Dogs are so excellent at reading people’s emotions and mood changes, but sadly, we are not as great at reading dogs’ emotions. So, this means that you need to pay attention to detail, behavior, and where your pup sleeps.
If you notice your dog sleeping by your bedroom door, there may be a few reasons why. This is a common habit amongst different dog owners who have witnessed their pets doing the same thing. Here are 9 reasons why your dog is sleeping near your bedroom door at night.
Protective Dog
You have that protective dog that everyone wants. A pet that is devoted and loyal to its owners, But it is not always a good thing for your dog to continually think you require their protection. It can cause anxiety as well as separation anxiety. This is not healthy for any dog. When your dog is sleeping near your bedroom, they are trying to protect you—keeping watch of what is going on around their environment.
How you can Tell If Your Dog is Protective
Since there are multiple reasons why your dog may be sleeping by the bedroom door, you want to figure out if it is because they are trying to protect you or there is another reason. There are a few behavioral signs that you may want to look for during the day.
- Barking at people outside your home
- Your dog positions themselves somewhere that people have to pass them to enter.
- Signs of stress when people are near you or someone in their “pack.”
Reasons Why Your Dog is Protective
Other than being a loyal furry friend, there are only reasons why your dog is protective. It can be their primal instincts to protect anyone who they consider family. Dogs always go out of their way to ensure that anyone in their little “pack” is protected and cared for. Since you and anyone else in the home is part of that pack, you will be protected by your pet.
Your dog could be trying to repay you for all your kindness and love that you show them. Your pup realizes that they rely on you for food, shelter, and water. They understand that you love them, and they are just trying to show their appreciation by protecting you from intruders. It is incredible how much your pup can pick up.
Lastly, they will show their protective side if you have encouraged it. There are several ways that you could have pulled the protectiveness of your pup out of them. Such as saying words like “get them” and having them run towards the object or person you want them to run towards; the most popular, “sick-em,” used a lot in movies or T.V shows and a highly used command towards a dog.
Being by the Bedroom Door Feels Safer to Your Dog
Because dogs are bred to stay alongside their owners or anyone apart of their pack, they may feel safer sleeping close to you. It is a feeling of security; they feel safe when surrounded by members of their “pack.”
How you can tell that Your Dog Feels Safe Around You
To ensure that this is why your dog sleeps at your door, there are a few signs that can indicate that your dog feels safe around your presence.
- Your dog has his mouth open, relaxed, with his tongue hanging out.
- Rolling onto their belly for some scratches.
- Soft and relaxed facial expressions.
- Wagging their tail.
- Bowing to invite you to play with them.
- Following you around.
Reasons Why Your Dog Feels Safe Around You
For the record, your dog should feel safe around you; you are their owner, and you need to protect them and care for them. They consider you apart of their family, and you should too. It isn’t wrong that your dog feels safe around you; actually, it is better this way. It is less stressful for them when they know where their food, water, and shelter are is coming from. This will make them friendlier dogs in the end.

Encouraging your Dog to Sleep by your Bedroom Door
As the owner, you can be the one encouraging the behavior. I know, shocker! But it is true. If you tend to give your dog extra attention in the morning when they are sleeping by the door or give them snacks when they are by the door, they will continue to do so.
When your pup feels like sleeping by the door is something you want, to continue the attention and yummy treats, they will continue the behavior. If you don’t want your dog to sleep near your door, then avoid rewarding them. They will catch on pretty quickly and find somewhere else to sleep.
Separation Anxiety
This is probably the most unhealthy reason your dog does anything when it comes to being with you. If your dog is afraid of being away from you, this is not good. This puts so much stress on their bodies and can cause different ailments. Your dog will show signs of being anxious when you’re in bed or if you shut the door to your bedroom.
How to tell if Your Dog is Suffering from Separation Anxiety
This is a common issue that dog owners go through when owning a pet. Sometimes, that pet does get attached to being around you, and when you leave, it can cause your dog to be anxious while you are away. Here are a few signs that your dog is suffering from separation anxiety.
- Urinating while away from their owners.
- Barking or howling.
- Any kind of destruction, like chewing or digging.
- Escaping
- Pacing
Reasons Why Your Dog is Suffering from Separation Anxiety
There is nothing you have done or caused for your dog to have this type of behavior. Giving them too much love and attention is not a triggering factor. It is a positive thing when you give your dog a lot of attention and love. It shows them you are there for them and there to take care of them.
