Why Do Chihuahuas Tuck Their Tails? [Is This Okay]

It pains me whenever I witness a dog tucking his tail between his legs. This act signifies that the dog is nervous and so frightened that it wishes to disappear. 

This move is a signal that a dog gives to express that, “I am no threat to you, so please ignore me.” The dog crouches itself to make them look small. 

By crouching low, tucking its tail between its legs, flattening its ears, and averting its eyes, a dog expresses that he is scared and nervous about something. To know more about a dog’s habits and to learn more about a chihuahua and their habits, keep reading! 

Why Do Chihuahuas Tuck Their Tails? 

All dogs tuck their tails between their legs when they sense fear or are apprehended due to something present in their environment. 

There could be many reasons for a dog tucking its tail between its legs. We will be looking at some of the primary reasons for the same:

1. Aggression

Whenever a Chihuahua, or for that matter, any dog, tucks its tail between its legs, it is not necessary that the dog is scared of something. 

It could also mean that the dog is trying to hide behind a veil of innocence. If you are a stranger to a dog and find it tucking its tail, you should be vigilant. 

The dog could turn aggressive if it does not recognize you because a dog does not empathize with strangers. Hence one should stay alert as there is a chance of attack. 

2. Dominance

If other dogs surround a dog and it tucks its tail between its legs, then the dog is probably trying to express that it is not willing to fight. 

A dog tucks its tail between its legs to show that it is weak and is not interested in fighting the other dogs. He expresses that he isn’t dominating anyone. 

3. Submission

The male and the female Chihuahuas often tuck their tails between their legs to signify submission. It submits to its owner, showing that it bows to them and will obey them. 

They express submission to their owner or the person they live with. This implies that the dog submits to its role. 

So, if a chihuahua hides its tail when it looks at you, then stay away from the dog. Don’t try to get closer to the dog until it approaches you. 

You can make the dog trust you by feeding him biscuits or anything that it likes to eat. This way, the dog will feel comfortable in your presence. 

Is It Okay if a Chihuahua Tucks Its Tail Between Its Legs? 

A dog owner should try to comfort their dog if it crouches low and tucks its tail between its legs. This position means that the dog is apprehensive of something. 

The dog owner should try to find out the reason for this act of their chihuahua and try to solve it for them. They should assure their dog that their dog feels safe and secure. 

It is usual for a dog to feel scared or nervous, but it should be the dog owner’s responsibility to bring it back to its normal state. 

How to Stop a Chihuahua From Tucking Its Tail?

There are some ways to stop your chihuahua from tucking its tail, such as:

Make Him Feel Comfortable Around Guests

Chihuahuas may tuck their tail out of fear. So, if you have any guests around, ensure that you give your dog some space. It’s also best to not let the guests go near the dog, as he may act out. 

Find the Cause of Anxiety

Anxiety in dogs could be due to several reasons. For instance, some chihuahuas may feel anxious due to an underlying sickness, or due to sudden lifestyle changes like moving to a new house. 

Try to pinpoint what is causing your little furry friend anxiety, and come up with ways to rule it out. 

How to Read a Chihuahua’s Body Language?

We will be looking at the various eye movements, the various body movements, ear flattening moments, the position of a chihuahua’s tail, and more to understand a dog’s perspective. Keep reading. 

1. Frightened Chihuahua

A shy or submissive chihuahua is likely to make itself small by contracting its body. It shows that the dog is scared of something. 

The dog is likely to flatten its ears, tuck its tail, avert eye contact and shrink to a smaller size. The dog will try to contract its body to show that it wishes to disappear. 

2. Relaxed Chihuahua

A relaxed chihuahua will wag its tail neutrally and methodically. The dog’s mouth will be slightly opened. 

The dog’s ears would look relaxed rather than fully alert, and the eyes would appear soft. 

The dog will appear totally relaxed without a trace of tension or stress. The chihuahua’s weight would be distributed equally on all four legs. 

3. Dominant Chihuahua 

A chihuahua that wants to display its dominance or show its aggression will try to appear more prominent. 

The dog will stand straight and is likely to hold its tail on top or will push it straight out. The dog’s mouth will be closed and will make eye contact with its opponent. 

4. Play position

If you find a chihuahua with its front-end low and the back-end up, then this position implies that the dog is inviting you to play with it. 

The dog is likely to wag its tail and look at you with its lively eyes. This is a play-bowing position that is asking for your attention and time. 

5. Uneasy position

If the chihuahua flicks its tongue and licks its nose again and again, then this could mean that they are uneasy. 

In some cases, tongue flicking precedes snapping. Tongue flicking could mean that your dog might be checking a new friend of yours or focusing on learning a new trick. 

Final Thoughts

A chihuahua tucks its tail between its legs when it feels scared, apprehensive, or nervous because of a particular situation. The dog owner should try to calm down their dog using various methods. 

A chihuahua shouldn’t be pestered or provoked as they can be very dangerous and can act fierce when agitated. People should observe their body movements and pay heed to what they are trying to express through their body movements. 

We hope that this article helped you to know more about dogs, precisely a chihuahua’s positions and habits!