Why Does My Cat Wait Until I Get Home To Poop?

Your cat is a beautiful creature that loves to feel secure in the environment you provide it with. That is why you should make its environment safe from predators. Just like humans, too, cats poop. If you’re a cat owner, I am sure you already know that. 

If you have a cat as a pet, you must have noticed that your cat doesn’t poop until you get home. Are you wondering why it’s that way? I will tell you. Your cat feels more comfortable pooping when you’re home because pooping time is when they are most vulnerable. That is why they love to do it when you’re around them. With your around them, they feel safe and free from predators. 

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It’s a beautiful thing to know that your presence makes your cat feel more comfortable while pooping. However, some cat owners find it quite annoying, especially if they return home after a hectic day at work. They feel quite bad about cleaning their cat litter box instead of them taking a rest. That should not discourage you from showing concern for your beautiful kitty. 

Another reason your cat waits until you get back home before it poops is that it loves to bond with you. If you’ve always been around it while it poops, it will still want to have you around while it’s pooping. Pooping is another excellent time for you to bond with your cat, don’t take it for granted. 

Some cats may also find pooping around you as a way of staying away from predators that they perceive around them. Their fear of the predators most times will keep them away from pooping until they get back home. 

If you are a cat owner that likes to praise his cat pet each time it uses its litter box, your cat may have fallen in love with that kind of act of yours. So, it will always want to poop in its litter box when you get back home so it can receive praises from you as usual. 

Plus, most cats like to poop immediately when they wake up from sleep. So, if your cat poops directly you get back home, it may be that it was sleeping while you were away from home.  

Also, most cats see pooping immediately when you get back home as a way of welcoming you back home. Cats can be that excited when you get home, especially if you have a strong bond with them.

Why do cats run immediately after pooping? 

If you love your cat and are very observant of its every move, you must have noticed that your cat runs away immediately after it poops. Not all cats do this, but if your cat does, there are certain reasons for this behavior. Some of them are:

  1. In the wild, the smell of the poop of a cat usually attracts its predators to it. That is why most cats in the wild dig the ground very well before pooping and immediately they are done, they cover it. So, your cat may still be terrified by what happened to it was still in the wild. 
  1. If your cat feels any distress while eliminating feces, it may want to run away quickly after pooping. Your cat may feel that distress while pooping because it has constipation or an inflammatory infection. 
  1. Another reason your cat runs away immediately after pooling is because it wants to avoid sniffing or covering its poop. If your cat knows how uncomfortable you feel watching it sniff its poop, it may not want to do it around you and the only way to avoid that is to run away quickly. 
  1. It could also be that your cat is just excited about being relieved. 

If you are still very curious about why your cat runs immediately after defecating, call or visit a veterinarian. Veterinarians have a lot of resources and experience with pets, they will be able to provide you with answers to your questions. 

Why does your cat stare at you when it poops?

This is another question most cat owners are seeking answers for. Are you a cat owner that wants to know why your cat stares at you when it poops? There are numerous reasons why your cat does that. Check them out. 

  1. It is their special way of bonding with you. It wants to know if you also care about it while it poops. Some cats even go as far as watching you while you poop too. Some cat owners experience it. Plus, if your cat wants to bond with you, it looks at you with affection and when you return the stare back, it feels loved. 
  1. Since in the wild, a cat poop can attract predators to it, they stare at you while they poop to make sure you are not a predator that wants to attack it. They want to feel secure and comfortable, that’s why they look around for predators. Even domesticated cats have this behavior. It runs through them.

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  1. It’s their way of demanding privacy. Just the same way you feel uncomfortable when someone tries to watch you poop, that’s the same way your cat may feel when you try to watch it poop. Some cats are territorial, so you watching it poop makes it feel uncomfortable. So, when you notice that your cat needs privacy, provide it with it. 
  1. They see you as their guard. A cat may stare at you while it poops because it sees you as its guard that can protect it from predators and someone that it can run to for help if any need for it comes up.  


If your cat feels comfortable around you while it poops, it will always want you to be around it while it poops. Yes! Your cat can get so attached to you. If you always shower it with positive praises, when it uses its litter box properly, it will always want you to be around it while it poops, so the usual praises will follow afterwards.

If your cat likes to run away immediately after it poops, it may be suffering from constipation or digestive issues. You should talk to a veterinarian about it so you the problem can be addressed. 

It would help if you didn’t get scared when your cat stares at you. It might be that it needs some privacy that you are not giving it, or it loves to have you around it as a guard.

Be a cat owner that loves to interact with his cat, so you can learn more about how your cat behaves. Be friendly to your cat pet so it will cherish being around you always. 

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