Why Does my Dog Uncontrollably Hump the Air? [7 Possible Reasons]

We have all been there; we find our dogs humping the air, stuffed aminals, or even our legs. Of course, we think it’s a funny act, but why do our dogs randomly perform such a feat? Well, this is normal canine behavior. Dogs are playful creatures, and sometimes they show their excitement and playfulness in different ways; one way is through humping the air. 

This is not harmful or need for concern, but of course, you want to take action on stopping the behavior. It can be stressful for your pup even though it is a playful behavior, especially if you yell at the pup for doing it. It needs to be handled in a more calming way. There are several reasons why your dog could be uncontrollably humping objects or just the air. It could be from over-excitement to a female in heat is nearby and then some. 

Because there are so many reasons why your pup is humping the air, you want to be sure that you figure out the cause. This is because if your pup is humping the air uncontrollably, it could be an underlying medical condition that could be risking your pup’s life. You want to be alert of this behavior and pinpoint the reasoning. In this article, we will go over the possible reason why your dog is humping the air. Here are 7 possible reasons why your pet is humping. 

1. Overexcited

Your dog being over-excited can bring out the worst behaviors, like zooming or, commonly, humping. This is a common reason you sometimes find your pup humping the air. Of course, this is a despicable act that needs to be handled, but it is their way of showing that they are happy to be around you. 

Yes, your dog can show their excitement in different ways, such as running in circles or wagging their tails, but for other breeds, this is how they show excited behavior. So, when you see your pup humping the air near their favorite human, this is probably caused by being overexcited. 

2. Dominance

Other dogs may growl to show their dominance towards humans or other animals; others may hump the air. Dogs are naturally dominant creatures, so your pup showing who is boss isn’t abnormal. But of course, as the owner, you want to be sure to show them that you are the boss. 

This is mostly seen when it is a multi-dog household. Your pup wants to show the newcomer who is boss, so they may just hump the air around them. When this becomes an issue, you want to be sure to train your pup to know that you are the leader of the pack and not them. It could lead to other issues of dominance if not. So, if your pup is humping the air suddenly when you bring home your new addition to the family, they show the new pup that he is boss.

3. In Need of Playtime

Dogs are playful animals; they love to run around, chase other animals, humans, toys, etc., but sometimes when they are confused on how to show or be playful, they could hump the air. This is a common act if you don’t socialize with your pup at a young age. Because your pup is unsure how to socialize, they may hump the air to be playful and show excitement. It can be embarrassing when it does happen. 

You want to be sure that you socialize your pup at a young age to prevent your pup from humping when with other animals. Once your puppies are vaccinated and ready to be with other animals, you should be setting up playdates with other dogs. If you don’t socialize your pup, humping is the least of your worries; they could develop a dominant behavior that can cause issues at home and while with other dogs. 

4. Stress and Anxiety

Some dogs become quiet or growl when overly stressed or anxious, but others could randomly hump the air. There are many reasons why your pup could be excessively stressed or anxious. 

If you have moved recently, they could still be unsure or uncomfortable with the new environment. 

This is a common issue with most dogs; new places can cause bad anxiety for pups. They are uncertain about the safety of the location. If you work during the day and leave your puppy alone, this could amplify the new location’s stress. It can cause uncontrollable humping. 

 Another stress could be, your dog is being bullied. If you have a dominant dog in the house, be sure to watch for the signs of that pup being bullied by the other. It can cause uncontrollable humping and other issues. 

These are all everyday stresses and behaviors of overly anxious dogs. You want to be alert of your pups and specific actions. Be sure to find the reason why your puppy is stressed and try to resolve the situation. 

5. A Female is Near, and They are in Heat

One of the most common reasons your dog is humping the air is a nearby female in heat. This is especially common if they share a household, which could be difficult for the male dog. The heat pheromones could attract your male dog, sending them signals that they are ready to mate. This is a standard-issue that many dog owners tend to run into when they have a new pup in the house that hasn’t been neutered or spayed. 

6. Underlying Medical Conditions

If your pup is humping the air, but none of the reasons above are the cause, there may be an underlying medical condition causing your pup to hump the air. You want to be alert to their behavior and if it continues, be sure to act on it. Medical attention is needed if it continues. You could save your pup’s life if you work fast. There could be something seriously wrong with your furry friend. 

