How To Transport a Bearded Dragon In The Winter?

Just like every other reptile, the bearded dragons are cold blooded animals; they are ectothermic which means that they have to regulate their body temperature by moving to warmer or colder areas based on their needs. Their body temperature is the temperature of the environment they are in and so transportation during the winter might be a little more difficult. 

 It’s not totally impossible to ship your pet reptile in the winter, for example, a Styrofoam or other protected coolers to keep up with heat. In the event that my reptile is sufficiently little and hand restrained i can envelop them with a towel and fold them inside my comfortable coat. I can likewise have a go at expanding the temperature of a nook by setting something warm in with the reptile and afterward encasing the container/transporter.

Also, while going with a bearded dragon, keep them within a nook that gives space to move and is fixed with delicate material to pad any unexpected movement. Use hand warmers or intensity packs enveloped by a towel to give warmth. Secure the fenced in area set up to forestall hurt on account of a mishap.

Some vital factors to consider while transporting a bearded dragon


An essential worry for the transporter is that there needs to be legitimate ventilation.  My bearded dragon, similar to me, appreciates relaxing! Ensure they can do it by ventilating the transporter. Making a progression of little ventilation openings across the highest point of the transporter will get the job done pleasantly.

In the event that I’ve picked a plastic compartment with a tight-fitting cover, guarantee that you have more than adequate openings made. It’s likewise smart to put openings in the highest point of the transporter as well as on somewhere around one side too. This will help wind stream, which is great for your whiskery winged serpent!


Bearded dragon, while being genuinely strong for their size are additionally vulnerable to injury while voyaging. It means quite a bit to play it safe to guarantee they are protected. In the first place, try to fix the transporter with delicate towels. Don’t simply thud them on to an uncovered cardboard or plastic receptacle base. They not just need something to have the option to clutch, yet they need some cushioning for solace as well!, As the vehicle moves, the bearded dragon will slide around powerlessly without this sheet material. Indeed, even slight turns, minor speed increase, or delicate slowing down will send them slipping across the transporter and into the side of their voyaging fenced in area.

This sort of insecurity can cause both unjustifiable pressure as well as injury. Hence, I not just prefer to line the lower part of my transporter yet additionally permit the towels to cover essentially the base piece of the sides as well. Discussing the movement of the vehicle, relax! There is not a really obvious explanation to speed around, speed up hard, or brake rapidly. Take care not to be all herky-jerky in the driving.  Ultimately, try to lock in! Put the transporter on the seat of the vehicle and utilize the belt to get it set up. It will not do a lot of in that frame of mind of a significant mishap, yet it will help a ton assuming i need to ram on the brakes to stay away from one.


 Bearded dragons are ectothermic creatures, and that implies they get their required body heat from outside sources. All things considered, we aren’t attempting to repeat their vivarium for brief excursions. They won’t require a lounging spot. They just need an agreeable temperature however long the outing might last.

That implies that i’ll have to give a humble intensity source. The objective is to provide them with a temperature of 65-70℉ (18-21℃) at the low finish to around 90℉ (32℃) at the top of the line. While there are many ways of doing this, I’ve utilized two effectively and like them the best.

In the first place, don’t use too much. We utilize two in Bacardi’s boot box transporter, and it’s the ideal sum. Despite the fact that they don’t feel like it from the get go, heat packs put out a ton of intensity. They can become up to around 105℉ (41℃) in the right circumstances and regularly level out in the 80℉ territory (27℃).

Within a shut compartment, even one that is very much ventilated, a great deal of intensity can develop. We prescribe utilizing the temp firearm to test and screen exactly the number of i’ll require and to ensure i don’t get out of hand.

Recall our objective of 70-90℉ (21-32℃) however long the outing might last.   

Second, make a point to enclose the warmers by towels. They can get hot to the touch and my bearded dragon could consume itself assuming it chooses to lay straightforwardly on them. They vary in temp and can go from agreeable to hot pretty quick.

Third, keep them out of the way of the transporter. Very much like in a bearded dragon essential home, enable them to manage their temperature by drawing nearer to or further from the intensity source. The objective isn’t just to keep my bearded dragon warm yet to permit them to be agreeable also!


You need to pack sufficient food (the two greens and feeder bugs) as long as necessary. A little cooler will turn out perfect for this. I understand better compared to anybody what my bearded dragon likes, so I attempt to keep their eating routine steady if possible. Adding new food to the pressure of an excursion is an effective method for making my bearded dragon not have any desire to eat. Adhere to their top choices


Owning a bearded dragon shouldn’t be a difficult task- only if you make it one. 

In my opinion, they are incredible animals especially when kept as a pet. Yes dogs an cat make incredible family pets, but bearded dragon will not give you issues or stress like cats and dogs usually do.
