Why Do Cats Eat The Heads off Mice

Cats are very intriguing characters, aren’t they? While they make the best snuggle buddies, sometimes they do very peculiar things. Preferably like that time when your cat bit off the head of a mouse and brought it to you? Why do they do that? Cats are natural-born predators. Let’s read into more reasons why cats eat the heads of mice.

Why Do Cats Eat Mice?

Let’s start with the basics. Have you ever wondered why mice are a cat’s main nemesis? I’m sure Tom has his reasons when it comes to his persistent chase of Jerry.

Cats are natural predators. Nobody can help who they are or their background. Hunting is a part of a cat’s background. A cat needs to hunt mice as a will to survive if they are ever left on their own. 

Domesticated Cats Vs. Wild Cats

Domesticated cats have contrasting traits compared to a wild cat. Cats have been raised in a domesticated household where they don’t hunt. They have everything they need, whereas wild cats don’t. Cats who live in the wild teach their feral kittens to kill and hunt their prey.

Whether wild or domesticated, all cats should exercise the ability to hunt. Domesticated cats aren’t as intelligent when it comes to hunting, but they will still play with anything in their path because of instincts. Any predator would want to pounce on something with eyes.

What Do Cats Like About Mice?

Mice are easy targets for predators. Because of how small they are, it’s very easy for predators to scoop them up with their paws. Plus, they don’t pick up much of a fight. Cats love to stalk their predators. They like their skittering movements that prove to be unpredictable. 

How Do Cats Kill Mice?

It’s not a pleasant topic, but cats have their ways. All a cat has to do is chase after a mouse and catch it. The rest is in the book. 

Mice have tiny bodies. They are very vulnerable against any prey. Sometimes we don’t know how mice get killed. One reason why they are killed is due to their rapid heartbeats. Internal injuries are plausible the moment cats pounce on them.

The way cats pick up mice into their sharp mouths and shake them up vigorously also has something to do with how they are killed. Let’s take a look at this situation from the mouse’s perspective for a moment. Picture yourself as a mouse and then all of a sudden you are inside the jaws of a cat. That’s shocking. Most people tend to pass out from fear, so most likely the mouse so they are not even aware of what is happening. 

Even so, the principal cause of death is due to internal injury of the body. 

The Head is the Best

We’ll get right to the gross facts first. The reason why cats eat the heads of mice is that it is the most delicious part of the body. It contains the eyes. No, that is not unusual. It’s all a part of their attack ritual. All predatorial animals are like that. Most predatory animals home in on the eyes and face of the mouse as the part to attack and eat.

The head is the main treat while the cat treats the other half of the body like trash. The head of the mouse is a trophy. Even if the cat is not hungry they will still eat the head anyway. Don’t even try to distract your cat from eating that mouse head with their favorite treat. They’re just going to eat it anyway.

Why Not Eat the Mouse Whole?

Yes, cats can eat a mouse whole. They just choose not to. It depends on the circumstances if they want to eat a mouse whole or not. Besides, why eat the bottom half of the mouse, instead of the head. Cats don’t want to leave behind the head which represents their trophy. 

A cat will eat the entire mouse if it feels threatened. Cats who are alone will only eat the head. And then it will take its time to devour all the other parts of the mouse. However, if cats are surrounded by a lot of cats, that’s a different story entirely. 

The size of the mouse makes a difference, too. If it’s small, the cat will eat the entire mouse. As for bigger mice, they’ll set them aside and chew it in fewer bites. 

A Predator’s Instincts

Cat’s are predators. House cats are doing what they normally do. And that is to follow their instincts. The head of the mouse represents its prey. Cats eat mice because they are natural-born predators. They are prone to hunt mice when they see one.

Will They Kill a Mouse Each Time?

It’s not likely that cats will eat mice if they kill it successfully. Depending on what type of cat it is, they will decide on what they want to do with their kill. The cat may leave it where they left it after they have finished playing with it.

Why Did My Cat Bring Their Prey to Me?

Despite how gross this is, the cat is bringing their prey to you because it’s their way of trying to teach you how to hunt. Animals and humans have contrasting instincts. In a way, cats bringing their prey to you is their way of showing you how to hunt. They believe that humans have poor hunting skills. 

Or let’s also think of it as a special gift in gratitude for taking care of them. Now it’s your cat’s time to take care of you. That’s a sweet gesture. 

A cat bringing their prey to their owners also a symbol of how mother cats would teach their babies to hunt in the wild. The mother cat must teach their young how to hunt for food.

What is an Offering?

An offering is when a cat brings prey that is still alive to you. The reason behind why they did not kill it is because they don’t know how to do it themselves. Which is called an ‘offering.’

How Do I Know My Cat Has Killed a Mouse?

For owners who are unsure of the signs of when their cat has killed a mouse, read through this information. It is hard to tell, we’ll tell you that. Mice are tiny creatures. Because cats are crafty creatures they try to leave the murder scene clean.

Be on the lookout for any remains left behind of mice. That is a telling sign that there are mice in your home. 

Should I Let My Cat Kill Mice?

That is up to the pet owner. It is normal for cats to hunt and eat mice. In actuality, it’s better to let your cat eat mice, rather than chase after them. You should be asking if it is safe for your cat to be eating mice and rats. Most pet owners believe that having a cat around is the best idea to keep mice away. Think again.

Cons of Killing Mice/Rats

  • Bacteria
  • Spreading germs
  • Messes
  • It is not safe

What Happens to the Cat?

No need to worry. Cats eating mice is a normal thing. As mentioned in the cons, eating mice is dangerous. Mice carry roundworms, and other bacteria it brings. These roundworms can be dangerous for your cat. Owners also worry about the cats getting infected with rabies but that has been ruled out. 

Your cat will not contract rabies if they eat a mouse. If you are concerned about your cat getting sick, don’t let them kill a rat. Still, it’s all a part of a cat’s nature. It’s perfectly normal to see them hunt a rat.

Small rodents like rats and mice sometimes carry rabies in them. Further, they have transmitted it to humans, much less to cats that devour them. Additionally, with cats eating only the head of mice and discarding the body, there will be a lesser possibility for it.

Hunting Mice is Healthy for Cats

We understand why most pet owners don’t want their cats to hunt mice. It looks gross. Cats hunting mice is completely healthy and it’s a fun activity for all felines. The most important thing is to leave your cat be and never take their prey away from them while they are enjoying it. No, you don’t want to end up with scratch marks on your hand. Pet owners should never force cats to chase after mice. 

For your pet’s safety, don’t let them chase after mice. Most domesticated cats don’t want to chase after mice and rats. Instead, they would much rather chase after a toy. Offer your cat a toy in favor of hunting mice. Or you could spend more time with them in case they are bored. Helping them take their focus away from hunting mice is a better way than letting them go on with the horrible habit.