7. Seeking Pleasure

If your pup hasn’t been spayed or neutered, this could be a reason why they are uncontrollably humping the air. Your pup is seeking sexual pleasure with this act. Dry humping for pleasure is a common act that all puppies going through puberty do. Humans go through their own set of behaviors when we go through puberty as well. 

 This is a widespread behavior and should stop once they are spayed and neutered. If it doesn’t stop, you may have to train your pup to stop the playful behavior. 

Is Humping Unhealthy?

No, unless they are doing it because there is an underlying medical condition. If your pup is humping the air uncontrollably for none of the reasons above, there could be some medical condition you are unaware of. But if they are humping due to excitement, or a female in heat, these are common behaviors for male dogs. There is nothing to worry about, and it can be corrected easily. 

The only thing it could cause is embarrassment towards the owner. Yes, it can be embarrassing when you can’t control your dog. Having your dog hump the air or a guest is not an ideal situation, even though most people understand the reasons why your pup is doing. But if you take care of the bad habit right away, you shouldn’t have to worry. 


Humping is a natural behavior most male pups go through. Commonly, if your puppy is humping the air uncontrollably, it is due to being overly excited. Humping is not a condition that is usually harmful to your dog but can be embarrassing towards the owner. 

As the owner, you want to take care of the bad habit right away to ensure that your pup can get their excitement or playfulness out in a more positive way. There are plenty of ways to train your dog not to hump the air or another human quite easily. 

It is not an unhealthy act, but a playful behavior to show that they are happy. Puppies will hump the air, legs, etc.; it is a part of puberty and becoming an adult dog. Just like humans go through their own puberty acts, so do dogs. Of course, if your pup continues these acts while in adulthood, you should train them to stop the behavior. It will be better for all if you do. 


Why does my Dog Hump me While I Dance? 

Understandably, this can be a despicable act, and some owners could become upset when their dog is humping them. Just know that it isn’t harmful towards you or them. There are a few possible reasons why your dog is humping you while you are dancing.

You inspire your pup’s emotional excitement, which he will show through humping you. This a principal reason. Another, practicing good target selection. He might get a bad reaction if he was to hump another human, which is usually standard. There are plenty of ways to nip this bad habit in the bud. 

One way is to use voice commands like, “too bad,” and then turn away from your pup. If he continues, say, “too bad,” again, and go through a door or gate where they cannot get to you. Once they have calmed down, return to your dog, and give them a simple command like sit, stay, etc. They provide them with praise for good behavior with a treat and pets. 

Should I let my Dog Hump Stuffed Animals?

If you tend to freak out when you catch your pup humping stuffed animals, you shouldn’t. You have to remember that dogs do not have the same social norms humans do. When you catch your pup humping stuffed animals or a person’s leg, this is normal and healthy behavior. 

Of course, you want to nip the bad habit in the butt. You want to train your pup to show their excitement in another way. So, you shouldn’t allow your pup to hump stuffed animals as normal behavior; this is something that you should take care of. But it is not harmful in any way towards your pup, and it is just embarrassing and annoying towards the owner. 

Can Dogs get Sexually Attracted to Humans?

Dogs are attracted to humans groin areas, just like they are towards their species. Because we have the same apocrine sweat glands in that region, our dogs can receive details about us. The vomeronasal organ is located at the top of your pup’s mouth, where they can receive phenomenal information, such as social status and reproductive status. 

Women who are having their menstrual cycle or are pregnant may see more attention towards their dogs. So, not in the traditional way can they become attracted to humans, but they know certain human owners’ pheromonal information. 

Why Do Dogs Smell People’s Privets? 

It can be annoying, but there is a reason why your pup is sniffing your crotch. It is because of the glads. It is all because of the apocrine glands, which set of pheromones that give different information about us, such as age, gender, age, mood, and mate. Dogs have apocrine glands all over their body, but their most concentration is found in their genitals and butts. So, if you see dogs sniffing each other’s butts, that is why. 

All mammals have these glands; for humans, they are located in our armpits and genitals. Since dogs can reach our crotches, that is where their head usually goes to retrieve the information they need. Bloodhounds, Basset Hounds, and Bagels have an intense sniff skill, so theta re the breed that will most likely be sniffing crotches more often than other species. 

At What Age do Dogs Start Humping? 

When puppies become 6 to 8 months, they hit puberty. Around that age, they will start to hump as playful behavior. It is one of the ways your pup will discover their own strength and social standing. It can continue into adulthood if not trained out of the playful behavior.