrointestinal upset. The most widely recognized side effects are regurgitating and looseness of the bowels. These ought to determine inside 12-24 hours.

So you might want to watch the amount of deodorant your dog is consuming or for the very least curb the habit of your dog licking your armpit to a minimum to avoid stories that touch the heart. 

Final words

Always remember that these dogs show affection in different ways. However, if you feel like your dog is licking your armpit a tad bit too much you can use the moving away method to curb this habit. 

The answer for the issue is to overlook your dog when this happens. This doesn’t mean permitting them to proceed. All things considered, you create some distance from them.

On the off chance that you are plunking down, you might have to get moving to another room. This shows your dog that when they lick your armpits, they get a negative response, which is the deficiency of your consideration.

Most dogs will rapidly discover that this isn’t a result they appreciate, and they will stop the way of behaving.