Why Does My Dog Get Sexually Aroused When I Have Sex?

Nobody enjoys having their love life interrupted, especially by their own pets. You don’t want your dog to jump on you while you’re having a romantic moment with your partner, but they do occasionally bother you. I can hear you yelling, “Why are you doing this?” but your dogs did not intend to interrupt in the way you believe, nor do they become aroused by it in the same way humans do. 

So, why do your dogs become sexually aroused while you’re having sex with your partner? The excitement they will feel when they see you doing it with your partner will be the main reason. Dogs get excited about a variety of things, ranging from happy to strange. So, keep reading to find out why dogs become excited about seeing your romance and what you can do about it.

Why Is Your Dog Feeling Aroused?

When you have sex with your partner and your dog sees it from the corner, they don’t realize you’re having a private moment; instead, they perceive it as a fun activity and become aroused while getting ready for it. 

Before we use the word aroused, we should know that it has different meanings in the dog and human worlds. Aroused can simply refer to a dog’s overjoyed or overexcited nature when they see something new or find something enjoyable. 

Generally, dogs are affectionate creatures, and it is evident that they understand some of the human love languages since we practice with them more often. From cuddling to kissing the top of the head, dogs understand what humans do to express their love, and they know what’s lacking when they don’t. 

Similarly, when your dogs witness you having a lovely intimate session, they may not fully comprehend the situation, but they can deduce that you are not just rolling around. Your dogs are aware that you are communicating in a love language, but they are more interested in the act of sex than the meaning. 

When you leave your dog in your room and have sex with your partner, the arousal part kicks in. If the sex situation is unfamiliar to them, they will become excited and express this through a series of barks, jumps, and other behaviors. 

So, the next time your cute little friend gets messy during your romantic hour, don’t assume they’re aroused; instead, assume they’re excited, jealous, or protective and express it in their own fun way.

Is It Ok To Do It With Your Dog In The Room?

The majority of pet owners enjoy having their pets in their rooms, and in some cases, on their beds. Some people keep their dogs or cats in their rooms because they are the best companions for lonely times. When you have someone over for a romantic night, however, it can be a little awkward.

Your pets are often your closest companions, and they deserve your love more than anyone else. When someone comes to you to share intimate moments with you, they may feel bad and begin to bother you. Pet jealousy is real, and if your pet is experiencing it, your romantic session will be a disaster.

It’s fine to have your dogs in your room as long as they don’t disrupt your lovely time. Pet experts believe that having pets in your bedroom is perfectly acceptable because they are non-judgmental and do not try to meddle in your affairs as long as you provide them with adequate attention. 

They are unaffected by your act of love because their intimacy is different from ours, and they are not compelled to do it in a human way simply because they witnessed it.

If you don’t want to do it in front of your pets, ask them to stay outside for a couple of minutes and then bring them in once you are done. Even though it sounds simple when you read it, putting it into action can be a pain. 

Your dogs won’t simply follow your orders and stay out of the room. Even when you carry them out and keep them away, they will resist. The last thing you want while getting intimate is a series of barks and screeches.

Why Does Your Dog Get In The Middle Of Your Intimacy?

It’s one thing for dogs to get excited when they see you having fun, but it’s quite another when they interrupt your special session. When they see something new and exciting, dogs rarely stay put. They can be mischievous at times, interfering with your special nights, especially if your dogs are allowed to sleep in your room. Dogs usually ruin your romantic evenings for three reasons.


If you sleep with your pet on your bed, you may have a difficult time trying sex. When dogs feel vulnerable or that their place is being taken, they may become uncomfortable and shut down other people. Your dogs will not simply move away or out of the room when you bring someone new into your room and start having a good time with them. 

Instead, they demand and fight for their spot, or they try to get between you and your partner. Simply shutting your dogs will not help because they will begin to bark, and you will lose both peace and sex.

Smells and sights

If not for co-sleeping, the sights and smells of your sessions may entice your little companion to join you. When dogs see something fun happening with their owner, they often want to join in and enjoy it as well.

Protection and Jealousy

It is sometimes due to jealousy and the need to protect, rather than excitement. When you form a bond with someone new and spend time with them, dogs become jealous. They may try to disrupt your night to express their jealousy, and they do the same when they believe you are in danger and they should protect you from the stranger you brought in.

Because your dogs spend the majority of their time in your room with you, they cannot easily accept it and move out. However, no one likes their dogs getting in the middle of their same room, whether it’s for excitement, sights, or jealousy.

How To Handle Your Nosy Dogs?

I understand how frustrating it is when your dogs interrupt your sessions, but with some training, you can keep your dogs away from your sessions and enjoy your romantic evenings uninterrupted. To handle your dogs, use the following advice.

Allow your dogs to be normal

Dogs are only excited when they see something for the first time, but after witnessing the same thing repeatedly, they learn that it is normal and stop interrupting it.

Create a zone

Your dogs will not interrupt your fun sessions if you give them their own zones, such as a separate couch or a play area.

Provide them with toys

The best thing you can do to keep your dogs from ruining your evenings is to distract them. They won’t get in the middle when they’re engrossed in their toys and playtime sessions.

Make arrangements for a pet sitter

If you can’t control your dogs, hire a pet sitter to look after them. Pet sitters come in handy when you’re having trouble managing your pets.


It’s not a bad thing if your dog gets a little excited about your fun evening. You can have a lovely session without being interrupted by your pets if you have a private space and follow a set of guidelines to keep your dogs out.