Why Does My Dog Tuck His Tail When I Pet Him? [Is This Okay?]

A dog’s tail is a medium for these fluffy creatures to communicate with human beings. A tail can convey a variety of emotions the dog feels. 

A dog tucks its tail between its legs to show that it is scared and apprehensive and will not bite anyone. 

A dog with a tucked tail could mean that it won’t cause any harm and wants to be ignored. To know more about the same, keep reading. 

Why Does a Dog Tuck Its Tail Between Its Legs When I Pat It? 

A dog puts its tail between its legs when it is scared or apprehensive of something. The dog wishes to disappear from the scene and crouches low to show this. 

If you pat the little dog when it crouches low, he will feel comfortable and assured. But, because the dog is scared hence it will take a while for him to calm down. 

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A pat on the back of the dog will bring the dog back to normalcy, and he will be assured that there isn’t anything that it should be afraid of. 

Tucking its tail between its legs is a dog’s way of expressing that he wishes to be left alone or please do not hurt me, I am of no harm. 

If a dog is standing with many dogs around him then this would imply that the dog is trying to say that I have accepted my lowly role and I don’t wish to fight with anyone. 

Is It Okay for a Dog to Put Its Tail Between Its Legs? 

Yes, a dog can put its tail between its legs when it feels nervous or scared. The dog feels shy and wishes to disappear from the scene. 

It is okay for a dog to put its tail between its legs. The dog wishes to express that he is of no harm to anyone and will not bite. 

An individual should ensure that the dog feels at ease and comfortable; hence they should try to pat the dog and assure him that everything is okay. 

How Do Dogs Feel When We Pet Them? 

Many dogs love to be petted, and they think that petting is a form of affection and love that a human being bestows upon them. They feel great and loved when anyone pets them. These interactions are delightful for these little fluffy creatures. 

Research shows that when a dog is petted, it secretes a hormone called Oxytocin which is known to be the love hormone. The dogs feel safe and secure when a known person pets them. When they receive attention from a human being, they secrete Oxytocin. 

What Are The Functions of a Dog’s Tail?

Dogs wag their tail to express different kinds of emotions, happiness, nervousness, excitement, feelings of anxiety, and submission. 

We will be looking at the functions of a dog’s tail and what these fluffy creatures are trying to express with the help of their tails. 

1. Communication Tool

A dog’s tail acts as a communication tool. Many people think that when a dog wags its tail, it depicts that the dog is easy. But that isn’t the case all the time. 

A dog could also be wagging his tail even when it is agitated or curious. If a dog has tucked its tail between its legs, it signifies that it is scared or nervous. 

2. The Speed of the Tail 

The speed of a dog’s tail can also display various emotions and feelings of a dog. If a dog wags its tail swiftly, then it means that the dog is excited. 

If a dog wags gently or slowly, then it means that the dog is insecure about something. If a dog wags high up at a fast pace, then this is a sign that the person should be alert. 

3. Dogs Don’t Wag Their Tails Unnecessarily

Unless there is someone around the dogs, they do not wag their tails. People do not talk when they are alone. Similarly, dogs don’t wag their tails when alone. 

4. A Dog’s Happy Tail 

A happy tail sounds like a dog’s tail when it is happy and exciting, but it has another meaning. A happy tail is an injury caused when a dog wags too much. 

It is a common injury that is caused to Pitbulls and greyhounds, which have thin, smooth tails. These dogs are more likely to have a happy tail injury. 

When dogs thwart their tails against a hard surface, then the tip of their tail or the skin can get grazed up and will eventually start to bleed. 

Another name for the happy tail injury is the bleeding tail or the kennel tail. My dog used to be satisfied, and one day when I came back from work, I noticed something odd. 

I noticed a spatter of blood on the wall. I immediately checked my dog for any injuries and found his skin bleeding. I consulted a vet at once. 

However, a happy tail is curable and is not a matter of worry. The treatment includes covering the tail with a bandage. The dressing should be changed after a while. 

For some sensitive dogs, a happy tail injury can be chronic, and sometimes even a tail amputation can take place. If you notice any bleeding, then consult the vet at once. 

5. A Dog’s Tail Helps Them to Move 

For many dogs, their tail acts as a counterweight that helps them balance their body and make sharp turns. 

While a dog runs, its tail sticks out and helps the dog to make precise turns and maintain its body balance. 

Dogs use their tails to balance on uneven footings like steep mountains and other rocks and trees.

6. Position of the Tail 

The position of a dog’s tail tells a lot about the dog’s mood and personality. If a dog’s tail is tucked between its legs, then it shows that the dog is submissive. 

If a dog is surrounded by other dogs and has his tail raised up, this means that he wishes to be the dominant one. 

Final Thoughts

A dog often puts its tail between its legs when it feels shy, submissive, or scared of something. The dog crouches low to show that he wishes to disappear. 

A dog owner should pat the dog to calm it and assure him that everything is okay. A dog uses its tail to express a lot of different emotions. 

We hope that this article acted as a guide for you and you were able to gain more knowledge.