Do Mice Take Dust Baths? [Is It Ok]

The first time I heard about dust baths, I was a bit skeptical about it. I found it fascinating that dust bathes were even a thing in the first place.  Initially, I though bathing my mice everyday was the right thing to do. However, rats do not require water bathes every single time. In fact, … Read more

Do Goldfish Like Moss Balls? [Answered]

I take pride in making sure that everything in put into my aquarium tank is in one way of another beneficial to my fish’s health and well-being.  Moss balls are beautiful aquarium plants that not only beautify the aquarium in general but can also serve as a play buddy for your gold fish.  MUST READ: … Read more

Should I Leave My Bedroom Door Open At Night For My Cat?

Cats have a history of not being told what to do. It has gotten to the extent that punishment or being scolded doesn’t work on them any longer. For you to successfully change a cat’s habit, making use of positive reinforcement is the only thing that works these days.  Because of this attitude they have, … Read more

Can Goldfish Live With Sharks? [If so, Is It Safe]

Goldfishes are freshwater fishes. I mostly kept them inside as an indoor aquarium pet. Goldfish are fantastic starter pets for kids or for people not allowed to claim cats, dogs or those with aversions to furred animals. By following appropriate taking care of methods and aquarium care, goldfish can satisfy a decade or longer. They … Read more

How Do You Get Rid of Reflection In a Reptile Tank? [Explained]

Reptiles are known to be reactive to their reflections. Some reptiles (e.g. lizards) are often territorial. So, they probably won’t like to allow others in their region. Since they don’t understand reflections, they consider their own reflection as another animal. Consequently, they react. If you’ve got a reptile tank, you may face this problem. What’s … Read more

How Long Should You Wait Outside For Your Puppy To Pee?

It is important to be patient when training our pup to pee outside since every pup will learn at his own pace. In addition, unless a dog is taught where to eliminate, he will go to the carpeting whenever it’s convenient and safe. Sadly, dogs don’t have the moral reasoning to know that peeing inside … Read more

Is Rain Water Good For Pond Fish?

Rain can help your pond by providing a free, gentle water source that is free of pollutants such as chlorine and chloramine. This “free” resource may not contain dangerous chemicals, yet it poses numerous risks to your pond. Rainwater quality varies by geography, with heavily industrialized areas releasing more toxins into the air and water. … Read more

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Head Butting The Glass?

When you notice your bearded dragon head rubbing against or scratching the glass, you’re probably curious as to why. Glass butting or scratching by bearded dragons is not typical of pet behavior, but it can be quite harmless at times. Bearded dragons usually communicate with humans in a variety of ways.  Arm waving and head … Read more

Is Slate Okay For Aquarium? (5 Facts to Know)

As a fishkeeper, there is a high chance that you may be looking for items to beautify your fish tank. Slates make perfect aquarium pieces as they provide safe bedding for fish as well as help keep the mineral balance in check in an aquarium. Your fish, too, would enjoy the natural habitat you make … Read more