Cats are often portrayed as eating fish and drinking milk in our mainstream culture. Giving your kitty a piece of fish every now and then as a treat can be tempting. However, the question is should you be feeding fish food or fish to your cat? Is fish food bad for cats?
Fish is a terrific protein to include in a healthy, varied diet, but it is not biologically appropriate for cats. Regardless of how wild they get over it! Because cats adore fish and it has become extremely popular as cat food, many pet parents believe it is the best option for their cats. But is it really the best option? If not, then what else is the best option?
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We are going to find answers to all these questions in the upcoming segments of this article. So make sure you stick to us till the end!!
Is fish food bad for cats?
Raw fish, unfortunately, can contain bacteria that can cause food poisoning in your cat. Although the supermarket’s ‘fresh fish’ may appear to be a delightful treat for your pet, you should refrain from giving them raw fish just to be safe.
If you’re thinking about feeding your cat with fish or fish food, make sure it’s been cooked properly and doesn’t contain any potentially harmful additives, seasonings, or flavorings.
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Also, the enzymes in raw fish might degrade the vitamins in the fish, which is a nutritional consideration. This means that properly cooked fish will provide your cat with more vitamins than raw fish.
Can cats eat all kinds of fish?
You could be tempted to believe that just because fish is so good, you can simply serve a lightly cooked fish or the one that is poached in milk on occasion. But is it that easy?
Fish, like any other food, must be included in a well-balanced diet. And there is growing evidence that consuming only certain nutritional components of fish rather than every other fish can provide significant health benefits.
First and foremost, whether you are a cat or a cat owner, fish is an excellent source of protein. That means it provides a good amount of protein that the bodies of cats can use pound for pound and has the proper amino acids – protein’s building blocks – in the right ratios.
On the other side, some types of fish can diminish essential vitamins. So, if nutritional balance is to be achieved, feeding fish to cats needs to be considered a science. Another issue for cat owners is that cat food containing a lot of fish smells terrible! So make sure to choose a fish meal for your cat that doesn’t have a variety of fish in it and has a good nutritional balance to go along with it.
Now as we have learned a lot about fish food and what kind of food can be served to your cat, let us know a few more things like the history of domestic cats and their relationship with fish, the tendency of cats to get used to certain foods, and the advantages of protein-based oils, and so on.

The history of domestic cats and their relationship with fish
Our domestic cats evolved from Felis Silvestris, little wildcats whose diets consisted primarily of insects, birds, and rodents — and occasionally even newborn gazelles (Antelopes). Their natural diet did not include fish.
Egyptians, a nation populated by fishermen, were the first to domesticate our modern-day pet cats. They kept cats as companions at sea because they used them to catch rodents. The fishermen undoubtedly fed the cats fish while they were living on these boats, and here is where they acquired their first taste of fish! Even though cats appear to like fishing, it is not what they would be hunting in the wild!
However, some cats, such as Asiatic fishing cats, are highly specialized. This breed has webbed feet and feeds almost exclusively on fish.
The tendency of cats to get used to certain Foods
Because cats are typically picky eaters, most cat owners struggle to feed their cats. But did you realize that their peculiar traits are a result of their genetics? Cats have a natural tendency to consume the same foods they’ve always eaten; it’s part of their survival instinct. The mother cat teaches them what is acceptable and what is not, and as a result, kittens are hesitant to attempt new things later in life.
Cats are not only more difficult to transfer to new diets, but they are also more likely to become obsessed with certain food. That implies it’ll be hard to convince them to try other proteins if they’ve been accustomed to fish. When dealing with choosy dogs, you may usually try a fasting period to persuade them to eat; however, missing numerous meals can be quite dangerous for cats. Cats that go without food for lengthy periods of time can develop a variety of serious health problems, including fatty liver disease. So you need to be careful when you are feeding them fish or fish food.
Safe Ways to Feed Your Cat Fish
I understand that some cat parents would want to give their pets fish because many cats enjoy it and it’s difficult to say no to your adorable pet’s face. So, if you’re thinking of adding fish to your cat’s diet, here are some things to consider.
- If you’re feeding fish to your cat as part of a meal, mix it up with other proteins that your cat loves, so he or she is getting fish along with other essential nutrients for a healthy, balanced diet!
- Sardines (in water rather than oil) or dehydrated fish snacks are good options (like dehydrated salmon treats).
- Tuna should only be given as a small reward because it is higher on the food chain, meaning it contains more heavy metals and is also high in sodium, making your cat thirsty (even if it is served in water).
- Feeding in moderation and rotation is the key!
Cats are living creatures just like us and even they have their likes and dislikes. So make sure to feed them a balanced diet with the right amount of fish food and as per the instruction mentioned in the article.