Well, it is said that a “dog is man’s best friend’, but let’s have a broader look at cats’ genes. They are just as competent as their counterparts and offer comfort to man’s households due to their friendly nature.
It is a mystery how man befriended this canine animal and developed such a great bond. But remember, being an animal created to hunt, they always feel it is time to get out of home and search for food.
MUST READ: Are Male or Female Cats Better Mousers?
MUST READ: Why Do Mother Cats Attack There Kittens?
They are often perceived as nocturnal animals because of their love for going out at night. However, this may not possibly be true. They are crepuscular, meaning they’re most active before sunrise and when the sun sets. During the sunset, you will find the cat meow to be opened the door and go out to hunt, and the main reason they will want to go out at night.
However, several problems are associated with cats going out at night. Some of these are:
- Meeting with other wildlife that can cause harm to them.
- Getting hit by a car as it tries to cross the road.
- Fighting with other cats.
- Getting lost or, either way, being stolen.
- Contacting toxic chemicals.
All these are problems that we ought to keep an eye on and try as much as possible to ensure that the cat does not run away at night, even if its nature is to remain active at dusk.
Should I Let My Cat Outside at Night?
Every living being loves having that freedom to exercise their independence. Cats, too, love taking their time to enjoy, run, climb trees and just have time to make fun, especially when they meet with other cats. But then, even in their freedom, we end up exposing them to dangers, as mentioned above.
It has been proven scientifically that cats may not be able to see clearly at night and pose a higher risk, especially when crossing the roads. They may be unable to estimate how far an oncoming car is, which is easy to hit.
We should also take utmost care because they may be exposed to eating poisonous substances that may kill them instantly.
I know that at one time or another, they have brought as a meal after a hunt- possibly a mouse and they get very excited. But then, a child may also get hold of such a mouse which may carry an infectious disease and bring more challenges into the household—for instance, the feline immunodeficiency virus.
All these are a list of concerns we should keep away cats from going outside at night. We save them and save ourselves as well from contracting diseases.

What do Cats do When they go out at Night?
Not all cats love being outdoors at night. Some opt to stay at home, enjoy a meal with the family members and play around with the children at home. But these are the least majority in the class of cats. Since they were created for the outside world, that feeling, no matter how it subsided, never gets out of them.
Some cats prefer to go out at night more if they have not been neutered or spayed. The instinct of running out for a hunt will haunt them out of the house to quench that feeling.
On the other hand, when a female is in heat, they will want to go out and get some attention from the male, and that is why we often find them yowling and howling in search of a male.
When night comes for male cats, they want to be outside as much as possible because they are created in such a way to breed. If not neutered, they will yearn to go out searching for a female cat for the breeding exercise. And nighttime happens to be the best mating time for the cats.
These are the natural duties that they intend to fulfill. Besides, there are other things they do, and these are;
Exploring their territories
When it is nighttime, cats have the freedom to claim their territory. The fact that few people are around and there is less traffic creates an excellent opportunity for the cats to stand in the authority of a new domain and claim it. For instance, there could be a place where they feel comfortable, and their curiosity is calmed when they are there. Since the movement is relatively slow at night, they will always love being here and enjoy their time before returning home.
Keeping away from Danger.
Naturally, cats love to hide outside the home; it could be in a bush because that is where they initially belonged. This should not be a notion that your cat hates you; it is natural, and you will love being in the company of other cats when hiding from danger.
On the same note, the cat may not feel comfortable sleeping at home- the relationship between you and the cat family may not seem okay, and as such, it will look for a hiding place till dawn and return when it thinks the home environment is now safe for it.
They love Hunting at Night.
Most animals who are prey to cats are active at night. Cats will also want to go out to hunt at this time when the rodents are very busy and enjoy the quick catch.
In Search for a Mate.
Most other family cats will also go out at night. This is the best time to get hold of their mates and more if they are not spayed or neutered. Night time allows the cats to mate without interruption, so they will love going out at night and enjoying their mating exercise.

How to Stop My Cat from Wanting to Go Outside at Night?
Due to their nature, cats do not like to be detained in the house throughout. But since, as an owner, you want to take care of that cat, there is a need for you to keep an eye on its safety by getting some ways to their safety as below;
Spaying or Neutering your Cat
Sterilizing your cat does not amount to a 100% reduced desire for a cat to remain indoors. But up to 90% of the cats spayed or neutered cats will reduce moving out at night. And as such, if you are a cat lover. It is important to try this procedure, and you will experience a reduced thirst for cats wanting to go out.
Create Alternative Getaway Options
Just as it would be unfair for you to remain locked in the house for ages, the same is for a cat. Create a door that will offer other attractive options so the cat may realize that it does not need to go out. For instance, install a cat tree on the lounge, have a mouse doll positioned somewhere to make the cat think it is chasing the mouse, prepare its favorite foods and place it in the lounge. The cat will most likely love to stay here more than go out for a catch. Any time it uses this route, it will be a new experience towards its love for the magnificent lounge meant for it.
Install a Cat door
Creating a cat door will offer limited access to the cat moving out at night. For example, if the door is electrical, you can set timing that after a particular time, the door automatically locks, and the cat can no longer access it till morning. Allow it during the day when there is some level of supervision and keep it off at night when the cat will be protected from nighttime traffic, predators, or consumption of poisonous substances.
Offer Protection to Your Cat
By doing this, ensure that your cat is adequately tagged such that even when it is strayed, someone can always read the tag, and it becomes easier to locate it back home.
Also, ensure that you deworm your cat as often as possible to kill any viruses it may have contacted if it went out.
How do I get My Cat to Come Inside at Night?
Cats often listen to their inner selves. However, if you maintain a good relationship with them, they will love to come back home for more of your relationship. You can do this to allow them to go inside at night.
- Call them by name– Have a nickname you are used to. Keep calling them by this name, and anytime they come, reward them, and they will never fail to come back.
- Create a positive environment for the cats- For instance, let them know that there are goodies and good food awaiting them anytime they enter the home.
- Play with them during the day– Make sure you have fun with the cats to tire them out, and they will not be interested in moving far at night.
- Put something Familiar Outside– Cats have a high sense of smell- If they are already outside, put something like a hoodie outside, and when they come near home, they will recognize the scent and know they are home.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is it cruel to lock a cat in a room at night?
A. Locking a cat in a room at night is paramount for its safety. But never do it as a punishment. The minute it is let out, it may cause harm or run away forever.
Q. What should I do if my cat doesn’t come home at night?
A. First, compose yourself and look for it all around. Contact the relevant authorities to support you in the search if it is not around.
Q. How far does a cat roam at night?
A. At around 1/8 or ¼ of a mile, depending on food availability or a mating partner.
While cats love being out at night, it is your responsibility to ensure that it is safe and free from the risk of any animals that may harm them. Encourage your cat from going out at night by creating a friendly environment and more, allowing them to walk around during the day under supervision.
A pet should be kept safe from danger since it is part and parcel of the family unit.