Many people believe it is a genetic disorder that only becomes triggered when moving residence or leaving for vacation without your pet. Some people may have a dog with the separation genetic but may never see it because they never leave their pup for long periods and never move residences.
Marking their Territory
This has to do with the protective aspect of sleeping near the bedroom door. When your dog is marking their territory by your bedroom door, they are being possessive and claiming what is theirs. Because your dog feels safe around you, they are marking their territory by the bedroom door. You may want to find other indications of them being possessive around the home to ensure that this is causing them to sleep by your bedroom door.
How to Tell If Your Pet is Possessive of Their Territory
Many dogs will claim their territory; it is a way to show how is boss and protective of their pack. This type of dog is a leader and can cause you as an owner who is in charge. When a dog is possessive, it isn’t healthy for them. There is a lot of stress and anxiousness that comes along with that type of behavior. Here are a few signs that will indicate if your pup is possessive of territory.
- Growls
- Snaps
- Barks
- Whines
- Attacks another pet
- Acts insecure
- Confused
- Shows a lack of confidence
- Always on guard.
- Always Stressed out.
Reasons Why Your Dog is Possessive of Their Territory
Often, it is primal instincts that induce that type of behavior, but other things can cause it. It is essential to socialize your pet with other dogs to ensure that they are used to being around other animals. If they aren’t socialized properly, this could cause possessive behaviors. Other reasons could be environmental factors, sexual maturation, inbreeding, pack mentality, or an underlying medical condition.
Your Dog is Waiting for You
It can be as simple as that. If you tend to close the door when you sleep to keep your dog out of the bedroom, and you wake up to them sleeping there, they are waiting for you to come out. Most of the time, they are not sleeping there all night, but the moment they hear your footsteps, they will come running to the door to welcome you out of your room. Dogs are sensitive to sounds, so they will always know when you are about to go through the door. Your pup will be sure to greet you the moment you open the door.
Curious Dog
All pets are curious; it’s in their nature. If you are one to close the bedroom door when you sleep while your pup is in your room, they may hear something on the other side of the door. Your puppy will listen and guard the door, even if it is as harmless as a squirrel outside. Because dogs are sensitive to sounds, they may be curious about what is causing the fuss when they can’t see what it is.
They are Comfortable
They may feel comfortable for them to lay there at night. It can be merely a comfortable spot for them and nothing more. It may be a warm, cozy spot to cuddle up and enjoy a good night’s sleep with their favorite person.
Alpha Dog
Your dog is trying to show you who is boss. If your dog is sleeping in front of your bedroom door, to show off his position in the pack. Your dog may not let you out unless you have their permission. This Is not acceptable behavior. You do not want to encourage your dog when they are behaving like that. You are the owner; you are the boss.
How to Tell if Your Dog is an Alpha
When you start seeing the indicating signs that your dog believes that they are the leader, it is time to discourage this behavior. You do not want an alpha dog in your home; you want to clarify that you are the boss and leader of the house. Here are a few signs that your pup is an alpha dog.
- Pushing the owner out of doorways to go first.
- Claiming the best sleeping area
- Not giving attention to other dogs
- Jealous when you give attention to other dogs
- Mounting other dogs.
Reason Why Your Dog is Showings Signs of being an Alpha Dog
These are mostly primal instincts. There are alpha-type breeds and submissive type breeds. If you own an alpha-type breed, it is your job to train your dog to be submissive to you as the owner. Be sure to discourage this type of behavior as soon and as quickly as possible.
Discouraging Your Dog to Sleep by your Bedroom Door
If you are looking to stop this behavior, there are a few things that you can do to stop it. Here is a list of easy ways to prevent your pup from sleeping near your bedroom door.
- Avoid encouraging sleeping habits.
- Give your pup a different yet comfortable place to sleep.
- Reduce separation anxiety at night
Most of the time, your pup sleeping by your bedroom door is harmless, but most can understand why you may want to discourage the behavior.
There are many reasons why your pup may be sleeping by your bedroom door, and some can be harmful to their health; others can be harmless. The first step is determining why you can indicate if you need to stop right away. Next is to train your pup to prevent harmful behavior; if it is destructive behavior, you want to take care of this right away. Letting time pass without taking care of it can cause an issue. Be sure to properly train your pup with encouraging tactics to discourage the behavior. Also, buy your dog a comfortable bed to lay in, that can help the situation too.